Kuala BangoDango said:
For the life of me I can't understand why we, as Americans, refuse to let other countries have the same rights as we have.
Thats what we, as an ALLIED force (US, Britain, Denmark, Estonia, and a heap of other nations) are trying to do in Afghanistan.
You seem to think we're just using drones to randomly blow up brown people. We're not, we're using them to help secure the freedoms of the people of Afghanistan.
Really simply freedoms you might take for granted, like women going to school, listening to music, not being told what crops to grow in your fields by the government.
All of the above are freedoms that the Taliban, should they retake power, will deny the people of Afghanistan.
They don't want women educated, they have it in for music, and they bully farmers to force them to grow poppy (so they can ultimately get Heroin into western markets), or - when they feel the price of Heroin isn't high enough, they burn all the poppy farms in order to allow prices to rise (as happened in 2001).
In short. "Freedom" is not simply leaving other people to be oppressed.
Just my opinion anyway.
Frission said:
Myrmecodon said:
If anything, the pilot is more likely to make bad split-second decisions because he's high on adrenaline and testosterone from going as fast as the plane. Also, pilots are hard to replace in the thick of combat, so they don't get criticized as often.
What drone pilots need is more levity, not less.
Good Guys/Bad Guys is a child's notion. You should have lost that concept by the time you reach adulthood, which I'm guessing these "pilots" are supposed to be. These "Bad Guys" are often just good guys born on the wrong side of an imaginary line drawn on a map.
A line is an imaginary construct. A jurisdiction, a territory, and a cause that motivates people to fight is anything but.
How anyone can label "Bad Guys" all these women and children we keep "accidentally" killing just because we thought the firewood they were carrying were guns is beyond me.
They would not spare our own women and children if they had the chance. Most likely the woman would be made prostitutes and the children made slaves, and both converted to Islam on pain of death. Their women might even volunteer to perform clitoridectimies on ours, and their children offer to introduce ours to the joys of anal rape as a form of social domination [http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/gnxp/2011/08/1-out-of-3-young-iranian-men-gay/#comment-80762](BUT IT'S TOTALLY NOT HOMOSEXUAL UNLESS YOU'RE THE ONE UNDERNEATH.) Or just sell them to some tribe of goat herders to be a 'dancing boy' for the various old men in need of release.
Should any be spared in a war you're serious about fighting? Are those who do the 'dirty work' of actual fighting and killing somehow less valuable than those who are arguably being cowardly non-aligned with their countries' interests?
Should we be all po-faced about it, intoning EVERYTHING WE DO IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL LAW when we really should be saying "Yeah, I killed those sorry sons of bitches who were carrying wood for the guys who killed my bros, and I'd do it again if I had to!"
That's an animalistic viewpoint, you know that?
What a great world view you have.
I can now understand how some people can rationalize the incessant killing and "collateral damage" done in the wars. The war for Iraq and Afghanistan was a country building mission, but I suppose it was doomed to fail to fail when you have U.S soldiers who went thinking "let's kill everyone brown".
I doubt it will happen, but I hope some people involved in these wars are incarcerated fro war crimes. The U.S messes everything up and the N.G.O's have to clean everything up.
We still had to clean up messes in Vietnam, a war which was pointless and was entirely the fault of the U.S. Don't be so proud, of the horrible things that may happen or which were done.
OP: That's great news. I already knew that though. Although the rate of non-militants killed by drone attacks still makes me doubt some of the pilots.
Okay, you're aware that Pashtun culture, particularly in Helmand, does in fact allow for the anal rape of young boys? That's not some kind of 'animalistic viewpoint', it's a fact - their cultural norm involves anal rape of young boys. It includes the oppression of women.
I do not consider these to be acceptable cultural differences between myself and Pashtuns. Acceptable cultural differences include me eating with a knife and fork, and them with their right hand - that doesn't hurt anyone.
Once again, you seem to think we just go over and indiscriminately kill any brown person. That's really not how it works. You only hear about civilian casualties on the news, you don't hear about the hundreds of Insurgents who are killed or captured after thousands of hours of painstaking research, data gathering, and hundreds of people analysing every single aspect to try and avoid casualties.
Even then, many of the supposed "innocents" who are reported (particuarly in Pakistan), are in fact Insurgents, however the Insurgent propaganda machine tends to be better than ours (in that they have one, wheras our military is forced to be as above board as possible).