Verbal assault is a thing you know..CM156 said:Yes, and that was a state supreme court decision that was very narrow. It's possible to yell pretty much anything in such a way that it could constitute harassment. It also took the speech in context with his actions, so simply stating "I really dislike your racial group" in a neutral tone would not be unprotected under this courts ruling. To expand on this, if I were to follow a gay pride parade and yell slurs at them, I could be arrested for harrassment, but could not be arrested for simply burning a pride flag on public property, thank you Texas v. Johnson.Lil devils x said:
for one,when we discussed this years before, I remember linking other recent cases but I am not really up for digging right now and I remembered this one off the top of my head.
So I'm going to assume that you would consider most European countries civilized, along with maybe a few in Asia, and that most of the developing world is "uncivilized?" I might suggest that using that term is not the best.Civilized = Takes care of their people, provides quality healthcare, education, welfare to all the people and has the happiest people overall, has high standard of living for all it's people, not just the elite. Treating all the people well> treating the elite well. The better all the people are treated, and higher quality of life for everyone, the more civilized the nation is.
You're confusing words with actions. Just as the law treats real property [real estate] differently from personal property, so does the law treat speech acts different than physical acts. You can stop people from doing things through use of force. But you can't stop them from thinking it, and it's also a lost cause to stop them from speaking it. The Streisand effect is still a real thing. For example, when those black bloc brainets came out to try to stop Milo from speaking in California, they gave him a national microphone and the legitimate ability to play the victim (at least in the eyes of many in the public).We did stop the holding of numerous bad ideas through state force. We stop murder through state force, we stop child bride trafficking through state force, we stop child molesters through state force.
And my right to speech does not end with your feelings.Their right's end where another's begins.
Hypothetical far-flung future action is not a threat. And the legal/policy reasons for this are well founded. I'll give you another example: conventional marxists/MLs/MLMs talk about a dictatorship of the proletariat stage of their revolution, during which time certain liberties would be denied to the population (explicitly or implicit). I can't have communists arrested for advocating a communist revolution on the basis that such a revolution would, in the future, deprive me of my right to vote (or possibly my life considering their track record and my social class/political views). Likewise, just because some white nationalists are talking about an ethonostate does not give you the right to have them arrested because in the future, you would have your rights violated if somehow, they got in power. And if commies aren't your bag, I can give you a few other examples of hypothetical future action that doesn't cause problems.The right to not be abused takes priority over the idea that someone as the right to abuse others. Threatening people with ethnic cleansing is abuse and no they should not have a right to abuse others in this way.
I will give $100 to your favorite charity right now if you can show me where in the American constitution it says "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and that this obligation is binding on other citizens and not the governmentBy promoting white nationalism, they are actively threatening other constitutionally protected citizens and infringing upon their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Yes feelings do matter and if you cause another emotional distress, you very well could be liable for any health issues they have as a result of it. People are not entitled to go around threatening people and we have an abundant and long history of court ordered restraining orders issued to address that very subject. The threats made by the white nationalist platform should be treated no different than all of these other threats made that cause people harm. BTW causing people emotional distress does actually harm them physically, it is time the courts catch up with the science btw, they are out of date:
Yes, emotional distress can kill you.
The idea that tormenting others doesn't harm them is factually incorrect. Causing others stress by threatening them can actually cause more physical harm than just punching them in the first place.
White nationalists are not promoting a far flung future, they are promoting specific ethnic cleansing to be implemented now, as they stress the urgency of needing to act now because tomorrow will be too late.. Have you not actually listened to what they have been saying here? They are claiming this is an ethnic emergency and people must act now, some are promoting by any means possible, thus why we have had so many violently start murdering people already due to this rhetoric. They are calling for them to act now and in force, not later.
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is not in the constitution, it is in the declaration of independence, I never said it was. The governments obligation to defend US citizens from all enemies foreign and domestic is in the constitutions as well as be responsible for the the general welfare of the people. If the government fails to protect it's citizens from white nationalists, they are failing in both regards.