Piercings and body modification

KP Shadow

New member
Jul 7, 2009
I have a low tolerance for pain, so I probably wouldn't go for any sort of body modification, though if I had to get a tatoo, I'd probably get Hope Rides Alone tatooed on my shoulder with text like here [http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/16029771/images/1314076223182.jpg] or here [http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/215/1/e/hope_rides_alone_by_lydi_lydi-d432ekr.png]. Not a big fans of piercings. I'm not against the idea of them, or that I find them ugly, I just wouldn't go for one.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
I love a single side lip piercing.

I think its very hot. Sort of like a busted lip, but not? I don't know...

I'm not too big into lots of piercing or tattoos. I think it should compliment your body not directly change your look entirely.

I myself have a tattoo, but I'm not saying much about it other than my wife picked it out.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I have both my ears pierced and that is it for now.

Have thought about a nose ring, but don't want to mysteriously drop dead one day.
Thought about more on the upper part of my ear, but I'm a wuss and I know that shit hurts for a fact from a close friend.

I believe I wanted a tattoo once when I was a teenager, but I'm not so sure anymore.
I still believe I'll get one at some point.


New member
Nov 21, 2010
Akytalusia said:
I'm shocked, oh so very shocked by it all, I didn't want it like this, not like this.

madseverus said:
Aye I often garner some funny looks when I'm out in the city just from something like a nose ring on a guy. That said, being in England, I get funny looks for having long hair, it's ridiculous how judgmental people are here, even complete strangers have commented.

piinyouri said:
Your friend might just be a wimp, I got that done, was my least painful one, even lobes hurt more than that, I say go for it.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I dunno, never found piercings something I'd like, I remember when people used to have them little round studs in their ear and for some reason I always imagined one popping off of someones ear and I'd end up choking on it or something.

Also I see earrings on a woman a bit of a turn off, especially big ones, because when a girls got a nice face, the earrings keep putting me off, just there glimmering and it bugs me for some reason. Also nose piercings put me off though some lip piercings do look cool.

And I also can't stand ear stretchers, I always imagine the smell of stinky cheese and rubber when I see them.

Tattoos I don't mind at all (in fact I wouldn't mind having one) and sometimes they look cool or attractive (on a girl) but I don't like tattoos where the writings been badly done or seems crooked as if the person doing it wasn't well trained or couldn't give a shite. I also don't like tattoos that are just a patch, like it looks like something that can't be continued or have something added on to it.

But people can do what they want, I ain't the one to say what you can and can't do after all.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
I have a number of piercings, though nothing I would consider too "out there." Five in my left ear, Seven in my right, though I just wear simple silver rings. Right nostril also has a small silver ring through it, and my eyebrow had a spiral through it, though one piercing grew shut during an MRI and so now it's just a basic curved barbell. It sounds like a lot, but it's actually pretty subtle - you actually have to look closely to see them in pictures - and I'm of mixed ethnicity and been told that it just goes along with the sort of "exotic" look I've got. I also have (neatly kept) dreads, so.

I've got at least one tattoo planned, though it's got sentimental value and won't be just a boring, meaningless generic one.

While I can understand how some people may not like the look, and there are definitely some people that go more for the shock value, I don't really have a problem with it. I do think that it's important to consider your reasoning for doing it, and think carefully about the potential consequences of having it done. If you plan on being in a pretty strict line of work, or you're in a situation where you may be doing a lot of public relations or dealing with customers? Might be better to avoid it, or realize that you'll have to put effort into making the considerations (such as where to put it) or cover ups (clothing, removal of piercings, etc.). If you're going to be in an industry where it doesn't matter... well then, it's really nobody's say but yours. It's your body, after all.

In the end everybody's got their own opinions on stuff. If you don't have body modification that people disagree with or dislike, you might well be dressing in a way that people don't like. Or wearing your hair in a way people don't like. Can't please everybody all the time.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Got my labret pierced about 4 years ago ... wow, time flies.

Got a tribal left sleeve tattoo, started when I was 18. Did all but the back of my arm in the space of 6 months then had the back of my arm done when I was 22 (I think).

I know "everybody has got a tribal" but I didn't get it for other people to go "oh my look at that tribal" ... I got it 'cos I wanted it.

I think people who say "I am only going to get tattoos that mean something to me" are being a bit arrogant. I don't know if it's just me being insecure but it just sounds like they are trying to be superior to me.

If anybody is of that mindset of "I am only going to get tattoos that mean something to me" and tell me what you think of people like me, who get meaningless ones 'cos I am quite interested.


New member
Sep 6, 2011
I don't know if I'd date a guy with serious piercings, I find extenders and such a little too much. Tattoos are fine, however, as long as they aren't on the face or everywhere. Many of my friends have a ton (I'm waiting until I lose some weight to get mine as I don't want them to change shape) and I have no issues with some.

Honestly, though, I can't aruge with things people have been doing for ... forever. I will still find people covered in body art/modifications attractive and intelligent, I just may not want to date someone with giant holes in their ears or a tear tattooed on their face.


Zombie Steve Irwin
Feb 22, 2009
I have 8 piercings, one of them is a lip ring and 3 are ear stretchers.
I also have a tattoo on my left leg and a full sleeve on my left arm.

I'm planning on getting 1 or 2 more piercings and as soon as I can afford it I'm continuing on my quest to get my whole body tattooed, so I think I count as one for a positive opinion of body mods.

However, I would never get my dick pierced, its not wrong, its just gross.

I'm also one of the few men I know who likes extensive tattoos on women.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
No piercings or tattoos.

Don't really want any either.

Attractiveness ranges from "slightly worse than without" to "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU POSSIBLY DO THAT?"


Resident Furry Pimp
May 8, 2011
For me, too many piercings is a bit over the top. I don't mine pierced ears, a lip ring here, eye-brow there... But anything more extreme? no thanks. When your face makes a metal detector squeal that loudly, I'll go the other direction.

Aside, I'm Inflatable. One pop and I'm gone.

That said, Tattoos? Love them. Love unique ones though. I'll pass on the generic ones, the tramp-stamps, and what have you. Go for unique patterns that mean something, or something you wanted from the get-go, not something you wanted to show off. Not so much interested in seeing a horse on your leg either. I'd show you mine, but sadly, it is on another computer.

... Completely covered, are you? Grrr-owl. @Idlemessiah, add another one to your list.

Boba Frag

New member
Dec 11, 2009
Pretty negative sounding bunch on the whole issue so far... Shame, I couldn't disagree more.
I've only the one piercing myself (left ear, helix piercing) and I've had it about 3-4 years now... I think... It's been a while!

I think that they suit some people more than others, but it's always down to the individual.

Tattoos of meaningless stuff bug me, because they're usually just done to show off or project a rebelliousness predicated on conformist tendencies...

Symbols, art, hell, even comic book stuff that genuinely means something to their wearer, however.. Totally different story!
Still, what I find unfortunate is the sheer cost involved in getting the quality stuff done. It's worth every penny, in fairness, though.

One of the most impressive ones I've ever seen was of Albrecht Durer's representation of the Apocalypse, with soldier skeletons marching to war around a friend's bicep. Incredible stuff- it looked exactly like the original woodcut...

There was a lot of thought and consideration, but also skill and taste that went into that particular example.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
I've sometimes entertained the idea of getting a tattoo. A small one that I can keep out of site when required. Really not keen on the idea of piercings though.

But that's just me, in regards to other people it's their body, their business as far as I'm concerned, and I have no strong feelings about them one way or the other. I do think some people suite them more than others do though.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I don't have any piercings or tattoos, although I've been thinking about getting an interrobang ("?!") tattoo on my fingers, 'cause I think it'd look cool. I'm very minimalist in my taste for tattoo design, like simple symbols and stuff. Beyond that, it just doesn't look good to me. That said, I don't really find tattoos or piercings to be attractive, and only unattractive in excess.

The worst body mod I've seen is that ribbon thing [http://www.bodypiercingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/corsetpiercing.gif] people do to their backs. I can only ever imagine those catching on something and being torn out. Also, really big gauges. Those are especially bothersome to me. EDIT: Totally remembered about (NSFW) frenum piercings [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenum_piercing]. Those are just... euheianpgj. How people get themselves to do that is beyond me.


New member
May 26, 2009
I don't have any of either but tattoo's can be pretty good looking when done right while piercing's are just meh to me. I don't plan on getting any tattoo's for a while though since I'm just going into college.

Off Topic: This past year I actually found out that my debate couch (also an English teacher) had 3 tattoo's. At a boring debate tournament he actually told how he got them all. I personally thought the best story was how he got his first tattoo that was a Celtic cross covering 3/4 of his back.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
I have 10 piercings. Ears 6 total (gauged on bottom to 2), eyebrow, tounge and others. >.>
Too much of a pansy to get tattoos XD Just haven't found the tattoo I want yet.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Boudica said:
My brother once showed me a video of a woman having her labia cut off by her boyfriend. That's some hardcore modification!

I don't have anything, though. I'm boring :D
Your brother showed you that... that's, a little messed up I have to say.

Not that the video in itself doesn't sound messed up to begin with. I mean Christ! I knew that people do sometimes have their labia cut down (I've always thought it to be pointless and counter-productive even as far as cosmetic surgery goes, but I digress). Seriously though, If you're going to let someone take a scalpel to such a sensitive part of your body, let it be a fucking professional, not your boyfriend. I mean, I wouldn't just let my girlfriend circumcise me, especially if she wanted to film it. I'd run a mile at the very suggestion!


New member
Jan 19, 2012
Painfully unattractive to me in each case. Piercings especially, outside of earrings, they all just seem to me as either distractingly gross or strikingly trashy. Earrings I can tolerate, but more than one continues the cycle of trashiness to me.

Tattoos I have a problem with because people get such stupid ones, but on occasion, I'll see one I like on someone's arm.