Poll: 6-Pack Abs: Worth the trouble?


New member
Nov 1, 2007
lizards said:
theultimateend said:
Mr.Pandah said:
Coming from someone who had them/has them fading, its safe to say it is not worth it. Why do you need them? To impress girls? Sure, I got compliments for them by women, but nothing ever came from it. Flat and solid, like NeutralDrow said, is probably for the best. You don't really want a truly defined six-pack either. I found that one that is almost...shall we say, hidden, is the best one to have. For example, if you stretch/lean a certain way and they come out, that is the "six-pack" I'm talking about =P

I do have to agree though, there is nothing wrong with working out/staying fit and healthy! I still do sit-ups from time to time, but nothing to keep my six-pack around.
Extra abdominal strength is always a good thing.

Being fit is pretty awesome.

If my knees weren't bad I'd still be working out. Obama needs to get that there healthcare going. Those of us 30k in debt from college can't really afford any extra bills after everything else :p (don't pay for my internet so don't say "cancel your comcast it'll pay for healthcare").

Aardvark said:
Too much effort. Just build up an acceptable level of fitness, then use the rest of the time developing more interesting hobbies and fixations than your ripped physique. Else you might very well find yourself turning into a dick.
Would that mean you'd have the sensitivity of one across your entire body? Sounds like it would make hugging even more awesome.

WHAT ABOUT THE DEATH SQUADS /completely obvious sarcasm
Honestly with my knees and other skeletal problems I'd take my chances :p. (Earnest response to your obvious sarcasm)

I love the "THEY'LL KILL YOU" talk when the person they are shouting at is dying.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
Honestly, I would care little for your muscles showing, BUT I said yes because the fact that more that you work on your health and body, the more you learn, develop and become concerned about your health. Go for it because of these things.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
It's worth it just to be that fit and know that you are. Confidence is a big deal. Definitely don't only concentrate only on the abs though, because you'll look strange.


New member
May 7, 2008
I voted 'no', but that's just me. I live in Holland, beach season lasts all of about 5 days a year. Isn't really worth it for me. Also I really like beer, so yeah.


Queen of France
Mar 14, 2009
Glefistus said:
Everyone's abs look the same, it's a matter of how much fat you have in front of them.

OT: Yes. I want them, but, as of now, I don't have them. I'm not fat, I just don't have abs.


Jee... this is a REALLY bad thread for double posts.

Yes, I was thinking of doing my massive irony attack there...

...but I didn't.
May 6, 2009
Glefistus said:
Everyone's abs look the same, it's a matter of how much fat you have in front of them.
This fellow has teh correct. Everybody on this thread who is doing any kind of ab exercises hoping for a six-pack is wasting time and energy. In fact, muscles don't really grow from that sort of thing. If you can do 100 situps you need to hug a 45 pound plate and do 20 on a decline bench.

To answer the original question I would do better with a little bit more fat on my abdomen so I could take a hit better, but I can't stand the look, so I put the work in, most of which is done in the kitchen or on the street/track and NEVER lying on the floor.

The six-pack has little to do with your abilities at all. It's pretty much purely cosmetic. I'm pretty shallow though, about my own appearance even more than that of others, so I feel like I need it more than I need to eat my favorite foods or sleep that extra hour in the morning.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Depends on your physical make up.

If your like my brother: Don't bother... nothing you do will give you a six pack. Exercise to remain fit and healthy, not worrying so much about how you look cause you can't change genetics. Guy could easily bench press me if he wanted, but he still has a stomach.

Now if your like me then a few quick exercises a day would be all that is needed and those are no trouble. Yet if you're really like me you then probably won't bother, just pigging out on rich food and laughing at the looks you get when you still weigh as much as a twig. Seriously though, bad choice even if you are like me... I am not healthy and doubt I will live to be past fifty if I keep it up.


New member
Mar 11, 2008
Eh, I tried for a while but realised I'd probably have to sacrifice my meal portions.
Came down to either, sacrifice my love for food or keep eating and stay at my current health status.
I got realistic and just decided to work on being fit, I do 60 situps and a 40 minute run most nights of the week and I've managed to stay a healthy weight and at a good level of fitness.

You don't need a 6-pack to be attractive, just keep yourself presentable and fit and that'll be all you ever need :)


New member
Apr 12, 2008
...If you need a six-pack to impress people, they don't really like you.

If you need a six-pack to impress yourself, it's time to find something else you like about yourself.

Healthy and happy is the way to go, the must-have-model-body culture needs to go, there are more important things for people to be getting on with.


Wicked Prolapse
Aug 27, 2009
when you get a girlfriend, your gonna want to impress or at least make her think your not the weakest guy out there


Wicked Prolapse
Aug 27, 2009
Len-LC said:
Not worth it, since they're basically useless.
Not useless, Its all muscle work, if you get a six pack it means your taking care of your body, im starting to get pretty big biceps