Poll: A question/debate about MMO Communities


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Okay this is opening pandora's box on this one. Do you guys think that the communities itself helps cause a mmo destruction. Not saying 100% responsible, but has a factor in it?


New member
May 7, 2009
I suspect they have their part to play in some downfalls, a bad community will cause others not to want to invest in the game and could eventually stop it being profitable. I assume it's just like any other game franchise, a bad community will make others stay away look at Call of Duty for example, a lot of gamers on this site don't go near the game/ it's multiplayer part because of the perceived terrible community. Now if another game had that same reputation but a tiny community I can see it effecting it's ability to hit the profitable state.

So erm, yes, it will have a part to play. not a major one, but a part.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Yea it definitely might.. a very small but inhospitable community would definitely drive away potential new players, you see this with older MMO's more than anything. However most communities are friendly and want new players, so I don't know how wide spread that issue really is. Since I have not seen every MMO out there, so I don't know how many small communities there are really.

It's more a problem with FPS communities though, especially since there is a skill barrier to overcome as well. Getting your ass handed to you every game and getting insulted too, you probably aren't going to come back to that game again.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Only in some places. For instance, I could see definite trouble on RO and RF-Online. Not so sure of that on SMT: Imagine, Champions Online, or City of Heroes.


New member
Aug 3, 2012
It depends, if the person is already invested in the game then they will be unlikely to leave simply due to a poor community.

On the other hand, if it's a new player and they haven't invested in the game? A poor community will be a big reason for them to quit. I've quit games that had potential just because there were too many channers in the general chat.

It really depends on the level of investment.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I would say that a community is a huge part of an MMO, but it doesn't really create or destroy a game on it's own unless in very extreme circumstances. You have to keep in mind that MMOs have, by their very nature, a player base made up of a variety of types of players and some of those players may actually like aspects of a community that you don't and vice versa. Some MMOs are able to cater to all of those player types, some survive by targetting a much more specufic sub set.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Virtually all MMO communities are identical in terms of "quality". There's a lot of ballyhoo about how this community sucks and this community is awesome, but it's just lazy tribalism and it's logically bankrupt. The games are largely drawing from the same pool of genre fans, and have roughly the same demographic split between saints and idiots. In larger games there will be more idiots, naturally, and they'll talk more, giving the impression of a more idiotic community, but the ratio is about the same.

Where you can get into trouble is with aging games and the gentrification of the player base. If a new player logs into your MMO 3 years after launch and finds 98% of the player base crowded at the peak of the available content, it's going to be a long lonely road of catch up. If the game is particularly social or population driven, like Warhammer Online, you basically break your game.

But if it's a question about the quality or intellect or maturity of individuals, no. They're more or less the same regardless of what game you're playing.

POSTSCRIPT - There's really not been a lot of "MMO Destruction". Even fundamentally flawed games like WAR are still running and turning a small profit. The list of games that have actually closed their doors is vanishingly small. Most of them, including games viewed by the general gaming community at large as "failures" are actually doing quite well.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
JeffBergGold said:
It depends, if the person is already invested in the game then they will be unlikely to leave simply due to a poor community.

On the other hand, if it's a new player and they haven't invested in the game? A poor community will be a big reason for them to quit. I've quit games that had potential just because there were too many channers in the general chat.

It really depends on the level of investment.
For me, I am a WoW player, and I am interested in GW2, but I really do not want to be trash talk. I know there will be some or a lot. Because I like WoW, like how I went to war forums and saw nothing but war between franchises.

Sort of like if a nfl fan rips on a ncaa's fan team. despite being two separate non competing teams


It's Leviosahhhhhhh
Feb 23, 2012
Ethan Isaacs said:
JeffBergGold said:
It depends, if the person is already invested in the game then they will be unlikely to leave simply due to a poor community.

On the other hand, if it's a new player and they haven't invested in the game? A poor community will be a big reason for them to quit. I've quit games that had potential just because there were too many channers in the general chat.

It really depends on the level of investment.
For me, I am a WoW player, and I am interested in GW2, but I really do not want to be trash talk. I know there will be some or a lot. Because I like WoW, like how I went to war forums and saw nothing but war between franchises.

Sort of like if a nfl fan rips on a ncaa's fan team. despite being two separate non competing teams
As they say, its not a general chat if someone isn't bitching about World of Warcraft. But yeah a bad community can hurt an mmo, people won't want to play if they're forced to play with elitist assholes. Moba games like Lol and Dota suffer from the same thing as many people stay away from them because their community is not know as "noob" friendly.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Andrewtheeviscerator said:
Ethan Isaacs said:
JeffBergGold said:
It depends, if the person is already invested in the game then they will be unlikely to leave simply due to a poor community.

On the other hand, if it's a new player and they haven't invested in the game? A poor community will be a big reason for them to quit. I've quit games that had potential just because there were too many channers in the general chat.

It really depends on the level of investment.
For me, I am a WoW player, and I am interested in GW2, but I really do not want to be trash talk. I know there will be some or a lot. Because I like WoW, like how I went to war forums and saw nothing but war between franchises.

Sort of like if a nfl fan rips on a ncaa's fan team. despite being two separate non competing teams
As they say, its not a general chat if someone isn't bitching about World of Warcraft. But yeah a bad community can hurt an mmo, people won't want to play if they're forced to play with elitist assholes. Moba games like Lol and Dota suffer from the same thing as many people stay away from them because their community is not know as "noob" friendly.
Yeah, i got kicked out of a dota match because i didnt know how those worked, and banned from one for same reason.