Pokemon RP Slots closed Chapter 11: I'm on a boat!


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
OoC: Room for one more? My Char sheet.

Name: Magnus
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Skills: Cooking, Empathy, Archery.
Personality: He is a mild-mannered person who just likes to enjoy life's pleasures. He is the kind of person who would help a random person out for no other reason than being helpful. He doesn't really like to be at the front of things, preferring a nice quiet spot on the sidelines.
Hometown: Eterna City
Starter and how you met it: Quillz(Cyndaquil), He was given Quillz by his stepfather at the age of 13, shortly after his mother's remarriage, as an act of good will.
Pokemon in party: Quillz(lv. 9)
Bio: After he finished school, he decided to take some time off and go backpacking with his pokemon. He is in good shape, especially his legs, from riding his bicycle everywhere for the past 3 years. His empathy with pokemon makes him able to understand them quite well. He is well versed in pokemon biology, and has had great success in pokemon breeding(the actual breeding of two pokemon). He often hunts, mostly only for food, so it is not uncommon to find him in a tree with his bow.
Money: Equivalent to $249 USD.
Equipment: Bicycle, 9-inch multi-purpose knife, 5 pokeballs, 5 potions, spare clothes, cooking supplies, food, pokemon food, collapsable hunting bow, arrows, sleeping bag. (Bicycle is not collapsable, he rides it everywhere. Knife is at his side, not in bag.)


Zombie Nation #LetsRise
Jun 9, 2008
OOC: Well, I guess its nostalgia for the win with this one. Here we go.

Name: Jared
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Skills: Navigation, Strategy, Empathy.
Personality: He is a generous person, willing to help anyone he meets, which in part allows him to get away with a sort of slacker lifestyle he has become accustomed to since leaving school. He is always looking for an easier way to do things, even when it comes to training, but that doesn't mean he's not completely committed to being one of the best trainers ever.
Hometown: Goldenrod City
Starter and how you met it: Nicky (Nidoran M), found in the woods surrounding Jared's backyard, under attack by a flock of Spearow, Jared chased the birds away with his best Babe Ruth impersonation. Nicky followed its savior back to his house and they have been side by side since.
Pokemon in party: Nicky (lv. 8)
Bio: Jared didn't really bother with Pokemon growing up, he had his studies to worry about. His dad was a rocket scientist and his mother was a brain surgeon, and they forced him to work to the academic peaks that they had already achieved. He progressed through grade school, racking up honors along the way. However, when he got to college, a funny thing happened; after 18 years of studying books almost daily, he just got fed up. He showed up on his parents' doorstep in November, saying he quit, and they flipped out, berating their son for wasting his education. They made sure Jared heard every day that he screwed up and was going to be nothing, and Jared started believing it, wondering what purpose he would have if books weren't the answer. Then, one fateful day he heard a commotion in the woods. It was there he met Nicky after getting him out of a jam, and watching how the little pocket monster sidled up to him, he felt happy for the first time since he left school. He found his calling, and after a couple months of training, he and Nicky left home, looking to make a name for themselves and prove to his parents you could be successful even without a fancy diploma.
Money: Equivalent to $166 USD.
Equipment: 5 pokeballs, 5 potions, sleeping bag/pillow, hammock, food, pokemon food, laptop (for analyzing stats and getting route info), whatever he scavenges along his trip, since mommy and daddy aren't going be sending him any money other than what he was able to sneak out with.

Wow. That took me a while.

Adam Jenson

New member
Dec 23, 2008
"Uhh, gee thanks guy" rookies "OK kid, my pokemon is angry and I'm a little annoyed so how bout to cheer me up we make this battle a lil interesting?"


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Ooc: Guys someone battle for me, The computer is playing up and we are going out sorry. just a couple hints 1. Chompers is good at biting 2. Rodney likes to make up unconventional moves, so have fun with it.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
OOC: sure I`l battle for you but in my own way

Jeffery sat there watching the battle unfold as the alien looking Pokemon lept into the air and kicked Rodney`s totile back into the bushes, aggravated the totile lunged at the strange Pokemon it`s jaws wide open landing a direct hit on it`s right arm and not letting go. The alien was shaking frantically trying to get the Pokemon off to no avail but then it`s master ordered it to try a telekinesis attack, the alien lifted the Pokemon into the air with it`s mind and tossed it straight into the ground causing a small crater, nearly defeated the totile was barely standing and could not hope to win the alien`s master ordered for a psybeam which the alien fired, but in an amazing display of heart the totile dodged and was ordered by it`s trainer to use it`s water gun. The water gun hit the alien right in the chest knocking it to the floor and then the totile was ordered to slap the alien in the face with it`s tail, I thought it was a strange move but it was fun to watch as the totile placed it`s tail right in the aliens face and slapped him silly, I fell off my seat laughing so I missed what happened next.

Adam Jenson

New member
Dec 23, 2008
thats right keep it up
"GRY,GRY,GRY,GRY,GRY" Was the only thing Rosgry could really say as the assault of the totodile's tail slaps kept coming. "Just hang in there Rosgry!" Trevor yelled.
Positioning himself while taking the punishment Rosgry decided enough was enough and with a swift movement grabbed the Totodile's tail and threw him in the air. Before the poor pokemon could even land Rosgry followed the attack with a bout of teleportation, teleporting the Totodile into every tree. "ROSGRY!" Rosgry yelled as he finally teleported the Totodie in his own trainer.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
"what in the name of all that was scientificimal was that" Jeffery said in awe at what appeared to be Rodney`s totile stuck in the trainers chest
"you`ll get the same" the con-artist yelled ready for another fight
"was that a challenge" Jeffery said coolly
"why yes it was" the magician then told his Pokemon to assume a fighting stance
"well then let`s get this party started, riolu time to fight" riolu was overjoyed to hear this and hopped right in front of Jeffery ready to fight
"I`l start the show riolu iron punch" riolu then charged at the Pokemon one fist raised high into the air it`s left fist shimmering like well polished iron and landed an uppercut sending the alien Pokemon right into the air
"riolu double hit" riolu then jumped into the air and slashed at the alien not once,not twice,not three times but four times before Jeffery ordered riolu to give it an elbow to the back sending it plummeting down to the ground
"riolu break dance kick" a little confused the riolu knew exactly what to do it stood on it`s head and did a head spin riolu`s legs were positioned straight above the aliens chest and then riolu brought one of it`s legs crashing down on the alien causing it to scream
"GRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" the alien looked defeated but just to be sure Jeffery ordered riolu to do their new attack the super stunner without hesitation riolu did a massive dive into the air positioned above the alien it came down after doing a 720 front flip smashing it`s fists right into the aliens chest the alien again screamed out in pain and was battered and broken


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Ooc: Thanks we are leaving again soon however, I think it's high time we group up now and start the adventure for real so all the people in waiting can join too.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
OOC: Tell me if this post is ok

Heather made her way through the woods of Pallet Town looking for the faux magician and the group that followed after him. Rossto sat on her head looking around for them but to no avail. She stopped resting against a tree before giving a sigh and adjusting the blue sweatshirt tied around her waist.

"Gee...Boys can be such trouble sometimes." Heather said as she laid her back against a tree.

The Pidgey jumped down before standing at her feet, "Pid Pid Gey."

Heather nodded in agreement before resting her head against the tree. She closed her eyes before opening them to see a Metapod above her. She looked around and saw various other Metapods and Caterpie. Rossto jumped back on her head looking around commically.

Heather fell to her knees before letting out a scream.

The battle raged on between Rodney Trevor and Jeffery growing more intense with every action. As it was about to reach a climax everyone paused as a scream echo'd through out the forest. The boys stopped there ruckus all turning in the direction of the scream.

"Hold on," Jeffery said to Rodney, "Somebody may be in trouble."

"But if we don't stop..." Rodney saw that the faux was already fleeing with the distraction.

"Hey you! Stop!" Rodney said before another scream echo'd.

"Come on! Let's go see what is happening!" Jeffery and his Riolu took off in the direction of the scream. Rodney looked back once again at the fleeing magician before checking on Chompers and following.

The two arrive at a tree filled with bugs and a very dismayed Pidgey flapping about it. They here another squeel before rushing around to see a girl holding a Caterpie in her arms a big grin on her face.

"Oh my god they are so cute!" Heather said as she hugged the bug. Rossto flapped around the tree almost comically knowing that if he did something wrong even he wouldn't get out of it easy. The pidgey stopped after seeing the two boys before flying back to Heather.

"Pidgey Pidgey Gey!" Rossto flapped trying to point at the new arrivals.

Heather turned around still holding the Caterpie before walking to see the two boys. She cocked her head to the right noticing concern on their faces before setting the pokemon back on the ground and re-adjusting her sweatshirt again. She then patted off her pants before looking at the two boys.

"I take it you heard me screaming...Ummm I wasn't being attacked or anything I just get excited when there are bugs around...I'm kind of a bug nut." Heather said rubbing a hand behind her head, "My name is Heather and this is Rossto. Did you guys capture that Magician?"


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Ooc: That was great I lol'd at how anti-Misty the joy screaming was.

Rodney was saddened but managed to say "No he got away again, if only Chompers here was ok he would sniff him out again...or that berry bush....again" It was after saying that Rodney seemed to have a brainwave he ran off to the bush after setting Chompers down by a log. He returned with some small green,sour berries "This should wake him up" he said as he began to feed Chompers the berries after a few the small Totodile jumped to life and immediately began his song again. "Good boy! Reckon you could sniff the crook out? and not the bush?" Chompers sighed and then nodded stopped his tune for a second and sniffed the air, then immediately rushed off again.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
"you know i`m really annoyed I almost had that con-artist in the bag,but it`s cool well no it is`nt I`m really pissed" Jeffery said kicking the dirt
"well how about we get going after that guy" Jeffery than ran after chompers leaving Rodney and heather behind.

Jeffery managed to find the magician scrambling into a cave, Jeffery quickly gave chase and followed him in.
"god damn I need to work on my hiding skills" the magician said letting out a sigh of frustration

"yeah you do and you are cornered with a Pokemon that`s good as defeated so you`re screwed" Jeffery said as he,riolu and chompers surrounded him


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
Magnus was riding through the woods near Pallet Town when he saw a group of trainers chasing after another one. He followed them for a short period of time before they chased him into a cave. Deciding that he should offer his help to...whoever needs it, he parks his bike outside the cave and follows them in. He grabs the pokeball out of the inner pocket of his leather riding jacket. "Quillz, let's go." A large female Cyndaquil popped out of the ball and stood at her master's side. "Alright Q, flames out."
"Cynda..QUIL!" She set out her flames and ran alongside Magnus. They caught up to the group of attackers and saw that they were surrounding a rather down-looking man.
"Quillz, we should help that guy. Use Smokescreen on those attackers!" Quillz let out a cloud of black smoke on the trainers surrounding the magician.
"If you want to get out of here," Magnus yelled. "Follow me!"

Adam Jenson

New member
Dec 23, 2008
this is most definately the weirdest day Trevor thought to himself as the smoke surrounded the small group. "Comeon Rosgry". Grabbing his pokemon by the hand Trevor followed the voice of the trainer and ran along with him.
"Thanks, Guy" was all he was able to tell the stranger.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
"you have got to be kidding me,YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME" Jeffery yelled running out of the cave riolu and chompers in tow after the magician
"go on a vacation they said, clear your head they said, get over losing the fifth gym badge they said, god as soon as I catch this guy he is so dead" Jeffery continued to run after the stranger and the con-artist

Adam Jenson

New member
Dec 23, 2008
"Thanks for the kindness buddy but" and with those words Trevor came to a halt and simply yelled "STOP"
The entire group did so, the looks of puzzlement on their faces, while amusing was going to be understood. Putting his hands in the air Trevor continued "We give up you caught us. Take us away or whatever" "Rosgry?!"
Trevor simply winked at his pokemon and he followed in kind raising his hands in the air. a bunch of berries falling from his pockets


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
"Okay, someone explain to me what happened. I think I deserve an explanation." He rested his hand on the handle of his knife. "One at a time...What the hell happened?" He looked at the strange-looking psychic Pokemon.."And, what where did you find that. I have never seen a pokemon like that. It's amazing. Anyway, back to the situation. Why were you chasing this guy?"


New member
Jan 9, 2009
"well we were originally chasing him because he stole an old lady`s purse then we battled him then he got away again then we cornered him then you helped him escape I`m really wondering why I`m still chasing him though" Jeffery said scratching his head
"but another question what the hell are you doing helping him he`s a crook and a liar, also his show was`nt that good anyway" Jeffery said cautiously eying the man`s hand resting on the knife handle.

Adam Jenson

New member
Dec 23, 2008
"Ok, I know this looks bad buit you gotta believe me I was doing it all for the right reasons"
By the looks on their faces it was obvious the other didn't believe him and with a look both asked "How?"
"Its because of him" Trevor said as he pointed to Rosgry. "Ros" A look of annoyance on his face.

"You see, Rosgry here...is an alien pokemon. And I saved him from a scientist who wanted to chop him up and now the cops are after us. You see I'm just trying to protect him. He's my friend"

that oughtta stick


Zombie Nation #LetsRise
Jun 9, 2008
Jared sat up in his sleeping bag, rubbing the crud away from his eyes. Lousy uppity Magnet Train conductors. So what if I didn't have a ticket...Where the hell am I again anyways? "Hey Nicky, you up yet?" He called over to his traveling companion.
"Ran-ran," came Nicky's reply.
"Haha, of course you're up already. You're always full of energy, aren't ya?"
"Ran-ran-Ni ran"
"What? People over there? Sweet, they might be able to tell me where the heck I am."
Jared quickly shoved his bag into his pack and headed up over the ridge, and indeed people were there, although it looked like there was quite a commotion going on. He tried to carefully slide down the slope, but a root caught him and tripped him up, sending him sliding into the clearing where the quarrel was taking place.
"Ran!" said Nicky as he ran over to his fallen master.
All Jared could do was sheepishly look up at everyone. "Uh....," he stammered. "Hi. Anyone know where the heck I am right now?"