Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Receiving Playable Demo


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
loa said:
Semi-DemiFiend said:
loa said:
You really are pessimistic when it comes to Pokemon.

Maybe someone skipped out on Gen 5 or 6 because they weren't really feeling up to playing Pokemon for a while. and even if you have played X & Y what's wrong with Game Freak giving a little gift to tide people over? I'm not sure why you need to make it sound like such a bad thing.

The demo only requires you to play it for 10 days for minor presents like pokeballs and heart scales before it stops giving gifts and tasks for you to do. If that somehow kickstarts an addiction then you really professional help.
Since when are demos "little gifts"?
Last thing I know is a demo is supposed to get you interested in a game and how exactly is the prerequisite of being a member in a club to obtain the demo not in the way of reeling the 10 people who don't know pokemon yet in?

I don't appreciate you using "professional help" in a derogatory way but I will assume your lack of empathy stems from ignorance so I will explain.

If a game gives you something in exchange for playing it every (consecutive) day, it's harder to quit. Makes sense?
It "punishes" for not playing for a day after all and laying it down for a day is the first step to quit.
Try playing puzzle & dragons to see what I mean. It's free for android on google play.
It's chock full of mechanisms that compel you to start the game up every day, start it up at certain days and times and play a game or 2 or 10 right then and there even if you don't really feel like it at that time because there's constantly some time-limited stuff going on and you don't want to lose your consecutive log in bonus.

Pretty evil stuff.
Don't want any of those "free to play" tactics in my full price game.
Why would you want to quit playing a full payed game? Didn't you pay for, I don't know, play it? Besides, giving free gifts to regular players has been part of Pokemon since the first generation and in-game time limited stuff since the second one (long before F2P games even existed). Calling that "free to play" tactics is like calling The Simpsons a Family Guy clone.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
loa said:
Semi-DemiFiend said:
loa said:
Semi-DemiFiend said:
Maybe try arguing against things I actually said.
I actually did but it would seem clear that you have no actual interest in arguing and disregarded everything I said in an attempt to quit the argument so you could pretend you won without actually having to spend any time actually thinking about how you might be wrong.

Do you even like Pokemon? every time I've seen you in a Pokemon thread you do nothing but complain about how something takes two seconds to long or how you hate a mechanic that you don't actually understand.
Why should I waste my time with someone who thinks this is about "winning"?
With that mindset, it is clear there will be no concessions, no middleground.
Just as your drivel that assumes I said this demo is highly addictive (I did not) shows.

Here's what I said: I don't like manipulative free 2 play tactics such as daily rewards since it prays on people like me.
Due to my personal experience, I am sensitive to that. I don't like it and hope this won't be a permanent addition to the pokemon franchise.
And that's that.

What about this offends you so fucking much?
Is it because I said something vaguely negative about your beloved [insert franchise here]?
Well then maybe you should actually put up an argument instead of a short "you're wrong" as a rebuttal next time and I won't assume you are only here to make a list of complaints and expect no one to think differently about them.

Your original post claimed that you had an addictive personality and you implied that you would somehow easily get hooked on this short demo and I found that idea to be silly and argued against since the demo offers little to nothing that could start an addictive habit.

I also found your comparisons of the demo to a free to play game to be more true in the actual game. Ever since the added a clock function the game has had daily events and awards that you would miss out on if you forgot to check in on the game that day. Heck, if you count event Pokemon then they've had it since it's inception so it's too late to complain now.

Why do you see me as offended just because I disagreed about what you had to say? And we both know what game we are talking about so the [insert here] is unnecessary.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
yeah, the whole demo thing is counterintuitive if the only way they offer it is through a newsletter for fans, or preorders for games. why would you put out a demo for people who are already planning to buy the game???