Pivotal games from your gaming experience


New member
Apr 7, 2014
So my mind wandered into this subject recently. I started thinking about what games I played as a kid that really shaped what I appreciate and what I tend to gravitate towards now. A lot of these games were on the SNES, the N64, and the original Gameboy. But I think my biggest influence was probably the N64 and the SNES (born in '88). So I made a list of my essential N64 games: (in no particular order)

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask
Super Mario 64
Super Mario RPG
Perfect Dark
Jet Force Gemini
Super Smash Bros.
Paper Mario
Super Mario 64
Resident Evil II
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2
Gauntlet Legends (Yes!!!)

I think that's it for my essential list on the N64. There were others I played but I think these ones were definitely the major influences. I guess now I tend to play RPG and action/ adventure games. And I tend to shy away from RTS, sports games, and first-person shooters (this one is kind of weird. I will play FPS but it has to have something special to it, like Borderlands or Fallout 3/NV). I guess I could make a SNES list too...

Anyways, so what do you guys think? Did I miss anything on the 64? What other games and other platforms were completely pivotal and essential to your gaming experience? Have at it!


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Final fantasy . The original one. It thought me to read and sparked my interest in gaming as a whole, mainly Jrpgs. The NES and SNES made me appreciate a challenge, fake or real. Wanting to overcome the odds, and solve puzzles without outside help. It taught me perserverence.

For me the most important games that influenced me and what i like were:

Final fantasy
Final fantasy 6
Contra 3
Super streetfighter 2 turbo
Mortal kombat
Secret of evermore
Crash bandicoot (1)
Golden eye 007

I mostly play Jrpgs and Fighting games now, with the occasional FPS/TPS.


Note that these are not a top 10 favorite game list, just games that shaped what i've come to enjoy. Only two of those games are on my personal top 10 : Lufia and Final fantasy 6.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
The biggest one for me would be Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. It is the first RPG I ever played and i was hooked, simple as that.

Other games however in no order, but all influence me would be....

Halo Combat Evolved
Pokemon Silver (I also played Blue, but mostly silver)
Age Of Empires
Medieval 2 Total War
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
Medal Of Honour Frontline
Metroid Prime


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Only gamed this century, I feel like such a noob :S


Half-Life (earliest I can remember)
Train Town and Unidentified Wacky Races game.
Stronghold Crusader
The Simpsons Hit and Run
World of WarCraft
Crash Bandicoot (got a PS1 in 2005/6 ish)
Gears of War (got a 360 for Christmas 2007)
Halo 3
Saints Row (and 2, kinda)
Call of Duty: World at War (though I have played all of them when they were newish, I was team Halo 3 during that whole rivalry).

From then onwards I'd say it's not the shaping of my gaming life thing. The 2010s has been a time where I've tried to expand my gaming even when it's still cripplingly small.


New member
Apr 7, 2014
Major error, I did forget a bunch on my N64 list.

Ogre Battle 64
Starfox 64
Mystical Ninja
F-Zero X
and then a couple of weird ones that I remember playing a lot for some reason: Operation Winback and Hybrid Heaven

I also realized that I don't play a lot of racing games nowadays.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Oh, a bunch of things.

Sonic the Hedgehog and Banjo-Kazooie gave me a fondness for platformers, while Kirby 64 made its way in as one of the sole Nintendo properties I actually care about.

Pokemon Red/Blue and Final Fantasy VII started me on JRPGs, while Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic started the introduction to other types.

Star Trek Armada was likely my first RTS, though I didn't grow up with many others.

Star Trek: Birth of the Federation was my introduction to strategy games and, more specifically, 4X games.

Star Wars Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II was the first first-person shooter I ever really played, as my parents felt Doom and Wolfenstein were too violent for me.

Star Wars Episode I - Racer was about the only racing game I ever really got into, and to this day I still quite enjoy futuristic racing titles like Wipeout, though I wish we'd get another podracing game.

Dragonball Z Budokai and Super Smash Bros. Melee influenced me on fighting games. I still can't get the hang of the Street Fighter-esque ones, though.

Star Wars Rogue Squadron for flight sims. I'd say Wing Commander as well, but I was never good enough to get anywhere in those games.

In a far more modern capacity, World of Warcraft was a huge part of my life for five and a half years and made me pretty fond of Blizzard overall, even going back to get the original Starcraft and Warcraft III. And Devil May Cry 4 was the first PS360-era video game I played on my PC, which prompted me into wanting a proper PC I could game on again.

I think that should about cover it.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Super Mario Bros is what really got me into gaming I had gamed before but this is the only one that really impressed me and got me into gaming as more than just a passing interest.

Final Fantasy VII made me re-evaluate an entire genre (RPGs) probably the first game that actually wowed me (there still have not been many that have really blown me away) it also got me to try out more genres not just RPGs (I hated RPGs before this game even the excellent FF VI I hated before going back to it after VII).

Street Fighter 2 got me into fighters which is still one of my favourite genres.

Valkyria Chronicles got me to enjoy a genre I never really liked much and re ignite my interest in gaming a bit its one of the games I recall the most fondly second only to VII.

These are probably the most pivotal ones I dont think there were really any from the C64 and Speccy era for me except maybe Bubble Bobble I played that to death back in the day on C64.


New member
Jan 21, 2014
Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt - the first video game I can remember playing. Of note is the fact that like SMW and SM Paint some years later, it failed to turn me into a gamer.

Castlevania - The first video game to really grab my imagination as a very young child and not let go. I had only had it rented back then so I never got to actually play it much back in the day. I did eventually reacquire and beat it 20 odd years later.

Doom95 - Had a lot of fun with this, but mostly wound up cheating and never played it too seriously in the 90s.

Jurassic Park: The Lost World- The first game I got with my shiny new PS1, it helped convince me for several more years that gaming just wasn't for me. As I was too young, stupid and inexperienced to realize it was just an awful, awful licensed game. And while I would play other games in that era, mostly Crash and Spyro since that was what was gifted to me, none of it really grabbed me.

Sly Cooper Trilogy - "Hey, 3D platformers can actually be really fun!"

Serious Sam Gold (the First and Second Encounter) - My first multiplayer co-op shooter experience. This game was not only very fun but also very important in my life for other reasons. This game and the person I played it with are the most responsible for me becoming a gamer.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - "Hey, I love games with RPG elements! I'm going to play ALL the Castlevania games!"

"Final Fantasy IX" - "Hey, turns out I can actually enjoy jRPGs, I love this game!"

"Final Fantasy VI" - "Hey, I love jRPGs!"

"Final Fantasy VII" - "Well, not ALL jRPGs..."
Aug 31, 2012
Streetfighter 2: It was the in thing at the time, bought a SNES for it. Might not have got into computer games were it not for this.

Tekken: got me into fighting games for a while

Unreal Tournament: Taught me the beauty of mods.

Goldeneye: prior FPS games didn't really do it for me, this did, played lots of them after this but stopped after MW1.

Settlers 3 got me into RTS and by extension TBS.

Music for the PS1 got me into making music.

Neverwinter Nights got me into 3rd person RPGs. Pretty much all the others I've tried have been a massive letdown, but I keep looking.

Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader. Not a computer game, but being based in Warhammer/40K or having had someone mod it in increases the chances I'll buy a game drastically. Dawn of War hooked me back into playing games around 2007.

Final fantasy VII: put me off JRPGs.

Fallout 3: Bethesda 1st person RPGs. Awww yeah!

Super Bomberman: Console multiplayer. Would be nice to still have friends that were into that sort of thing.


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
The most significant game for me is Warcraft 2. I was hooked to it the moment I saw it at my cousin's place.

Warcraft 2 introduced me to fantasy. This not only led me to play other fantasy games like Baldur's Gate and Diablo (and thus discover RPGs, which are my favourite games nowadays), but also got me to read fantasy books like Tolkien's and others. Not to mention discovering Blizzard, the company in whose games I've spent most of my gaming time so far.

So Warcraft 2 really shaped my gaming preferences and my love for fantasy in other mediums. That's pretty impressive, I think.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
Super Mario 64 - My very first game, and a fine start. Bloody entertaining, with so many varied worlds and levels that everything was fun. And maybe this is just me, but I love the fact that they included the little camera guy as an actual character. Just an awesome bit of immersion, even if it didn't always make sense.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. If you've played it, you know why. Dark, powerful, artistic, stylish, dramatic and funny... this game had everything.

Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne. This introduced me not only to strategy titles and high fantasy, but to gameplay/story integration and game mods. This... this was just amazing.

Kotor 2: This was my first RPG with dialogue trees, with full control and customization of my character. That... was just amazing to me.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Fable: The Lost Chapters and Half-Life 2 were both HUGE in shaping not only the kind of gamer I am now, but the kind of person I am now. Trying to actually describe the effect that they had on my life would do both a disservice.


New member
Jan 21, 2014
Zykon TheLich said:
Final fantasy VII: put me off JRPGs.
Was it the first one you tried? If so I'd suggest giving the genre another shot. It'd be a shame otherwise, like having your first superhero film be Batman & Robin. I suggest giving Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy VI a try.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
There were a number of games over my life time that helped get me into gaming and some that cemented my fascination and love-affair with the medium.

I had had some experience with PC gaming in the late 80's in the form of such classics as Zork, but most of my early gaming experience revolved around Nintendo, Sega, and Atari consoles - notably the NES and SNES. However, going into the mid-90s I began to rediscover; so to speak; the wonders of PC gaming. Doom and Doom 2 started that rediscovery. The one that truly resparked my fascination and near-obsession with the medium, and the one that showed me there was so much more that gaming could offer that other mediums couldn't offer in terms of storytelling methods, was Half-Life. From there the likes of Homeworld, Starcraft, Deus Ex, Diablo 2, and others pretty much guaranteed my continued love of PC gaming - and gaming in general.

So for a short list, and in no particular order, here are some games that have left a lasting impression on me:

Super Mario Bros
Earthworm Jim
Donkey Kong Country
Perfect Dark
Super Mario 64
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Banjo Kazooie
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Half-Life 2
Metroid Prime
Doom 2
Lode Runner: TLR
Counter-Strike 1.6
MechWarrior 2
Freespace 2
Unreal Tournament

Um...that's turning into a not short list, so I'll just stop there.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
Super Mario World - First game I can really remember that was mine, on my first own system (rather than my uncle's stuff). I measure any and every platformer against Super Mario World, I haven't played anywhere near enough that hold up imho.

WarCraft 1 - Back in middle school I friend was excited to tell me about WarCraft, he sat me down with a pencil and paper and drew stick figures of the units telling me each thing they did. I got a copy of the game, played it, loved it, followed the series. And while I haven't touched many RTSs outside of StarCraft and WarCraft I can't imagine no longer enjoying RTSs if those two series go away (which I guess WarCraft already has).

Final Fantasy VIII - My younger cousin got into RPGs before I did, and seeing the fun he was having with one in particular (Final Fantasy 7) I thought I'd give it a look, but he had a playstation, and I didn't. So I found out FF7 was available on PC, tried the demo, a small room, where all you did was fight enemy after enemy, all it was really for was to give the player a sense of the combat, and I hadn't really played much quite like an RPG before, I adored it. I wanted it. My grandparents were going to the store, I begged them to pick me up Final Fantasy 7 for the PC. They came back with Final Fantasy 8, for some that would be a nightmare, but for one of the few times from around those years I accepted my game, gave thanks, sucked it up, and gave the game ago, and I love my Final Fantasy VIII to bits and pieces, and has lead to many other RPGs.

Mortal Kombat OR King of Fighters '99 ??? - I'm sure we've all heard about the controversy of Mortal Kombat's release, and I'm sure like a lot of you I was right in the middle of it as a kid. I got sucked into the controversy, rented the game, played it, loved it. It was my first fighting game, and the series responsible for me first picking up fighting games at all, though, leaving the series to itself it may have also been the series that kill fighting games for me. Babalities and Friendships shook my faith, the cornier and cornier characters turn me away from it, I was hanging by a thread with Mortal Kombat 4, then the only Mortal Kombat news coming out was for beat em ups and I walked away. My cousins continued playing them, I'd pick up one from them every now and then, but the games weren't the same any longer, and what was there before I lost touch with, I no longer cared for Mortal Kombat.

King of Fighters '99 though, on some odd chance I picked it up sometime after getting my PS2, and while Tekken 3 kept fighting games alive in the back of my mind, and Tekken Tag Tournament kept me happy and busy, KOF '99 got me to love them again.

TimeSplitters - Early PS2 must have title, and I had it, and it has ever since determined how I look at mutliplayer FPSs. While my favorite is Unreal Tournament 2004, I may not have gotten there without the first TimeSplitters.

X-Com Apocalypse - So back in middle school my friend tells me about WarCraft, I play it, I love it. A few months later I find in the store X-Com Apocalypse, I have no idea what it is, it just looks cool. So I get it. Take it home, play it, and become enthralled, I think my grades took a hit because of it. It's so amazing I have to show my friend, we trade games to borrow, and we never got around to trading them back. So, a few years later in a store I spot X-Com Collectors Edition. Play X-Com UFO Defense for the first time, and I find it to be everything Apocalypse was, only better, the graphics aren't as good, there's no real time combat option, but the world is bigger, the maps are more open, it's perfect, and the reason I've ever played any turn based strategy game since. And X-Com and Space Hulk taught me video games can be HARD.

Resident Evil 2 - My first Survival Horror game. I don't know if this should be Resi 2 or 1, 2 was the first, 2's the introduction, but 1, after playing 1 I new I wanted more, after playing 1 I tried 2 without cheats, after 1 I took 2 more serious, before 2 was a fun zombie shoot em up, but 1 with all it's cheesy dialog, it's bad acting, it's poor ass opening video, it was pure B-Movie goodness. Survival Horror gateway drug.

Resident Evil 4 - Resident Evil 4 was the game that taught me how to not feel anything, it filled my soul with darkness and then devoured it, it turned my insides into ash, it made me lose my innocence - OR it taught me to appreciate what I got, be happy for the games in the series I did enjoy, and people can love video games I do not. Before RE4 I'd hear people talking about games they liked and didn't like, and I'd disagree with a fair amount, but 4 took it to a whole new level, this was no longer people hating Final Fantasy 8, this was, for once, me not liking something, having thought out ideas as to why, being able to list them, and people loving the game all the while, as I waist time trying to understand how someone can like a video game so much that I have perfectly valid reasons for not liking, I had lists! So, yeah, it wasn't a huge shock, it was just so over whelming love for the game, it was my first taste into the many liking something that I do not, and not being able to fully understand.

the Bouncer - Where Resident Evil 4 taught me people can like things I don't, the Bouncer taught me people can look at the things I like and call them garbage, broken, and even sometimes in the middle of it stop making sense. The playstation 2 was the first console I had where I was always reading reviews of the games for. And the reviews I read about the Bouncer, they were negative. They were telling me (not really me of course) that the game I liked and enjoyed was BAD, that I liked a BAD game...but I like it ;_; (is that a crying face? cause it's meant to be a crying face). Then the other part of it was a review I read where the author/review was complaining that your AI partners in the game didn't do anything, that they didn't help that they don't do anything - followed two or three sentences later by the reviewer then saying the AI partners were horrible because they would steel your kills, well KO's but what ev'. It was a mix of wanting to defend my game, and understanding that people don't always make sense. the Bouncer taught me that not everyone's going to like the things I do, in fact sometimes they may really not like them, this would continue to hold true for the Resident Evil series and Final Fantasy VIII.

EDIT > Damnit, that's a damn essay. I need to learn to get to the point quicker.
Aug 31, 2012
Ratty said:
Zykon TheLich said:
Final fantasy VII: put me off JRPGs.
Was it the first one you tried? If so I'd suggest giving the genre another shot. It'd be a shame otherwise, like having your first superhero film be Batman & Robin. I suggest giving Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy VI a try.
Thanks for taking the time to reply and make some suggestions, I did play Secret of Mana before that and enjoyed it a lot (except that fucking Spiky Tiger boss), but my tastes have changed since then and it's pretty much a "no" on every level for JRPGs now. I tried SoM again a little while ago and it did nothing for me. Maybe it would have been more correct to say FFVII made me realise JRPG's weren't my thing.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
First video game: Pokemon crystal;
First PC game: sim city or civ I, I cant remember...

Games that I consider my biggest "influences":

1) Civilization IV (first game that got me obsessed, never before had I felt so powerful)
2) Red Alert 2 (first game with any kind of story, and an entertaining (if campy) one)
3) Animal Crossing: Wild World (this is like the video game equivalent of a vacation; relaxing, calm, no stress)
4) Dragon Age: Origins (my first WRPG, and the first game where I felt my choices mattered to the story)


New member
Oct 24, 2012
Super Metroid - It was the first game to ever really "Wow" me, it likely started my love of gaming.

Final Fantasy VII - The first JRPG I ever played, and to this day is still one of my favourite genres.

Unreal Tournament - Introduced me to competitive multiplayer shooters, which I still love more than any other genre to this day.

Unreal Tournament 2004 - this one introduced me to the joys of community made mods.

Gears of War - This series holds a special place in my heart, I played 1, 2 and 3 for many years with friends and I believe it is the best multiplayer game ever made. (particularly Gears of War 3)

A few other pivotal games:

Age of Mythology
Super Meat Boy
Final Fantasy VI and X
Fallout 3
Golden Eye
Devil Survivor Overclocked


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Pivotal... hrmm.

Banjo Kazooie. (The first game I spent an inordinate amount of time playing, and obsessing over completionism. Also started my love of Nintendo's "cartoony" style games, which has never gone away).

Super Mario World. (When I was little, I used to draw really long badly-drawn comics about Mario and Bowser and Yoshi and a little evil robot probe of my own invention, who was only there because I needed a villain and Bowser was too difficult to draw. It was Super Mario World that got me started).

Guild Wars: Prophecies. (GW1 wracked up the most amount of time I've ever spent on a game, at somewhere around 3,500 hours over about six or seven years. Most pride I've ever had in a game character).

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. (Still my favourite gaming experience).

Half-Life 2. (Started me on the FPS genre. It's this that made me play Doom 3, and F.E.A.R., and the Battlefields, and Portal, and Quake 4, and HL1, and all the others. Even Dead Space. It all started with HL2).

Honourable mentions would be Silent Hill 2, Age of Mythology, BF2142, Perfect Dark, and Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets (PC version).