Pokemon B&W Female Trainer


New member
Dec 15, 2008
The real issue here is that for some odd reason they're both dressed for wildly different weather.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
I stopped playing pokemon and caring about anything pokemon related years ago. But I looked at the last few trainers (from ruby/sapphire all the way down to platinum) and I gotta say they look pretty silly. As much as she looks like a tramp she also looks more realistic (except for the hair...what is with the crazy hair?). And I am at least glad that they are increasing age as they are decreasing clothing on the girl trainers. Although it looks more like how a typical Southern girl would dress rather than a Northern girl from New York, but hey what do I know.


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Jul 13, 2008
Midnight Crossroads said:
Hilda looks less like trailer trash and more like your average girl going on a hike in the summer. Not the best protection from ticks, but this is pokemon; she would probably throw a pokeball at it.
Why would you want to drive away ticks when they're so cute!

Anyway, I don't think she looks that bad. Her shorts are way too short, but at least she looks better than the girl from HG/SS.


New member
May 11, 2010
Im a female, and I didnt even take notice to the lack of dress until you stated something. Everyone saw Misty from the first season right? So why is this even an issue? As a girl, I take no offense to her dress. All the characters have always been kinda a mess when dealing with their clothing, I don't see how different this is.

DND Vendetta

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Mar 20, 2010
DarkRyter said:
The real issue here is that for some odd reason they're both dressed for wildly different weather.
The seasons cycle each month in Black/White so maybe they thought they would have one character summer based and one winter. I think that if they really wanted that though they could of just had the characters clothes also change when the seasons did to match.


New member
Mar 22, 2011
Really the shorts are not that bad at all. I see plenty of girls with shorts like that and it doesn't raise an eyebrow.


New member
Feb 10, 2007
GGZeta said:
I finally picked up pokemon white a couple days ago, and I waited until today to start playing. So I started up, picked up Victini, and then went to start my game. And I was going to play a female character as I always do (being that I'm of the female persuasion) but apparently my choices were between a well dressed young man and a woman that looked as though she just stumbled out of a trailer park. I am not joking when I say that the female trainer for Pokemon exhibits only the qualities of female character design that I utterly hate. I was, honestly, disgusted! Why is the female version of that jacketed fellow with a map bag a girl with pornographically tiny shorts, pockets showing past the cut off legs and monolithic hair?

Am I the only person (or only woman for that matter) that was horrified by this? And I'm seriously not a prude, I just don't want my choices for avatar in my monster catching game to be a young man or a prostitute. I don't think that's unreasonable.
I normally play the female characters despite being a male. So I loaded up my copy of White, choose the female, and started out on my grand pokemon journey. It wasn't long before I noticed that in every battle, when she throws out her pokeball, you get a wonderfull shot of her ass in the cut off short shorts.

I was like "Uhhh.... ok.... I hate fan service but I guess I can deal with this." No. No by the end of the game I'd seen the same shot of her ass so many times I don't even want to play anymore.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Darkauthor81 said:
I normally play the female characters despite being a male. So I loaded up my copy of White, choose the female, and started out on my grand pokemon journey. It wasn't long before I noticed that in every battle, when she throws out her pokeball, you get a wonderfull shot of her ass in the cut off short shorts.

I was like "Uhhh.... ok.... I hate fan service but I guess I can deal with this." No. No by the end of the game I'd seen the same shot of her ass so many times I don't even want to play anymore.
Don't worry, it's the same for the guy (just without the short shorts).


New member
Mar 24, 2011
timeadept said:
Doctor Glocktor said:
Black & White are based on New York State.

All the characters in that game are based on the typical people of New York.

You mean the average 12 year old girl in New York State is a prostitute?
lmao.....ha ha ha


New member
May 7, 2010
sadly the characters are "SUPPOSE" to depict teens rather than the tweens we are so used to seeing, and as a teen i can tell you most girls i know dress like that.

P.S. SAVE ME FROM THEM??? a shotgun would do. thanks.


New member
Mar 14, 2008
I'm kinda meh on the outfit itself, but I have to agree that the guy looks like he lives in Northern Nunavut and the girl's from the good ol' sunshine state, Florida.

I'm overstating it, but my point is simply those two outfits are for different seasons. If they were together in the same room, they'd be at war over the thermostat.

Davey Woo

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Jan 9, 2009
I swear in Pokémon games you see your trainer once when you choose your name and that's it for the rest of the game...


New member
Jan 6, 2010
...you're SURPRISED she looked like that?

I saw the character design for the trainers from B/W and thought "eh, par for the course". There's nothing too terribly shocking about how she looks. Don't most girls that age wear shorts like those anyway?

Least they do around here.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Eh here's my take:

Crystal: Guy. Girl's hair was so messed up...
Gen 3: Toss up, both looked like shit. A guy who, at 10-13, has white hair vs a harlot in a bandana.

Gen 4: Girl > Guy's monolithic hat.

HeartGold: Guy. Girl looked fine but I can identify with him more.

B&W: Girl looks infinitely better. Guy's hair is messed up so badly on his model, the ponytail physics are nice, and every time a battle starts you get a huge close up of your trainer's ass...guess which one is more aesthetically pleasing?


New member
May 17, 2010
Joshimodo said:
I'm just confused as to why we aren't allowed to create our own characters yet.
The same reason we don't have a multiple choice plotline. The point is the battles not your character.

The outfit isn't that bad. Yes it's a bit slutty, definetly if worn by a real person but this is animeesque games and as such it's meaningless, the same way that the Pearl character wearing s tiny skirt doesn't really mean that much. She isn't presented in a deliberately sexy wau so it seems fine to me.