Pokemon RP Slots closed Chapter 11: I'm on a boat!


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
As Magnus and Dani walked back into the hospital room, they saw that Jeffrey was dressed, and ready to be discharged.

"Come on..." Magnus said to the group as they left the hospital grounds. "Let's get off of this island. I want to go to Cinnabar and visit the volcano."


The group of trainers approached the harbor and paid for tickets for a ferry that would take them to Cinnabar.

"Now we just wait for the boat to come in... Shouldn't be too much longer." Magnus assured the group.


New member
Jul 1, 2008
"We've been ready to go for the last couple of hours? Why the hell did the doctors keep us here? We've got Rocket on our tails and time to make up, come on!" Staryu frantically tried to pull Alan up and along to get on their way.

The group quickly made their way out of the hospital and began to wander again, mixed in their opinions of where to go. Alan was undecided, sure that adventure would find them whichever path they took. Staryu on the other hand...

"A volcano? Can we go Alan!? Canwecanwecanwecanwe?" Staryu leaped from the ground up to exaggerate his excitement.

Alan caught Staryu in mid-jump and scoffed, "You just had to mention a volcano didn't you Magnus." He lifted Staryu onto his shoulders. "Very well. Cinnabar it is."

They made their way to the dock along with the rest of the group. As they reached the dock, Alan allowed Golbat and Magneton out of their respective Pokeballs for a bit off fresh air.


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
"My bad, Alan. I didn't know Staryu would get excited at the mention of a volcano." Magnus apologized to Alan. "Why is your Staryu so interested in going to a volcano, anyway?"


New member
Jul 1, 2008
"He's obsessed with going to new places. He's pretty much sidetracked us through almost every forest and mountain we've gone near, so now a volcano's on the agenda he's going to want to see the view from the very top."

Staryu jumped down from Alan shoulders into the sea, keeping close to the dock to avoid the more powerful currents. Golbat and Magneton had decided to make a game of this, seeing how far they could float Staryu from the dock before he inevitably swam back to it.


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
Magnus watched Golbat and Magneton for a moment and turned back to Alan.

"Just be sure not to drop him." Magnus half-joked, half-warned. "I can understand his curiosity. But I'm going to the volcano for a different reason. Volcanoes are the source of the highest-quality Fire Stones... I'm looking to get one for Reynard, it's about time he evolved. Now that he can use Extrasensory, I see no reason to keep him as a Vulpix."


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Jeffery's ears peaked at the mention of a volcano he was hoping to evolve charmeleon into a charizard and thought doing so in his natural element would be really helpful

"bwhahahahaha if I evolve charmeleon into a charizard then I`l have two awesomely powerful pokemon and I`l be one step closer to WORLD DOMINATION" jeffery thought then said out loud.

"ummm Jeff what are you going on about" Rodney asked.

"absolutely nothing of interest to you or anyone else" jeffery replied in a calm voice.

"okay...whatever you say" Rodney replied with a weird-ed out expression on his face, slowly backing away.

"yeah, just keep on walking buddy boy" jeffery said chuckling slightly.
okay I googled the Firestone thing and now I`m the proud owner of one obscure fact that I never knew before because I never use stones on my pokemon.


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
TYF, Charmeleon does not use Fire Stones to evolve... Also, Charizard is Fire/Flying, not Dragon. Gyarados isn't part-Dragon either.

Magnus heard Jeffrey mutter something stupid, and planted his palm into his face.

"Jeffrey, if you don't stop being stupid, I will punch you in your bad arm and toss you off the docks." Magnus said seriously. "Just take it easy for a while, and don't talk so much."


New member
Jan 9, 2009
"you always gotta be a killjoy don`t ya" jeffery said as he stopped laughing and turned to magnus.

"no I just think your an idiot" magnus replied

"you know I`m getting real fucking tired of your bullshit man we need to settle this right now man-to-man" jeffery said pointing at magnus.

"oh please I`d kick your ass in a pokemon battle" magnus replied waving jeffery off.

"who said anything about a pokemon battle I wanna beat t6he living shit outta you with my bare hands" jeffery said a crazy look in his eye.

"you really are an idiot,I`d beat you even worse in a fistfight"

"well I honestly don`t care if you break my good arm and both my legs not like it`ll be any worse than what`s to come, so you gonna do this or what" jeffery asked taking a fighting stance

yeah the constant insults and always being called an idiot along with all the stress of having a friend die and also being shot in the arm and hospitalized have finally pushed Jeff over the edge and made him into a violent asshole....well more of a violent asshole anyway


New member
Jul 1, 2008
Alan stepped between Jeffery and Magnus, betting that Jeffery wouldn't dare to try this fight again, especially in such a public area, "Come on, Jeffery... Not this again. We've just had you out of a hospital, we don't need you straight back in one."


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
"Jeffrey..." Magnus said to him. "I'm getting tired of you. Be a good little boy and be quiet."

The ferry-master announced that the ferry leaving for Cinnabar Island had arrived, and would depart in fifteen-minutes.

"It seems that our boat is here." Magnus said to the group, getting up to board the ship.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Rodney walked up the small steps to the boat. He looked behind him one last time at the Island which had caused them so much grief, before sighing and turning away.

"Jeffrey, please don't start shit with anyone. Or I swear I'll let Slicer in your room at night telling him there's a battle there" Rodney tried to say as seriously as possible to Jeffrey who had just boarded.

Jeffrey chuckled slightly before saying-

"Fine. I'll try and calm down. Just with all that's happened everyone seems to be on a short fuse. Plus if anyone gets in my way I'll still kick their asses"

"I'm suuure" Rodney replied sarcastically. Before adding-

"Remember, "BATTLE!"" with his best imitation of Slicer while waving his arms about like Slicer's blades.

"Stop that. You look like a moron" Jeffrey said bluntly.

Rodney smiled and walked off, hoping he had actually gotten the message across that he hoped there would be no bad blood between his friends.

"So, Cinnabar away! We'll go see the old, burnt down mansion. Then the old burnt down houses, then the old burnt down everything else!" Rodney joked with his travelling companions and in fact anyone within earshot.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
"This is so exciting! I have always wanted to go to Cinnabar!" Dani skipped onto the boat, her problems had slipped her mind for the moment as the ocean breeze hit her face and the smell of the salty water entered her nostrils, "I love boats, they are so big and interesting!"

Norbert nudged Dani and she summoned him back into his Pokeball, the very thought of being on such a seemingly tiny ship surrounded by water was not very appealing to the large fire Pokemon. Dani walked up to Rodney who seemed to be enjoying the sights and sounds of the ocean, she stood beside him in silence for a few seconds before speaking,

"Hi!" was all she said, she had much to say but didn't feel like discussing any of it at such a peaceful moment, "Are you excited?"


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
"I know I'm excited..." Magnus said, coming up from below deck. He walked toward Dani and Rodney and stood beside them, his hands on the railing of the boat as it pulled away from the docks. "I've never been to Cinnabar either. I wonder how the Fire-Type Pokemon who live near and in the volcano are different from those on the mainland."

"What about you Rodney, are you excited?" Dani asked.

"You've been to Cinnabar Island before, right?" Magnus asked Rodney. "I mean, you lived so close to it. You could probably see the eruption when it happened from your island, right?"


New member
Dec 16, 2008
"I bet Norbert is more excited than any of us!" Dani interrupted Rodney as he opened his mouth to speak, "Imagine a fire Pokeom on a island like that! He will never want to go back into his ball!"

Dani laughed then realized she interrupted Rodney, she covered her mouth with her hands and looked at Rodney, giggling beneath her hands.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
"Yeah I've been to Cinnabar, not since it erupted though. It was the weirdest thing, all you heard the entire night were sirens from boats and helicopters. The sky was a funny kind of red too." Rodney said, thinking back to the night when the volcano errupted on Cinnabar.

Rodney turned to Dani and said "Yeah, I'm hoping to get Blaze soom good training up there and maybe get a few new pokemon."


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
"You were just about nine-years-old when it happened." Magnus thought for a moment. "I remember when I first heard about it... I was in school, and the principal told the teachers to put on the news. Wow... I was only about twelve when that happened. Damn, I'm getting old."

Magnus stopped thinking about his age, and went back to the conversation.

"So, what do you guys plan on catching? The only thing I want is a Fire Stone, but some training would be good as well. Should be good training for our Water-Types, though."


New member
Jul 1, 2008
Alan didn't feel too sure about this journey despite all his Pokemons' collective joy. Something about it felt... wrong. All the conflict that had shown in the group was now just being pushed aside by the new target and he couldn't help but wonder when the next spat of emotion would emerge. His Pokemon wouldn't be help back by such things though.

Staryu was looking forward to the sightseeing and the extra training he'd be able to do now he'd have the type advantage and the other two had gone to the room to get it ready.

Golbat landed on the bed and looked around, casting a criticising glare over the unfamiliar room. "This will take forever to get proper, Magna." He looked up towards the florescent bar light and tutted. "Not even a real perch."

Magneton was equally unimpressed by the room, for different reasons. The room was mostly bare except for a bed, bin and desk. Nothing he could charge or mess with. "I guess it will do for the journey."


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2009
"Personally, I'm hoping i can catch a Torkoal. My Cousin in Lavaridge has one and I've wanted one ever since I was a kid." Brandon said joining the conversation. "Maybe a Houndour too?"


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
Magnus nodded silently and eased himself away from the conversation. He decided to see if he could find anyone on the boat who would be willing to have a Pokemon battle with him... If only just to help pass the six hours that they would be on the boat.


New member
Jul 1, 2008
Magneton and Golbat were on their way back to Alan, going back the way they'd came.

"How do you think he'll take it? The bad room and all?" Golbat turned around with a rapid beating of wings to look at Magneton floating a short distance behind him.

"Not too badly I assume. He isn't too fussy about sleeping arrangements, you know. As long as we all find a decent place it won't be that bad." Magneton replied in a metallic buzz.

Golbat made a face, however a Golbat would look deep in thought, and then a sort of shrugging motion in mid-flapping of the wings. And then he stopped.

He landed, absolutely sure he'd heard a noise. A soft... growling? But where from? Magneton had the answer. From behind a large box he saw a Houndoom emerge, crouching and ready to pounce upon the Golbat. Golbat turned just in time to see the beast before it leaped at him. "Run!" Golbat took off in a flash, flying up as high as he could to avoid the huge creature. Magneton followed swiftly after, but not before coaxing the Houndoom with a shock.