Politician Asks Game Makers to End Real-Life Gun Licensing


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
From the Speaker's page:

A report published in June by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and The Gun Truth Project detailed how deals between video game companies and weapons manufacturers often lead to promotional campaigns enticing players to purchase weapons featured in the games they have just played.

I'm not sure how "often" it actually happens; I'm only aware of the deal EA signed with McMillan and Magpul that it canned last year. But that's obviously the nail the Speaker has chosen to hammer.
Here's an NYT article on the practice. [http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/25/business/real-and-virtual-firearms-nurture-marketing-link.html?pagewanted=1&hp&_r=0] I'm sure it happens quite a bit, actually, but then I tend to be a marketing cynic. I mean, if you've got a product you want to sell, licence its likeness for use in a million different entertainment IPs. That's what the car-makers do; it'd be a little naive, IMO, to think that gun-makers aren't all up in that pie, as well.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Reeve said:
That's right kids: Publishers have to pay to licenses to be allowed to depict real world guns in games. That money goes to the arms industry. Which means that every time you buy a game that depicts real world guns in it: Some of your money is spent on making real weapons. You help the arms industry! (And some of you, whilst doing that unwittingly, will be on the Internet demanding gun control. lol cosmic irony!)
This kinda deserves a repost cause there's a good point there.

So less money going to the arms industry = less guns being made (in theory) = less people getting shoot = a good thing.

course, it'd help if I knew how much money these gun company's where pulling for these licenses.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
iniudan said:
WanderingFool said:
erttheking said:
Thats roughly the same as giving a person a sweater so they dont get cold... in the desert...
You do know that a hot desert can get freezing at night, has there is nothing to hold the heat from going elsewhere and some are cold climate, like Gobi Desert for example.
I do... thank you for completely ruining everything...


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Sorry did you say no more licensed guns in our games? We thought you meant LOTS more licensed guns! - that should be the reply of the industry. I'm sick of these morons, they live in a country where people are killed every day because they wont restrict guns due to an old and outdated 200 year 'law' that America treats like its some religious text. Fix your backwards country then come for violant media if it doesn't improve.


New member
Apr 15, 2013
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
I cannot agree more with that statement. A gun that shoots Paul Hogan at enemies, a gun that shoots Frank Zappa at enemies, a gun that shoots bombs at enemies that create Neil Patrick Harris shaped explosions. I would play the hell out of that.
Can the Frank Zappa Gun instead just shoot his magnificent mustache with the gun sounds replaced with lyrics? I would pay good money for that in many, many games.

OT: I support this for the sole purpose of having developers put more interesting guns in games. I'm still waiting for my gun that just traps people in bubbles and makes them float away. I'm also in favor of ending the indirect financing of the arms industry.


New member
Aug 11, 2013
What the fuck?! Americans sell these things in Walmarts?! I don't believe this...there has to be a catch...no way...


New member
Jun 16, 2012
I actually hope this will work.

If they cant use real life weapons they might start making something new, original and *gasp* fun.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Personally, I actually support this, but for a different reason than getting "Real" guns out of gaming.

Just think of how much more creative game guns could be if they didn't have to copy word for word the details of, say, an AK-47?
And it might help lower development costs with no more licensing fees.

Granted, Retarded Politician is Retarded, but this might have some pros to it.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Lunar Templar said:
Reeve said:
That's right kids: Publishers have to pay to licenses to be allowed to depict real world guns in games. That money goes to the arms industry. Which means that every time you buy a game that depicts real world guns in it: Some of your money is spent on making real weapons. You help the arms industry! (And some of you, whilst doing that unwittingly, will be on the Internet demanding gun control. lol cosmic irony!)
This kinda deserves a repost cause there's a good point there.

So less money going to the arms industry = less guns being made (in theory) = less people getting shoot = a good thing.

course, it'd help if I knew how much money these gun company's where pulling for these licenses.
Whoa...Mind Blown.

While there is no idea of knowing the exact figure, I'd feel better knowing that all the COD Clones aren't paying Gun Manufactures.
This bill is the product of a dumb man wanting to take a stand without actually getting off his ass, but there is some upsides to this is you think about it.


New member
Aug 11, 2013
Longstreet said:
I actually hope this will work.
Not a chance. This was just the politicians doing some nice PR. EA had to do this, in order to look good. All of them are giving money to the arms industry, so they can have the guns. If game companies stop paying, the industry will do it for free or even pay for such broad marketing.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
I approve of that request. Even if cutting the connection between in-game guns and actual ones, the video game industry really needs to stop feeding money into the gun industry.

It's not much, but it's an easy move that shouldn't encounter too much resistance.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
So... what if the reverse occurs? Gun manufacturers notice a type of gun used in video games and ask to use and manufacture THAT gun? Then sell the gun with "same as used in CoD/Battlefield!" or whatever?

It's a hypothetical but how would the government react? Do they hate it because video games are influencing real life or do they like it because more guns are being sold by proud American companies?


New member
Apr 27, 2011
WanderingFool said:
iniudan said:
WanderingFool said:
erttheking said:
Thats roughly the same as giving a person a sweater so they dont get cold... in the desert...
You do know that a hot desert can get freezing at night, has there is nothing to hold the heat from going elsewhere and some are cold climate, like Gobi Desert for example.
I do... thank you for completely ruining everything...
See the good side. Get a fedora and a whip, and do some archeology.


New member
Mar 27, 2013
To be honest it should be allowed and encouraged to use actual and accurate gun names in games, mostly for the reason to properly inform the public about the types of guns used around the world; to require licensing to use that name in a fictional setting should be unnecessary in that case, but promoting those guns in that fictional setting should be discouraged. Otherwise, imagine the situation between an emergency operator and someone who is seeing a shooting take place:

Operator:"Is he armed?"
Person:"Yes! I know the type of gun he/she is using!"
Operator:"What is the gun?"
Person:"It's a AF-48!"
Operator:"Umm...what? There are no known gun models with that name."
Person:"Well, that's what they're called in CoD!"


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
RicoADF said:
Sorry did you say no more licensed guns in our games? We thought you meant LOTS more licensed guns! - that should be the reply of the industry. I'm sick of these morons, they live in a country where people are killed every day because they wont restrict guns due to an old and outdated 200 year 'law' that America treats like its some religious text. Fix your backwards country then come for violant media if it doesn't improve.
Yeah, fuck those 200 year old laws. Freedom of Speech, petitioning the government? Who needs that? Right to not incriminate yourself? So long. Freedom of Religion? Idiotic. Not being required to house soldiers on your property? You should be glad to do such a service! Requiring a warrant to search someone's house? Gets in the way of "security" and that's important. Right to a trial? Please, we already know who is guilty. The media tells us that stuff, duh. Jury trials for large monetary claims? Last year. Protection from cruel and unusual punishment? Burn it. Placing all other powers with the states or people themselves? What sort of nonsense is this?

Anarchy! Anarchy! Anarchy!