Pillars of Eternity Game-Breaking Bug Alert


Hat Man
Jul 8, 2011
San Diego, CA
snekadid said:
If someone played for more that 10 minutes they would have equipt a new piece of gear and found this bug.
Nah, the bug only occurs if you double-click to equip something when you don't have an open slot for it. That's exactly the sort of bug that tends to sneak through, on account of the fact that you'd never intentionally do it in normal gameplay.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Still better than a Bethesda release though. Obsidian has been doing better now that they aren't being rushed to make games by publishers.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
I take it the character sheet display for the buffs disappears as well? Am I correct in understanding that? It's not just a backend thing? Because I can't remember if I've double clicked to equip anything yet, or just dropped it on the character doll.
Apr 5, 2008
This must have affected me. My pale elf druid definitely had his racial bonus for a bit, but it disappeared two days ago. So he's lost his 10 DR to fire and freeze, it's annoying but not the end of the world. It's definitely not game breaking...I'm up to level 7, just finished Dyrford village and I'm managing just fine.

Thanks for the heads up all the same. I hope there's a bug fix for it...altho unless it's retroactive or there's a dev console command to fix it, I won't get it back this playthru.

Only other bug I've encountered is the ranger debuff from when their pet dies in combat, persisting even after the pet gets up again.


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
Supahewok said:
snekadid said:
My question is thus, even considering obsidians shit tier level of bug checking, HOW THE FUCK did they miss something like this? It's the most basic command in a RPG.If someone played for more that 10 minutes they would have equipt a new piece of gear and found this bug. Did they manage to get it to launch without crashing or instantly frying your hard drive and label it a success?
My guess is that the Day One patch caused the bug. It wasn't an issue in the backer beta, from what I hear, and also the rest of the game is really well polished. Aside from some scrolling issues when you have multiple item description popups and one time when half of a certain character's voice acting got eaten somehow, I haven't encountered any bugs in 20+ hours of game time. Shit is downright stable compared to KOTOR 2, NWN 2, Alpha Protocol, or any Bethesda game. Better than a lot of AAA releases last year, let me tell you.
Not true, I don't recall any game breaking bugs in Dishonored. O you missed New vegas, the Obsidian game with more game breaking bugs still existing than Skyrim had at launch.

God... why did you have to list those games.... The only one I have fond memories of playing are alpha protocol which was very bug free during my play through. Kotor 2 ended in the mandolorian camp when my character put on light speed shoes and would teleport into walls making progression impossible. NWN 2..... AHAHAHAHAH....no.... got better with community patches but that shit doesn't work with just the obsidian patches.

You probably shouldn't compare anything to last year unless you're insulting it, as saying something was better than a game last year is like saying it took more than 30 minutes to give you a tumor. Its not praise, its just saying its better than a kick to the balls.

If you missed it, I don't have a very high opinion of Obsidian, not because they make bad games but because they release broken games and then never fix them. Half their games need community patches to be considered stable. It drives me insane as the ONLY time I ever found that acceptable was when vampire the Masquerade: BloodLines did it and that's only because Troika flat out died and wasn't able to patch it, Obsidian still being alive doesn't get that excuse.


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
Pyrian said:
snekadid said:
If someone played for more that 10 minutes they would have equipt a new piece of gear and found this bug.
Nah, the bug only occurs if you double-click to equip something when you don't have an open slot for it. That's exactly the sort of bug that tends to sneak through, on account of the fact that you'd never intentionally do it in normal gameplay.
...What? you mean, you, during the course of normal gameplay, would never double click a piece of gear to equipt it when the slots already filled? You mean you would never replace old gear with better gear? I'm not mocking you so much as confused as to your meaning since what you just said sounds exactly like how game play in a RPG works. Or were you being sarcastic, because that would make more sense.


New member
May 3, 2011
A fan made fix is already out on the nexus, but ofc who would check modding sites when the game was made using Unity which is famous for giving the middle finger to modders:

A side effect - You can't split stacks of items in inventory since it's made by double clicking.


Disembodied Floating Skull
Feb 28, 2009
NoShoes said:
Blah Blah Blah


Hyperbole much? This bug is in no way game breaking and I doubt many wouldn't even notice if they had it.

Poor Obsidian, I've dropped over 30h into PoE and haven't seen a single bug yet. It is literally the least buggy game I have ever played and yet they still get flak over one bug.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Supahewok said:
snekadid said:
My question is thus, even considering obsidians shit tier level of bug checking, HOW THE FUCK did they miss something like this? It's the most basic command in a RPG.If someone played for more that 10 minutes they would have equipt a new piece of gear and found this bug. Did they manage to get it to launch without crashing or instantly frying your hard drive and label it a success?
My guess is that the Day One patch caused the bug. It wasn't an issue in the backer beta, from what I hear, and also the rest of the game is really well polished. Aside from some scrolling issues when you have multiple item description popups and one time when half of a certain character's voice acting got eaten somehow, I haven't encountered any bugs in 20+ hours of game time. Shit is downright stable compared to KOTOR 2, NWN 2, Alpha Protocol, or any Bethesda game. Better than a lot of AAA releases last year, let me tell you.
Agreed. Smooth as silk, beautiful as anything and more fun than I ever hoped it would be. Man....I SO hope this is the start of a new golden era for RPGs.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
snekadid said:
My question is thus, even considering obsidians shit tier level of bug checking, HOW THE FUCK did they miss something like this? It's the most basic command in a RPG.If someone played for more that 10 minutes they would have equipt a new piece of gear and found this bug. Did they manage to get it to launch without crashing or instantly frying your hard drive and label it a success?
I bet it's rather easy, seeing as I've double clicked hundreds of times and never once encountered this bug. How are you supposed to catch a bug no one reports? Besides, the game is really, really well polished all in all.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Obsidian does fantastic work. I don't have this game yet but I have yet to be truly disappointed by any of their games so I'll get it sooner or later.

This looks like the kind of thing that must have come out in a day one patch. I'm sure they will get it fixed. It's not like they are the only dev to have bugs at launch. They simply get ragged on for it more.


New member
Dec 4, 2012
I read this and imidiatly load up my game in fear of having done just this, only to realise that durning my now 40 hours played I have not a single time double-clicked an item to equip it. How that is possible considering I do this in nearly any other game is beyond me, I just drag and drop itmes for no apperent reason. So yeah, all my characters have all their stats still. Pehw...

Only bug I've seen so far is that my tank apperently has the "blind" status, but does not have any penalties for it (as in no hit to his accuracy), and as far as I can see he's doing just fine. Sort of just shrugged it off pritending he lost his eyesight somewhere along the way, but somehow learned to just sense the world around him instead. I think it was when he tried to pet the fox companion because he just can't resist it and it scratched his eyes out.
Edèr don't need eyes, he's just too awesome.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
Obsidian games have more killer bugs than Starship Troopers.

I'm actually downloading it right now, but maybe I'll wait for a few patches before I play it. I have Bloodborne to keep me busy right now anyway.

Secondhand Revenant

Recycle, Reduce, Redead
Oct 29, 2014
The Nine Hells
After I heard about the bug from a friend I realized I'd been dragging and dropping the entire time and thus was not affected