Agema said:
Obviously, many of them appreciate these rants because they do believe it's true...They just like that someone is saying it.
For my part, this is what it's about. I grew up living between southern Indiana, rebirth-place of the Klan and Overt Racism HQ of the North, and northern Alabama. Needless to say, I grew up in and around a whole lot of racism growing up; hell, I had family in the Klan (they're all dead now). Let me try to explain to you what people like me mean, when we grouch about political correctness.
First things first, you have to understand northerner, and now coastie, liberals like to pretend they're above racism. They can't be racist, because other people are more overtly racist; their area can't be racist, because other areas are more overtly racist; they were Union states, after all by God, and by comparison they're shining exemplars of racial equity because clearly, they don't say or do racist things. And if --
even if -- they might
possibly be construed
in some way to hold
maybe an inconvenient thought about certain minority groups, their flavor of racism is still somehow superior.
Yeah...not so much. Best case scenario, they just learned to be more covert about it and are completely unaware of how bad off they actually are, and even if they have an inkling it manifests itself in overcompensation absent introspection.
It's in this context, I'd like to introduce the notion of "the tone". That's what I call it anyways. Grow up around enough overt and casual racists, you learn it and how to listen for it. It'd hard to quantify or qualify, you just know it when you hear it -- maybe it's a brief moment of hesitation before saying a given word, a certain emphasis on a syllable, a tonal shift at the start or end of a word or phrase, a slight tilt of the head when saying it, shift to a nasal tone, or an unusually exhaling sound as if you're spitting the word out. What having "the tone" means, is regardless of what just came out of your mouth, you hold the people you're talking about in
some form of contempt or sense of superiority.
You can call a black person any euphemism you like out of any book, however polite or unassuming
you may think it is, but if I hear "the tone" you may as well have just said the N-word. Liberals like to think they're so fuckin' smart for cracking "dog whistles", but the reality is that's just the tip of the iceberg and an entire world of expressing bigotry in its panoply of forms and depths, through means verbal and non-verbal, awaits the eyes and ears of a trained connoisseur of hate.
So, these northern and coastie liberals? They don't know how to listen for "the tone". They don't seem to know what "the tone" is, or even that it exists. It should come as no surprise at this point, that a hell of a lot more than I'm comfortable with, when I hear northern and coastie liberals talk about certain minority groups, I hear "the tone".
Once you learn to hear that shit, and start hearing that shit, you can't unhear it. You can't deny it. And it's absolutely maddening.
I can only speak for myself, but I get so sick and tired of hearing "the tone" out of liberals' mouths I could puke. Sometimes, I want to scream at these people to cut the shit and just say the N-word, because it's not what they're saying but it's clearly what they mean. Then, I could
at least respect the honesty even if I deplore the belief.
That's what "political correctness" is about. Today's slurs are yesterday's preferred argot. Today's preferred argot is tomorrow's slur. Hell, we're even coming full circle in some ways with today's preferred argot being yesterday's slurs. It's rhetorical wheel-spinning to push denialism and preclude genuine introspection, a thick-but-completely-transparent facade of otherness and superiority, the proverbial lipstick on a pig. Because people delude themselves into thinking they can solve for the underlying hate, by controlling how people speak. And there are some out there who damn well know of "the tone", but are perfectly content with it so long as they can exercise power over those who speak with it, by controlling their language.
So, in that light, there's a certain twisted catharsis that happens when morons like Trump pop off at the mouth and say dumb racist shit. There's no pretense, and there's no "tone". Because for once, you
can call a racist a racist, without being called a racist.