I agree.Racecarlock said:I think there needs to be more talk in this industry about developer entitlement.
While I agree that he comes off as an entitled little prick, is there any hard data to actually suggest such a strong correlation between LPs and sales? I mean, I know every thread about this will have people coming forth, but self-reporting in specific defense of an idea is hardly strong enough evidence for a conclusion.Ten Foot Bunny said:Without the LPers, the content from which he's demanding his windfall wouldn't exist in the first place!
I think there's probably a bigger problem at hand than your game being spoiled if it works like this.Happiness Assassin said:Watching Dear Ester on Youtube actually kept me from buying the game
Oh, I was talking about the money that LPers are making, the money that Phil is demanding a part (if not all) of. That money wouldn't exist for his taking if the LPers weren't around in the first place.Zachary Amaranth said:While I agree that he comes off as an entitled little prick, is there any hard data to actually suggest such a strong correlation between LPs and sales? I mean, I know every thread about this will have people coming forth, but self-reporting in specific defense of an idea is hardly strong enough evidence for a conclusion.Ten Foot Bunny said:Without the LPers, the content from which he's demanding his windfall wouldn't exist in the first place!
Yeah that's pretty much all that needs to be said on this matter. It's the undeniable truth that the main reason why people watch Youtube content is the people making it more so than the game being played, and that's what devs get out of it, exposure of their game to the Youtuber's audience. I know I watch a few Youtubers regularly regardless of what they're playing (hell, one of them is Jim Sterling, since when he's not fumbling with the controls or being SJW-lite, he's actually pretty funny).Amaror said:To anyone interested, TotalBiscuit made a video on the topic
Let's start with notion that reason for compensation is either that you cost publisher sales or that you add a little work that you piggyback on someones truckload of work and take the profit. Like, for example, if you spend few hours re-cutting movie and then selling that re-cut version on your own.duwenbasden said:What if I am interested in the LPer's adventures instead of the game? In an RPG, my adventures will have very little relation to the LPer's adventures. No, I do not watch ANY non-open world RPG LP, unless it is MST style ie. retsu, match cast.
I think the word you are looking for in this context is "patent". You made that stuff, you charge everyone that uses that stuff for other stuff.
Ah. My bad. Well....Ten Foot Bunny said:Oh, I was talking about the money that LPers are making, the money that Phil is demanding a part (if not all) of. That money wouldn't exist for his taking if the LPers weren't around in the first place.
One of the tricky issues here, one of the things an entitled guy like Phil Fish wouldn't like, is that I think the other side of the coin is good, too. I like watching Gameplay (not necessarily Let's Plays) of games because they can both encourage me and discourage me from buying. Sort of like reviews, only it's harder to fake with raw gameplay. And I think part of what sets people off is that it can be subtractive, but I would argue two points to that (Just listing them, not aiming them at you):As for increased game sales? No clue. I can only speak from personal experience that I've bought a few games after enjoying what I saw on YouTube. They were games that I was on the fence about, but watching some LPs convinced me to make the purchases, and I haven't been disappointed with any of them. Without a lot of disposable income, LPs are invaluable to my ability to be an informed consumer.
Not a huge fan of the democracy dev after I asked him a question about features of social engineering which he mocked and then later puts in as an expansion, but what exactly did he say about consumers having to much problem?Racecarlock said:Let's players already get ad revenue, so there's no need for the publishers to pay them as well.
But here's the thing. Not only did they already buy a game, which is like lamborghini demanding a cut of ad revenue from videos of lamborghinis, but in the end it is, yes, free advertisement. The fact is even if the game completely sucks and the let's player totally bashes on it, you're still going to get the morbid curiosity crowd. The crowd who says "Ooh, that looks terrible, I'd better see it for myself.". So while you might make less sales, you'll still make sales.
Even if you didn't, the god damn let's player bought the fuckin' thing. Some games may be more like movies than others, but saying let's plays are akin to piracy is fucking ridiculous.
And how convenient, right? You've got david braben going against used sales first. Then the democracy 3 guy says "No, I don't want sales, consumers have too much control, fuck that.". Then this douche has to come and demand that either let's players pay him for the very privilege of uploading some gameplay footage of the game, and other people (Wild something games, Muxwell) strike down negative opinionated let's plays.
I honestly think that these guys want an industry where you buy completely blindly at FULL PRICE into every piece of shit that gets shoveled into your face. No reviews, no used sales, no regular sales to lessen the risk, no let's plays to let you know if the game is worth it. They just get their money and fuck you in the process. Or the let's players have to pay the developer money to make their own video and essentially advertise the game without the developer having to do any work nor paying the guy, but they want money from the guy.
This is fuckin' stupid, and I really think these developers need to get their entitled little hands out of our pockets. And they need to stop trying to create an industry where nobody ever buys anything because they're too afraid to buy anything because nobody ever gets any information anymore other than trailers and dev diaries, both of which promise jesus but then you get shit when you actually buy it. And then, undoubtedly, they will then go "Why aren't people buying our games anymore?" like the whiny, entitled fucks that they are.
No you don't. If there is no one to play a game it doesn't do anything,the most popular let's players are popular because of their personalities not because of the games they play. Many companies do in fact recognize these people for what they are, free advertisement and like it when they play their games.veloper said:I don't have a problem with that.
If you're going to do more than just a review with some footage and instead show the whole thing AND you're making money from it, then credits where credits are due, you do owe the creator of the original content.