PlayStation: The First 25 Years


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
CritialGaming said:
You can love Nintendo all you want, and the company holds a very important backbone to gaming history. But they refused to evolve with the medium and that has cost them. They aren't the super star anymore.
Nope, here's gaming's current SUPERSTAR!!!

Yoshi178 said:
It's actually hilarious how because you like playstation, you automatically think the PS1's sales numbers make it better than the N64, but then you also suddenly think Call of Duty and Wii Sports don't count as best games of all time despite having extremely high sales numbers

Stop contradicting yourself! LMAO!!!!
What about this simple math...

> Person X likes 10% of all games
> System X has more games than System Y
> System X has more games Person X likes
> System X is better than System Y

Probability states that a system with more games is likely the better system; Nintendo systems get less game support (objective fact) so chances are low that Nintendo systems are the best.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Yoshi178 said:
CritialGaming said:
It's actually hilarious how because you like playstation, you automatically think the PS1's sales numbers make it better than the N64, but then you also suddenly think Call of Duty and Wii Sports don't count as best games of all time despite having extremely high sales numbers

Stop contradicting yourself! LMAO!!!!
I never said they didn't count as games. Where did I say anything about them not being games?

I only said that you can't count Call of Duty as a best game of all time because you lump an entire series into those sales numbers.

If you wanted to say that Call of Duty Black Ops, or Modern Warfare as a best of all time then that would be fine, because you focus on a single selling entry.

But if you want more Objective FACTS and numbers you'll note here that not ONE Call of Duty appears in the top 20 selling games of ALL time. Not one. The First Call of Duty game comes in at 21st, which is still fantastic I'm not saying it isn't. I'm just showing you how low you example actually is.

Though yes, Call of Duty is one of the BEST gaming series of all time. Hands down. I don't think anyone can argue against that, because the clear evidence is there.

See your problem Yoshi is that you always argue with emotion, which is perfectly fine when we talk about GOTY or whether we favor specific games, however we are talking objective fact here. The only way we can label things with outright FACTS is to simply look at the math, the numbers, numbers don't lie and they are the only source of factual evidence that any of us can use when talking about objective facts in regards to gaming.

All of us have our preferences (I like PC gaming over all else, though I also enjoy Playstation) and in most of our discussions we are debating over opinions.

When we talk about facts, like we are talking about in this thread, we have to look at the numbers and take what the numbers tell us.

Did you know that Tetris has been described as the most perfect game ever made? Every game has flaws, except one. Tetris. And lo and behold in looking at the best selling games ever created.....#2 is Tetris *gasp* it's almost as if the math WORKS. Minecraft is #1, which we already used as an example as one of the best games ever made and I would agree.

You might not like something, but that doesn't make the thing you don't like bad. Do you understand? Can you understand that? Can you grasp the information I'm trying to present to you is mathmatical fact? Do you understand that you can only objectively state a subjective opinion as fact only when the math supports the fact you are trying to present?


New member
Aug 15, 2014
CritialGaming said:
So that's a no then? Alright.
i've got work now but when i get off my shift which part of all your babbling would you like me to start with? lmao


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Yoshi178 said:
CritialGaming said:
So that's a no then? Alright.
i've got work now but when i get off my shift which part of all your babbling would you like me to start with? lmao
Whatever part you think you have the strongest argument against.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Joined Playstation on Christmas 1997. My older brother and I shared the N64 and PS1. We were mostly Sega kids before grabbing the ps1. I skipped out on the PS3, because of the 599.99 US DOLLARS! By the time the ps3 became cheap enough, there was no point, as most of the games I wanted were already on 360 or Wii in some cases. I got the PS4, because I knew most of the Japanese games were going to be on that system or Switch. I will get the PS5, but in 2 years after launch.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Chimpzy said:
Phoenixmgs said:
CritialGaming said:
There definitely won't be PS3 support on PS5 because it's a nightmare to emulate the PS3, there isn't even great working PS3 emulators available on PC.
Possibly, but maybe not. PS3 emulation on PC has made huge strides lately. In about 2 years RCPS3 has gone from barely capable of booting the OS, to running ~1000 commercial games without major glitches, in some cases better than the original hardware ever could. Does it still have many problems? Yes, of course, but that is still seriously impressive progress.

Point is, it can be done in a few years by a bunch of admittedly talented enthusiasts who have neither the full know-how and documentation Sony has, nor its manpower and budget. So my guess is that PS3 emulation on the PS5 is less a matter of technical feasibility, than one of willingness to devote the time and money.
I suspect they're quite content to let the "Remastered" trains roll on and do the work for them. For that matter, I can barely think of a high profile PS3 title that hasn't be shifted forward already.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Yoshi178 said:
it also means the Nintendo DS and Wii are some of the best consoles of all time since they sold more than the PS1 oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obligatory reminder that the PS1 sold more units than the Wii.

Another obligatory reminder that Nintendo has had a problem retaining their home console audience since their first ever home console.
NES: 62 million
SNES: 49 million
N64: 33 million
GameCube: 22 million
Wii: 101 million
WiiU: 14 million
Switch: 44 million, currently

Does this have anything to do with this topic at this point? Not likely, but it's just a fun thing to mention from time to time.

Did you know? PlayStation got a Guinness World record the other day for being the best selling home console with over 450 million units sold over the past 25 years 🎉🎊


New member
Aug 15, 2014
bluegate said:
bligatory reminder that the PS1 sold more units than the Wii.
oh wow you're right. PS1 sold 102.5 million and Wii sold 101.64 million according to

those numbers extremely close.

bluegate said:
Does this have anything to do with this topic at this point? Not likely.
well the point i was trying to get across was that sales numbers mean shit, at the of the of the day if whatever system or game someone thinks is better than another, then that's all an entirely subjective opinion which some people in this thread don't seem to understand.

i'm sure there are SEGA fanboys out there that believe the Dreamcast was better than the PS2/NGC/Xbox even though it sold like shit. sales numbers don't mean everything is what i was trying to get across.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Yoshi178 said:
well the point i was trying to get across was that sales numbers mean shit, at the of the of the day if whatever system or game someone thinks is better than another, then that's all an entirely subjective opinion which some people in this thread don't seem to understand.

i'm sure there are SEGA fanboys out there that believe the Dreamcast was better than the PS2/NGC/Xbox even though it sold like shit. sales numbers don't mean everything is what i was trying to get across.
Again you don't understand the difference between objective and subjective. Which is understandable because those two concepts are extremely difficult to define when discussing personally interpretatable things, like art and movies. You'll find countless arguments about the best piece of artwork, or books, or movies, or TV shows, or video games, because these things resonate differently with different people.

As a result, the only way to basic declare a winner (though I don't like labeling it in such a way) or "best system", is to simply look at the sales numbers. That's the only way to come to a simple consensus of "this console is the best or was the best at the time".

Now I agree the argument does break down when you apply it to things that have too much choice. For example films, there are far too many films made in too many different eras, to use the sales of that film as a true measure. That's why critics exist.

However with Video Game Consoles it still works because we only have a small section over a rather small period of time to easily declare a victor. So we can look at the total sales numbers and see what had the highest overall appeal and thus was the best overall system.

You like Nintendo, we get it, and for YOU it's the best. But 1 person is not a sample size. You'd never base a survey off 1 fucking person. Even Family Feud asks 100 people minimum per question, because they need a large sample size.

So if you take every person who has ever bought a console, and add up their console purchases, Playstation comes out on top as the most popular (aka best) system.

Thanks for taking the time to refute absolutely nothing. I hope you weren't distracted at work to deliver no response whatsoever.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
CritialGaming said:
Yoshi178 said:
well the point i was trying to get across was that sales numbers mean shit, at the of the of the day if whatever system or game someone thinks is better than another, then that's all an entirely subjective opinion which some people in this thread don't seem to understand.

i'm sure there are SEGA fanboys out there that believe the Dreamcast was better than the PS2/NGC/Xbox even though it sold like shit. sales numbers don't mean everything is what i was trying to get across.
Again you don't understand the difference between objective and subjective. Which is understandable because those two concepts are extremely difficult to define when discussing personally interpretatable things, like art and movies. You'll find countless arguments about the best piece of artwork, or books, or movies, or TV shows, or video games, because these things resonate differently with different people.

As a result, the only way to basic declare a winner (though I don't like labeling it in such a way) or "best system", is to simply look at the sales numbers. That's the only way to come to a simple consensus of "this console is the best or was the best at the time".

Now I agree the argument does break down when you apply it to things that have too much choice. For example films, there are far too many films made in too many different eras, to use the sales of that film as a true measure. That's why critics exist.

However with Video Game Consoles it still works because we only have a small section over a rather small period of time to easily declare a victor. So we can look at the total sales numbers and see what had the highest overall appeal and thus was the best overall system.

You like Nintendo, we get it, and for YOU it's the best. But 1 person is not a sample size. You'd never base a survey off 1 fucking person. Even Family Feud asks 100 people minimum per question, because they need a large sample size.

So if you take every person who has ever bought a console, and add up their console purchases, Playstation comes out on top as the most popular (aka best) system.

Thanks for taking the time to refute absolutely nothing. I hope you weren't distracted at work to deliver no response whatsoever.
by your own logic Mario is way better than any of your Playstation games as we all know the franchise Mario has sold a fuck tonne over the years, and on it's own Wii sports has sold even more than any single Mario game.
What's that you say? "B-B-But that doesn't count! Wii sports was bundled with the console!" if anything that's even more impressive since people actually went out and bought a $250 machine just so they could play single game.

Pretty sure it's you doesn't understand it's you who doesn't understand the difference between objective and subjective. objectively, Wii Sports is the best selling game on a single console, are there better games on the Wii then Wii Sports? lots of people would say absolutely which is completely subjective.

yes the PS2 is the winner as it is the console with the highest sales an that's objectively truee. what's subjective is the actual quality of the machines hardware and it's games and whether someone prefer the PS2 and its library over a different consoles.

You like Playstation, we get it, and for YOU it's the best. But your entirely subjective opinion would be different to another person's.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Yoshi178 said:
by your own logic Mario is way better than any of your Playstation games as we all know the franchise Mario has sold a fuck tonne over the years

Pretty sure it's you doesn't understand it's you who doesn't understand the difference between objective and subjective. objectively, yes the PS2 is the winner as it is the console with the highest sales. what's subjective is the actual quality of the machines hardware and it's games.

You like Playstation, we get it, and for YOU it's the best. But your opinion would be different to another person's.

Wrong. Mario is a series of games. Multiple games! I'm talking about the comparison of 1 console. N64 versus Ps1. Pepsi V. Coke. That's what the basis of all this has been about, yet you keep bring up multiples which means you clearly are incapable of grasping the concept.

And you obviously don't read what people write on here, because I've said over and over again that I prefer PC over anything else. PC not playstation. I like Playstation the best out of the consoles, but I would NEVER buy a game on Playstation if it was also on PC.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
CritialGaming said:
Wrong. Mario is a series of games. Multiple games
your own Wikipedia list that you provided in this thread states that Mario Kart Wii sold 37 million units. that's more than any exclusive playstation game that you can give me.

Tetris is also a series of multiple tetris games on multiple systems like Mario is, but you were more than happy to count Tetris.

CritialGaming said:

And you obviously don't read what people write on here, because I've said over and over again that I prefer PC over anything else. PC not playstation. I like Playstation the best out of the consoles, but I would NEVER buy a game on Playstation if it was also on PC.
Pot calling the Kettle black.

i've sai time and again that i also own and play xbox also that i bought a PS4 last and have been playing Crash Team Racing Nitro fueled on it. more recently i've also been playing MediEvil. i have other PS4 games, but their sitting in my backlog, but frankly CTR and MediEvil are more interesting than any of the other shit on the PS4.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Yoshi178 said:
CritialGaming said:
Wrong. Mario is a series of games. Multiple games
your own Wikipedia list that you provided in this thread states that Mario Kart Wii sold 37 million units. that's more than any exclusive playstation game that you can give me.

Tetris is also a series of games on multiple systems like Mario is, but you were more than happy to count Tetris.
Tetris was an example and I would have counted Mario Kart if it was on multiple systems too. So what is your point. This is about consoles.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
CritialGaming said:
[So what is your point. This is about consoles.
we get it, you like playstation. but just because YOU like playstation and think it's the best (console platform mr pedantic) doesn't mean everyone else agrees with you. thats only your opinion.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Yoshi178 said:
CaitSeith said:
Let's have a nice and friendly chat about PlayStation nostalgia.

it takes 2 to tango bucko.
You can always be bigger man dinosaur and walk away...

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
CaitSeith said:
Yoshi178 said:
CaitSeith said:
Let's have a nice and friendly chat about PlayStation nostalgia.

it takes 2 to tango bucko.
You can always be bigger man dinosaur and walk away...
Yoshi says "it takes 2 to tango" like he doesn't go out of his way to show up in every single Sony-themed thread to talk shit about games he hasn't played on consoles he doesn't own for a brand he lives to remind everyone he hates for petty, infantile, mostly contradictory reasons. "Takes to 2 tango" is nonsense. He's a heckler blaming a comedian for hearing him boo.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Johnny Novgorod said:
Yoshi says "it takes 2 to tango" like he doesn't go out of his way to show up in every single Sony-themed thread to talk shit about games he hasn't played on consoles he doesn't own for a brand he lives to remind everyone he hates for petty, infantile, mostly contradictory reasons. "Takes to 2 tango" is nonsense. He's a heckler blaming a comedian for hearing him boo.
It's called jealousy.

Yoshi has attached his identity to a brand, and cannot function or accept that the brand he had attached himself too isn't the best thing ever. When people point that out, he acts like a religious person defending themselves against an Atheist minding his own business.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Johnny Novgorod said:
Yoshi says "it takes 2 to tango" like he doesn't go out of his way to show up in every single Sony-themed thread to talk shit about games he hasn't played on consoles he doesn't own for a brand he lives to remind everyone he hates for petty, infantile, mostly contradictory reasons. "Takes to 2 tango" is nonsense. He's a heckler blaming a comedian for hearing him boo.
Devil's advocate here: Yoshi has frequently told people to own several consoles, and that he does so for when the games he want aren't on Nintendo's. Not everyone has the money to so tho and they have to choose one, but that's a different topic.