TheIronRuler said:
twistedmic said:
TheIronRuler said:
Took him less than 2 years in power to take away many of the civilian and human rights of Germany's Jewry. Restricted them heavily economically, barred them from centers of power and state-sanctioned positions... As more judges, professors and police-officers became members of the Nazi party, Jews were barred from those spheres. He separated Germany's Jewry from the rest of Germany's citizens, making inter-marriage illegal, and allowed the gestapo to arrest and intern mixed couples...
I ask you to stop this comparison it's offensive to the memory of the holocaust to compare the tv-host clown you've elected as president to the devil that murdered 6 million of my people.
Did Germany have the checks and balances that the US has? Was the German constitution/government designed to try and prevent authoritarians from taking power? Did Hitler have the amount of opposition that Trump and his Republicans have? Was there as much media coverage and information showing what Hitler was trying to do?
Hitler was a monster that tried to eradicate more than just the Jews. He also tried to exterminate Slavs, gays, mentally handicapped, Poles, political rivals, trade unionists and more. Nearly half of the
eleven million victims of the holocaust were non-Jews.
Mass graves on the US side of the border.
Say that out loud. Repeat it a few times. Imagine the people that could perpetrate such a thing. Contemplate what you've just said.
Regardless of the treatment of undocumented people - which was certainly not the case with Nazi Germany - A nation has a right and an obligation to its own citizens to protect its borders and stop the entry of foreigners. Borders exist for a reason.
Despicable, racists people that see other races as sub-human will do shit like that. Trump and his ilk have shown repeatedly that they see non-whites as less than human. Trump himself has called immigrants 'animals'. White Nationalists and White Supremacist make up a solid portion of his base. Trump's 'America First' slogan was heavily used by the Ku Klux Klan- a White Supremacist terrorist organization that viciously murdered most likely thousands of black people.
US border protection has already fired tear gas at children.
A nation does have the right to protect its borders, but forcibly detaining legal asylum seekers, tearing apart families and forcing/tricking
minors into signing away their rights, or having non-English speaking children attend deportation hearings without attorneys.
All of these things can be stepping stones to greater atrocities. You do not prevent horrors by ignoring warning signs and red flags.
There are mass graves in Mexico. Mexicans murdering other Mexicans. They are not 'Despicable, racists people that see other races as sub-human'... What you see there, I can't see from here. I don't see what your eyes see. Are you American? I don't live in the US, I haven't seen these kinds of people myself, I can't tell... I don't think they come close to what you're describing to me.
I've had to use tear gas grenades on children before. It's a legitimate and non-violent way to disperse non-combatants... The question here should be why are there children there to begin with... Illegal border crossing is dangerous. It used to be that young and able-bodied people crossed the border, made some money and sent it back... but now that you can live off welfare in some US states and not even work, the whole family is coming over. US sends aid away, yet it comes to socialist nations to be redistributed by the state and siphoned off by the rulers... never to reach its intended audience.
Saelune said:
Whats insulting to the memory of the Holocaust is repeating literally the same fucking mistakes that lead to the first one! Most memorials to the Holocaust are explicitly about preventing the same thing happening again!
It's not literally the same mistakes and you're too emotionally juvenile and ignorant of history to realize it. I can't help you understand that.
First of all, like you said, you are not in the US, so you are not exactly "aware" of everything going on here.
1) If you read the links provided above, you would understand the Cartel that is responsible for the " mass graves" was trained by US special forces, their former leader a US citizen that grew up here in Dallas, Texas, and employs US Military, US border patrol and US citizens. They not only operate in Mexico, but also in the US and there have also been US citizens found in these mass graves.
2)Yes, in the US we have an alarming rise in White nationalism, Neo Nazism, and other racist groups that want to do whatever it takes to remove all non whites from the US. These same groups do not consider Jewish people or " Mediterranean whites" to be " white" as well. These groups are active in my area and leave fliers on my car and door, hold rallies in town and constantly make lives for others hell here.
3)The children at the border are refugees fleeing cartel violence, the worst of which has been perpetrated by the cartel trained by US special forces. The cartels do not just target adults, they target entire families, they target children to make the people they are targeting suffer by watching their children be tortured. In many cases, if these children were not at the US border they would have been dead already.
4)The people coming in now are not looking to work and send money home, they are seeking asylum so they do not die. That is why you are seeing such an influx of women and children. The people are seeking the first available US soil to stand on and seeking to turn themselves in immediately to apply for asylum. The US used tear gas on the children to keep them away from US soil to do so, which should be considered illegal.
Sandweg added: "This is a different type of situation than we've ever dealt with at the border before. These people are not trying to sneak into the United States and evade capture. They want to surrender right away because they know that [the Department of Homeland Security] is currently overwhelmed. So, no, the wall is not going to do anything about it."
5) The US has not "just been sending aid" they have determined to use the aid to empower those with contracts to US business that have lobbied the US government to do so. They use the aid to keep the person willing to sell out their own people in power. That is the reality of how this has worked for a very long time now. To change who is in power and what is done to help the people, you have to change the US actions that have caused this in the first place. The US is not correcting their mistakes, they just keep making them worse. The US often causes the destabilization that increases the number of refugees fleeing to the US.
EDIT: Also you should understand that undocumented immigrants cannot legally receive welfare in the US. You keep saying that but it is not true.
Medical Insurance. Immigrants in the country illegally are not eligible for government health care programs, including Medicare and non-emergency Medicaid. And they?re not eligible to receive federal subsidies or to outright buy their own insurance through the Affordable Care Act?s insurance exchanges. Some unauthorized immigrants may receive care through private employers, but many remain uninsured.
Undocumented immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. Most of these programs require proof of legal immigration status and under the 1996 welfare law, even legal immigrants cannot receive these benefits until they have been in the United States for more than five years.
You have to have documentation to receive benefits. When my father had multiple strokes and became paralyzed, while waiting for him to be approved for disability, I had to sign my parents up to receive food and bill assistance due to both of them becoming disabled. While I was able to keep them from losing their home while my father was hospitalized, it was extremely draining on me financially to pay all the bills and taxes for two households, including all of their farmland. They required 3 forms of ID to prove who they were and citizenship ( Social security card, Driver's license or State ID, and Birth certificate), current household bills in their name to prove residency, proof of disability and proof of income. Even with all of that, and them receiving 0 income in their household at the time, they still received very little in government benefits. A couple of hundred dollars a month is still not enough to make ends meet or survive on, it just meant I had to pay a little less to support two households. Ultimately, I wound up selling my home over it and moving somewhere less expensive due to how financially draining that actually was for me.
For someone undocumented to receive any government benefits, they would have to already pay a ton of money to obtain illegal or stolen documents that could lead to their arrest if they used them. It is extremely difficult for anyone to do so, and unlikely many would be willing to take that risk. They have police on site at the places where you go to apply for these things and they will arrest people falsely presenting themselves.
EDIT(again): In addition, when you apply for benefits, at the time they only give you emergency assistance to tide you over during the approval process, you are not actually approved until your documentation is sent off to the state capital for verification to ensure it is accurate.
You should also understand that welfare in the US is actually very small, not enough to survive on, even if you are homeless and have 0 income and 0 bills, and it is very easy for a person to become homeless in the US compared to most western nations. The US does not have the same sort of benefits most western nations have, and varies by state. Texas does not provide much at all, and the little that is provided is not available to undocumented immigrants and that is where most of the immigrants are coming in.
I also replied to your PM