Playstation 3 help: New System or new hard drive?


New member
May 22, 2009
So recently, after 2 years of having my old PS3 80 gb fat model, the thing has finally filled up and I now either have to look at upgrading or start deleting data. Since I'm not the best when it comes to stuff like this, I was wondering what you, as the members of the escapist, would have to say.

Basically I've boiled my options down to 3, though I'm not entirely sure how true two of them are.

First, I could just go out and buy a new PS3 and sell me old one, transferring the data in the process. I've heard that the PS3 slims are able to run games better, and was wondering how true this was. If so, it does seem like a viable option.

Second, I've heard that you can simply purchase an outside hard drive and manually install it into the PS3. Obviously I'm assuming that this violates the warranty, but if it is significantly cheaper than going out and getting a whole new PS3 it might also be an option for me, since it's the Christmas season and I'm not exactly rolling in cash at the moment.

Finally, I was curious if they made external hard drives that you could simply plug into one of the USB ports on the PS3 and just have more hard drive space that way?

Any help or advice you guys can offer would be much appreciated.

*Edit* I suppose I should add that I don't mean old 80 gig as in the one that had backwards compatibility. As much as I would love to own one of those, this PS3 is old in the sense that it is 2 years old; I got it as a Christmas present when the price of the 80 gig dropped to 299.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Blazingdragoon04 said:
Second, I've heard that you can simply purchase an outside hard drive and manually install it into the PS3. Obviously I'm assuming that this violates the warranty, but if it is significantly cheaper than going out and getting a whole new PS3 it might also be an option for me, since it's the Christmas season and I'm not exactly rolling in cash at the moment.
Thats the best option, and it doesn't violate the warranty. SO theres no real downside to this.


May 19, 2009
All three of those options are quite viable. I had a similar problem with my 60GB and I ended up buying a new 320GB slim and it's been great.


New member
May 31, 2010
You can replace your hdd without losing your warranty; read the guide of the ps3 that came with it, it explains everything. If you need a link:

Iève done it myself, its quite easy, takes no more than 10 minutes unless you strip the screws lol :p


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
1 will work obviously.

2 will work but... you would need an external. Back up files to external -> swap HD -> restore files.

3 as far as I know you cannot use an external hard drive like a normal hard drive but only as a way to back up files .

2 is the best choice unless you can easily afford 1, which would mean either are good.


New member
May 22, 2009
So I've been doing a bit of research; still haven't found just where the best deals on internal hard drives are, so maybe some of you can help me out on this, but I had just a few more questions.

I know that there is a maximum RPM on the hard drives you can put into the PS3's, but is there a maximum storage limit? Can I have a hard drive that has 500GB or higher, provided it runs at the right RPM's to avoid heating issues?

Also, can someone help clear up whether or not the newer PS3's are just better equipped to run games on the PS3 or not. I've been hearing rumors that the newer PS3s run the games more smoothly and with better performance, and if this is true I think I may just upgrade to a new PS3 all together. However, searches about this particular subject haven't yielded any real information, so I figured Id ask all of you.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
I don't know much about the slim PS3s running games better, maybe take a look at their specs? I found the PS2 slim was better than the fat one, the PS3 might be the same. I don't really know.
Otherwise, you can totally pick up a hard drive from almost anywhere (Walmart, any computer place, Future Shop, etc - just, you might want to check up on brand names before you buy, because I went and got a cheap one for my computer a few years back and it's constantly corrupting.), and they'll be on sale right after Christmas too. :) To hold you over till then, why not stick some saves onto a USB stick if you're desperate for room?