PlayStation Now For Tablets, Phones and TVs Requires a DualShock 3


New member
Jun 1, 2009
PlayStation Now For Tablets, Phones and TVs Requires a DualShock 3

PlayStation's marketing vice president states the PlayStation's signature input device will be needed to play games on most versions of the streaming service.

Sony's PlayStation Now service, which allows games to be streamed to a variety of devices, made waves <a href=>when it was announced earlier this week. However, it's now been revealed that a DualShock 3 controller will be required to play these titles on tablets, smartphones and Sony's Bravia televisions. Word on that comes directly from John Koller, the marketing vice president for PlayStation. "You need to have the DualShock to be able to play," he said.

It makes sense, considering that all the games for PlayStation Now originally appeared on PlayStation hardware, but it does make the prospect a bit less convenient for phone and tablet gamers on the go. A DualShock 4 will work for the PS4 version of PlayStation Now and PS3 users can obviously keep using their preexisting DualShock 3 controllers. Similarly, Vita gamers won't need new controllers to use their version of PlayStation Now.

We've sent out an email to Sony with some additional questions on the service and will update you if we hear anything back. PlayStation Now is scheduled to launch this summer.It will include titles ranging from the original PlayStation to the PS3.

Update: A Sony spokesperson has stated that the DualShock 3 can be connected to Bravia TVs via a USB cable. The spokesperson gave no additional comment on tablets and smartphone devices beyond what Sony has already announced.

Source: <a href=>The Verge


Sight Unseen

The North Remembers
Nov 18, 2009
Well there's any interest I had lost. If I was going to use this service I would want to play it on my NVidia Shield with its built-in controller. Also I don't own a PS3 or have any interest in buying a controller for it. Too bad.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I figured as much as soon as I heard of the announcement.

Sony seems to have a knack for awesome ideas that get rather awkwardly implemented.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Do these controllers only work on a PS3 (and now these other systems)? Do they work on PC?

Im not that bothered, the fact that I can just use my phone as a PS1, PS2 and PS3 is cool enough even if I only temporarly subscribe to them to at least play PS3 exclusives to the end once (like MGS4, its basicly the only Metal Gear I still havent played).

Unless they make Timesplitters playable, with that I dont think I will ever unsubscribe (Timesplitters Future Perfect has some weird bugs on emulators).


New member
May 16, 2010
The major question is if they run on tablet and etc how long til someone hacks it for pc?

Why not have a service that allows pc users to play theses games out of the gate?

What happens when someone does get this stuff running on pc will sony shut it down?


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
BlameTheWizards said:
However, it's now been revealed that a DualShock 3 controller will be required to play these titles on tablets, smartphones and Sony's Bravia televisions.

Similarly, Vita gamers won't need new controllers to use their version of PlayStation Now.
So basically it's required on the products very few of us will use: all three are products that are primarily focused on non-gaming activity.
Well, at least I got my Vita, my new portable of choice.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
So you are essentially telling all non PlayStation owners to fuck off right now... well I certainly wouldn't call the smartest business decision.


New member
May 19, 2013
why sony why. do you not like our money. you could easely make this for the pc and make os choice what controller we want and if there is a game that don't work with keyboard just make sure that we know it, this could be the netflix of gaming. i would not mind to pay 15?/20? per month for access to old games i can't get/play anymore. please don't do this to me


New member
Oct 15, 2013
cerebus23 said:
The major question is if they run on tablet and etc how long til someone hacks it for pc?

Why not have a service that allows pc users to play theses games out of the gate?

What happens when someone does get this stuff running on pc will sony shut it down?

Technically you could emulate Android on your PC and play it that way. Probably not ideal, but would most likely work to the same extent as playing it on a tablet.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
So basically a few people here want Sony exclusives but only want them on PC and don't want to abide by what Sony has currently laid out for you, some people are just too picky these days, I find what they've got to be perfectly fine and understandable.

Still PC only's gonna hate as the usual.


New member
May 28, 2013
Mr.K. said:
So you are essentially telling all non PlayStation owners to fuck off right now... well I certainly wouldn't call the smartest business decision.
"you need to control it"="fuck right off"?

What, exactly did you think was gonna allow you to play these games? Did you think your remote control was gonna suddenly sprout two joysticks for you?


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
What's with the anger when it comes to this? Of course you're gonna need a Sony controller to use this service, the games are all mapped based on the Dualshock line of controllers. It's like complaining that you can't play Virtual Console games with a joystick.
In all honesty as well, I can understand that the current price of the controllers are very high, but it's more or less going to drop in price as time goes on just like how the PS2 controller dropped in price.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
josemlopes said:
Do these controllers only work on a PS3 (and now these other systems)? Do they work on PC?
You can make a PS3 controller work with a program like MotionJoy. It's not a horribly difficult process, but it's slightly incnvenient.

Mr.K. said:
So you are essentially telling all non PlayStation owners to fuck off right now... well I certainly wouldn't call the smartest business decision.
No, they're telling you you'll need a 40 dollar controller to play.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
BlameTheWizards said:
It makes sense, considering that all the games for PlayStation Now originally appeared on PlayStation hardware, but it does make the prospect a bit less convenient for phone and tablet gamers on the go.
Ignoring the fact here that the chances of someone on the go finding a fast enough connection to actually use the service are very slim at best.

A wee bit more OT: Seeing as DualShock 3 controllers connect to the PS3 through blue tooth, we can all guess how they will connect to tablets and phones in the future. There are actually already drivers for pc and android that allow you to connect your dualshock 3 controller.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Xman490 said:
BlameTheWizards said:
However, it's now been revealed that a DualShock 3 controller will be required to play these titles on tablets, smartphones and Sony's Bravia televisions.

Similarly, Vita gamers won't need new controllers to use their version of PlayStation Now.
So basically it's required on the products very few of us will use: all three are products that are primarily focused on non-gaming activity.
Well, at least I got my Vita, my new portable of choice.
To be honest if you have a smartphone then you can just connect it to a TV or monitor and you are good to go, it can even be a crappy phone since the only thing that matters is the internet connection. You can still play it as if it was on the PC or console, it doesnt mean that you can only play it on the small screen of the phone.

Now if you dont have a smartphone thats a bit worse but you have to understand that it is indeed something that a lot of people do own. And also since this is Android will the Ouya support it? Not that I own one of plan on owning but it is technicly possible, right?