Poll: 60fps vs 30fps? opinions?


New member
Apr 13, 2015
Just wondering what you guys opinions are on the matter.The main problem with the consoles is that %85 of their games are at 30fps and the ones that aren't are exclusives and some small indies the other %10-%15 also the fact that they sacrifice graphics over frame rate which is not ideal obviously.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Where are you getting these specific percentages from?

Anyway, what's the discussion here? 60fps is better than 30fps? Yes. Is 30fps an absolute crime? No. Is it a crime when a game looks like it's last gen, has loads of pop-in and still only runs at 30fps? *looks at Evil Within* YES!!!


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Poor conceived poll. Of course 60 FPS is better then 30, the real questions are:

-Whats better: High FPS or High Quality?
-Whats better: High Unstable FPS or Low Stable FPS?
-What balance of stability, quality, and FPS is best? Which should game developers prioritize?

60 vs. 30 solves nothing without considering those.


New member
Apr 13, 2015
AccursedTheory said:
Poor conceived poll. Of course 60 FPS is better then 30, the real questions are:

-Whats better: High FPS or High Quality?
-Whats better: High Unstable FPS or Low Stable FPS?
-What balance of stability, quality, and FPS is best? Which should game developers prioritize?

60 vs. 30 solves nothing without considering those.
thanks for the heads up man really appreciate it :D


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
The only times I'm actually able to spot the difference is in fast-paced action or racing games, and to be completely honest, I don't really care all that much. Sure, Tales of Zestiria looks a little smoother at 60fps, but I had no problem playing it at 30fps on my PS4. Besides, my laptop is too shitty to run the game at all, so whatever. And okay, sure, my laptop wouldn't be considered a gaming system by the members of the PC master race, but looking at stats collected through Steam and such, it's actually not that bad. I'm mean, it's bad, but the average PC is actually not that far removed from the avarage console, so it's not as my laptop is absolutely terrible. Heck, according to Steam surveys, I'm far from the only one with a simple Intel HD Graphics card!

And all those games with limited animation I play, like visual novels and turn-based RPGs, those don't really need 60fps. I may not even notice it if they dropped below 20fps. I mean, it's mostly text appearing text boxes, and depending on my settings it might appear instantly, so yeah... (Though it is much easier to get these games to run at 60fps, hah.)

In any case, what's most important to me is a stable frame rate. I'll take a steady 30fps over an unsteady 60fps any day. And yes, I'm totally okay with some graphical sacrifices to make that stable framerate happen. In game development, there will always be compromises. Even if developers had an unlimited budget, an equal amount of talent, and no deadline, they'd still dependent on the users. If people can't play it, they won't buy it. If compromises are unavoidable, and they always are, I hope developers focus on stability rather than making the pretty pictures a little prettier. Xenoblade X may run at 'only' 30fps, but it does so consistently despite the size of the world. It's a wonderful thing that was made possible with the power of smart compromises [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaYfIdZ-_a0].


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
I'll say what I always say...

Don't care

My preferred number is whatever the game looks good running at. There are certainly games that benefit from a higher number (namely twitch skill games) but as long as the game runs fine and more importantly, doesn't dip ever, I am happy with it.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
tippy2k2 said:
I'll say what I always say...

Don't care

My preferred number is whatever the game looks good running at. There are certainly games that benefit from a higher number (namely twitch skill games) but as long as the game runs fine and more importantly, doesn't dip ever, I am happy with it.
Now just to wait for someone to take this literally and go "You're fine playing a game at 1 FPS?!?!?!"

I'll echo Tippy, as well pretty much always do in this thread as fellow console peasants. 30, 60, as long as it is steady and not below 20, I'm cool with it. I honestly prefer shiny graphic to FPS anyway. Now don't get me wrong 60 FPS is better, but I'm not going to throw a game away because of it.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Don't care. Does it look good? Does it run smoothIs it responsive enough? Then I'm all for it.

I've played plenty of games at 30 FPS that were smooth and responsive. In fact, I probably wouldn't have even known they were at 30 if I didn't turn on the FPS counter.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Well I dont see a case where 30 is ever likely to be better than 60 but I think it should be approached on a game by game basis. Does the game benefit much from higher frame rate particularly where say higher frame rate would impede on the graphics and of course vice versa.

If I am playing a fighter it better damn well run at 60 FPS but if im playing a turn based strategy game and it ran at 30 I would not care or probably even notice.

I do like the frame rate to be stable though I dont like it jumping about all over the place. Gotta be honest though apart from high speed action games I havent had a problem with 30 FPS much however it does make a difference and I would always ideally prefer 60 almost all the time.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
It's generally not all that important to me. The only game so far where I've found I actually care about frame rate is Team Fortress 2. Now that I've gotten used to playing it at 60+ FPS, I find it awkward to play at at anything less than that. Aside from that, any frame rate that doesn't go below 30 FPS is fine with me.

Of course, if I can get 60 FPS instead of 30, then yes, I'll go with the higher frame rate ... but only if it is stable. Given the choice between stable 30 FPS or unstable 60 FPS, I'll go with the stable one every time.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
Throw my vote in the non-existent ballot for "whatever the highest stable framerate you can get at decent resolutions." Some genres matter, most don't.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
So long as they're both stable framerates:
60 is preferable, 30 is playable.

In online games, 30 is still playable, but 60 becomes all the more optimal.

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
I can accept vast changes in visual fidelity. I can go from playing Half Life 2 to Half Life 1, and I really don't care about how rough it looks in comparison. I can change the resolution from 1080p to 640x480, and it doesn't matter to me.

But going from 60 fps to 30 fps? Not something I enjoy at all.

And Man

New member
May 12, 2014
In a vacuum, 60 fps is strictly better. There is no debate. However, realistically, that's only if the framerate is stable. If you take into consideration performance, graphics, the complexity of the game's systems and coding, etc., then the framerate can drop, and it's much harder for a game to have a smooth framerate at 60 fps than 30 fps. A smooth, consistent 30 fps is generally better than an inconsistent 60 fps. Whether 30 or 60 fps is better depends on the type of game and the developer's goals with the game. For example, if the developer's main goal is to push the graphics as hard as possible, then 30 fps would better achieve that goal.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
It's not a question of "vs", 60 is objectively better, wherever possible.

Animation with more frames per second always looks much more fluid, but 30 is acceptable because it is animated. In all other cases, 60 fps should be the norm in 2016.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
The difference is incredibly minuscule, and it doesn't really affect anything.
I wouldn't be inclined to care if it weren't for people kvetching about something they can barely even perceive.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Pfft, 60 fps.. how about 120. Now we are talking.
I know that some if not most people can not see the difference in fps. But for me it is like night and day. Playing CS:GO on anything lower than 120 and it gets painful for me.
Games that are limited to 30 fps are percieved by me as choppy and unless the graphical design works well with it, it can get on my nerves while playing (not as much of a problem when just watching however). Even in youtube videos, 30 and 60 fps is a clear difference to me.

A similar problem I have is when they limit the FOV to less than 90. When I first played Skyrim, I got nauseated because it felt like I had tunnel vission.