I'm really not feeling this wave of motion controllers. Sure, the Wii did it first and it was fun for 20 minutes, but we all went back to our other consoles, for the most part anyway. The PS3 motion controller, though could have potential, will probably end up in the back of the cupboard with all the other useless peripherals produced by sony. Project Natal looks ok, but it seems like a glorified Eye-toy, which, as we all know, was a Sony idea that lasted 2 or 3 games then ever saw the light of day again on the ps2.
Now, I know that most of us will buy one of the up-coming motion controls, maybe both, but in my mind, all I can see is us all reverting back to pads after the first few months. The motion controllers will be wheeled out for party games just like the wii is, and that will be about it.
Obviously I could be very very very very wrong, but I'll stick to what I've said until proven otherwise.....