Conservatism and Progressivism are fundamentally identical. They're both based on the idea that what people do as a nation and as a society can bring good into that nation or society in the future. A progressive intends to change society now in order to make new good things happen. A conservative intends to preserve the things done in the past in order to repeat the good things we have now. Conservatives aren't slaves to tradition that does bad things any more than progressives want revolution that wouldn't help. None of it is that senseless. We have good things now because of what was done in the past, and because of the things we do now, we can make more good in the future. To kinda quote Republican conservationist Teddy Roosevelt, wise conservatism and wise progressivism go hand in hand. They are connected theories of governance. This is different from something like liberalism where the purpose of government is to abide eternally by set values, in that case liberty, equality, and sometimes justice. Conservatism and progressivism aren't ideologically bound like that. They just seek to do what's good for the people. The difference is whether you prefer to do what you know works or try to aim for better, and I'd argue any reasonable person should be doing both of those things depending on the situation.Fieldy409 said:No, back in the day people worked together to create good environmental policy, it wasn't 'the left vs the right' back then, most people didn't even know what the left or right was until the terms got popularised in the last ten years or so. It wasn't so divisive back then.
And the thing is, you can argue left vs right, but theres also progressive vs conservative. And a conservative means to conserve, which in this case is not environmental conservation, but simply conserving the way things are, conservative means opposition to change. The conservative doesn't want new policies that effect environment or any thing, they only want new policies when they return to the old ways. At a lot of times in history conservatives were in the right being the guys who said no to thins. But these days its a big time of change, new technology, finally waking up to things like gay rights and such, that the conservatives resisting change often want us to regress to bad old things. And one day they will be right again once this big era of change is settled. Heck, I feel every day conservatives become more reasonable, like how many aren't against gay marriage anymore. One day the progressives will have changed far enough and the conservatives will be right again.
That progressives and conservatives are so at odds at the moment is an accidental consequence of a separate ongoing culture war. Those primarily identified as conservatives are trying to conserve Christian morality, an undeniable part of the American culture during the rise to prosperity. Those primarily identified as progressives are those trying to deny Christian morality, believing for some reason that Christian morals hurt people. And I could write a book about how that current conflict is basically all John Calvin's fault. But this concept of who is conservative and who is progressive is just this moment in time. There's nothing progressive about environmental stewardship, that's a centuries old concept that is well ingrained in the status quo. There's nothing conservative about banning abortion, abortions were allowed so long as the baby hadn't kicked yet until modern medical science came around and even though there were laws against abortion at some point, the position of treating a fetus as a human being is wildly new. Hell, Prohibition was part of the Progressive movement, that's not exactly how people would classify it these days (cause they don't know what the words mean).
The world is about to swing culturally in a way you don't expect. Studies indicate young people, gen z, are about as politically conservative as millenials. The thing is, people get more conservative as they age, which means that gen z is actually more conservative than millenials in the long run. And as a matter of personal behavior, gen z is less sexually active, less high, and less drunk than recent previous generations as teenagers. People keep trying to find ways to pin this on smart phones or fast food, but the truth is much more simple than that. Kids can tell that the people who depend on these things are just genuinely miserable. Kids are going to emulate the people who are happy, and right now the people who are happy are the Christian conservatives with traditional families. What's "progressive" and what's "conservative" are going to change greatly, but not for the reasons you think. People aren't just going to give up on Christian sexual morality, the opposite is going to happen. Whether or not the Bible is involved, we're going to have a return to the culture of sexuality, parenthood, and marriage being united concepts, because people would rather be happy than miserable.