PlayStation Vita Already Getting New Features

Mike Kayatta

Minister of Secrets
Aug 2, 2011
PlayStation Vita Already Getting New Features

A new firmware update dropping in Japan this week adds GPS, video recording, and more.

The PlayStation Vita has yet to officially leave Japanese shores, but that hasn't stopped Sony from adding some interesting upgrades to the handheld before its U.S. release on February 22nd. Beginning February 8th, Vita owners can look forward to some major new functionality on the console, including a map app with GPS tracking, a video capture mode, and OSX support for Mac users.

The new map app (or as I will call it, the "mapplication") will appear on your home screen and, on command, display your positional data on a map. Much like Google Maps, users will be able to switch between normal and satellite mode. The app can also help with directions (walking or driving) and provide certain details about your current location.

The Vita's camera functionality has gotten an upgrade, too. The handheld device can now capture video, while earlier restricted to taking nothing but still images.

There's also some good news for Apple fans. The Vita will finally be able to interface with Macs through a new OSX version of its Content Management Assistant. This will grant Mac users the ability to transfer data between their console and home computer, a function previously restricted to PCs.

I think it's great that Sony is striving to add additional features to its newest device, and its probably a necessity with the Vita's low sales in Japan and a terrible previous financial quarter for Sony now looming over the impending US launch. How about you, Escapists? Do any of these new features make you want a Vita any more than you already did (or didn't)?

Source: Andriasang []



New member
Apr 18, 2009
Those are all nice little additions, but really, gaming handhelds are for core gamers, and what they (we) mostly care about is plenty of good games. In the current financial state, I personally would not buy any new console until there are at least 5 extremely good games for it that I absolutely must play. Until then, and knowing that prices drop and newer better versions of the console will be released, I'll wait. I'm guessing I'm not alone in that. I think that, in the year 2012 and onwards, if Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo want to see extremely successful console launches, they need to launch them with several excellent games. Not pretty good ones. Killer ones.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Irridium said:
So... how long do you think it'll take before Sony removes the OSX option?
Why would they, in fact that would make literally no sense. They alreayd had it on the PSP for PC. So them removing it would make zero sense. It's not like Linux where your putting a whole other OS on it.
Apr 28, 2008
Korten12 said:
Irridium said:
So... how long do you think it'll take before Sony removes the OSX option?
Why would they, in fact that would make literally no sense. They alreayd had it on the PSP for PC. So them removing it would make zero sense. It's not like Linux where your putting a whole other OS on it.
I know I know, I'm just poking fun at 'em.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Irridium said:
Korten12 said:
Irridium said:
So... how long do you think it'll take before Sony removes the OSX option?
Why would they, in fact that would make literally no sense. They alreayd had it on the PSP for PC. So them removing it would make zero sense. It's not like Linux where your putting a whole other OS on it.
I know I know, I'm just poking fun at 'em.
Oh. Sorry, on the escapist its sometime hard to tell between joking and being serious.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
$250 for something that plays my psn games and is a GPS. I have now climbed the fence and are balancing quite precariously.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
DVS BSTrD said:
Yes but you forget, this is Sony.
Making sense isn't necessary. XD

Hell, they didn't JUST remove "Other OS." I don't know why they felt they needed to strip SACD support. It didn't make sense, either. XD


New member
Sep 10, 2009
"and its probably a necessity with the Vita's low sales in Japan and a terrible previous financial quarter for Sony now looming over the impending US launch. "

That translates to me as: "Hasty decision, possibly many horrible bugs in the new apps"...

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
I don't care if the camera can take videos, nor I care about the frakin' GPS, what could realy bring me to buy a Vita is a reduced price on those damned Memory Cards, then we can talk about all the riff raff you want.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
The only thing i need for the Vita is a Monster Hunter release. Then they can remove all functions to it except for it being a handheld, portable game console for all i care.


New member
May 9, 2010
Well now, this changes a lot. I don't have a GPS, though I've been wanting one.
A hands-free will be nessessary since I'm in Canada, so get that and FFXI, Monster Hunter, and/or FFXIV (even though it's not very good) on there too and I'll buy.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
gigastar said:
The only thing i need for the Vita is a Monster Hunter release. Then they can remove all functions to it except for it being a handheld, portable game console for all i care.
I have a feeling you might get your wish. After waiting for the ps3 & psp to reach their potential for years, I have a feeling it's all downhill for the vita.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
The new features don't really make me want a Vita more than I did before. But I do want a Vita. Just cause.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Irridium said:
So... how long do you think it'll take before Sony removes the OSX option?
They're already writing up the new ToS for removing it I bet.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I'm pretty sure these were features that were announced at first with the Vita, but neither of them make me want it any more than I already do. What makes me want it is the fact that it is a powerful portable system that offers a variety of games (at launch even!) that will entertaining. I cannot wait to get my hands on a new Resistance game, Uncharted game, and the wonderful exclusives known to make their way to Sony's systems. The PSP hosted greats like Patapon, LocoRoco, and other very different games that were aware of the consoles strengths and weaknesses. The Vita looks to promise on those small games ALREADY with games like Escape Plan and Gravity Daze (or Gravity Rush, can't remember what the U.S. is getting) which utilize the system's unique specs and look like creative, beautiful games.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Mike Kayatta said:
. How about you, Escapists? Do any of these new features make you want a Vita any more than you already did (or didn't)?
No. I don't understand what the point is in all this. Are they trying to replace my phone without voice and text capabilities? All these things are cool additions to a cell phone but never something I look for (or want) in a gaming console. Also, any handheld has to be around 150 dollars or less for serious consideration in my opinion.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
So now the Vita does some of the things my Android phone does...

Really Sony, I need much more convincing.