Poll: A Question To Atheists

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Let me say this first, this is not meant to be against atheism, and certainly not meant to be insulting in any way, you have been warned.

Okay, now that thats out of the way, I would like to ask the atheists here a question, Did you guys Grow up in a very religious family?

My reason for asking this is because I have noticed that a large number of the Atheists I have debated with had came from very religious families and I would like to see if there is any truth to something my teacher said a long time ago regarding the issue, he said that children will almost always go with there parents, or completely against them.

@ Mods; If this becomes a religious flame thread please close it.

EDIT: I guess it is only fair that I explain my situation, my parents are Christian, as am I, but I am more "liberal" with it for lack of a better word. We go to church every time the planets align(figure of speech), but my parents didnt force me or my brother, as a matter of fact my brother is atheist and no one really gives a damn.

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New member
Jul 9, 2008
I'm agnostic, and my family was sort of religious, but not really, and very tolerant in general.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
My father is a preacher but never talks to me about my Atheism, my mother is a Baptist but is open minded and just lets things be, and my sister is Baptist and attacks me for being an Atheist.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
My mother is somewhat religious and my father is not. I actually used to be quite religious when I was younger and easier to manipulate. But thankfully I realized what was going on when I was like 10 and got the hell out of there.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Yes, I did. I had to get a conformation, because my parents forced me to, but I still am an atheist. My family wasn't angry about choosing my religion, and they were very tolerant.

About To Crash

New member
Apr 24, 2009
My mother brought me to church, but my father wasn't a religious man. He believed that his religion and belief system were his and his alone, and I respect him for that. Perhaps I'm not entirely Atheist, specifically because I don't want to be associated with the majority of people that wear the title, but I certainly was.
What gets me about Atheism is that it's got as much of a mob mentality as any religion, perhaps more than some. So, I cut myself form the religion argument in favour of philosophy. As a philosopher, I sit down every so often and think. It's actually quite riveting, and doesn't lead me to needlessly insulting every other religion. Well, not always, at least.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I'm not technically an Atheist but I answered anyway since I'm as close as one can get without actually disbelieving in a god. I was raised in a very conservative/ religious family. I changed my personal views some time in High School.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
My parents aren't aethiest but they aren't very religious either. I was raised to always be open-minded, which led into me finding my own ethical system, not one defined by Christianity (my parents are christian).

So no, my parents aren't very religious and they let me grow as an individual without forcing anything on me.

Lazarus Long

New member
Nov 20, 2008
My mother believes that we are living in the end times. She has tried to prepare me for this. Not in a Sarah Connor kind of way, but I've had some really uncomfortable lectures about the Antichrist, because she wants to make sure I don't follow him. I want to tell her that if some dude literally performs miracles right in front of me, Christ or Antichrist, I only hope I'll be able to man up Jesse Custer style and demand some explanations. Proof of the divine is not proof of divine benevolence.
But that starts a debate with someone who both loves to argue, and has utterly unshakable faith. I'll never talk her out of her beliefs, and she'll never talk me into them.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
i dont see why nihilism isnt mentioned so often people seem to forget athiests believe there is a meaning to life and an afterlife. i personally am a nihilist but grew up with my mom being a laid back catholic that almost never mentioned it.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Neither of my parents are particularly religious, my mum believes that its good to believe in something, dad could care less.
But both allowed me to make my own educated choice on the matter.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
My Father was very religious, but I only new him for about 6 years before he died. My mother was Catholic, and is in some kind of new age hippy church now. I wanted to believe I really did, which maybe why I spent so long looking for religion. Never found it. I used to have very lengthy discussions with my father about it.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Lazarus Long said:
My mother believes that we are living in the end times. She has tried to prepare me for this. Not in a Sarah Connor kind of way, but I've had some really uncomfortable lectures about the Antichrist, because she wants to make sure I don't follow him. I want to tell her that if some dude literally performs miracles right in front of me, Christ or Antichrist, I only hope I'll be able to man up Jesse Custer style and demand some explanations. Proof of the divine is not proof of divine benevolence.
But that starts a debate with someone who both loves to argue, and has utterly unshakable faith. I'll never talk her out of her beliefs, and she'll never talk me into them.
I find it funny that people who think we are in the endo of times dont realize people have been thinking we were in the end of times for hundreds if not thousands of years.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
Yes, with a family that was religous but never went to church but yes my dad was a bit religous


New member
Apr 24, 2008
my parents arnt religious or athiest...

my athiesm came from my personal logical view on how i see the world today:

my best mates brother drowned at the age of 14
my friends flatmate drowned when he got pushed off a bridge
and a friend 2 weeks ago got killed when he got knocked down by a drunk driver

these are a few reasons that cemented my athiest beliefs

others are:

the majority of wars are from religious beliefs

its an outdated thing religions were created when we couldnt explain how the world works ( also during the time where we would burn witches and believe in sorcerers)now that we understand more about the world religions show how untrue they actually are theres more proof of evolution than "god" not forgetting the fact that dinosaurs were around way before homosapiens existed and it has been proven

these are just a few of my reasons but my parents had nothing to do with them its just things that i have came to understand from growing up


New member
Apr 15, 2009
My parents raised me without any religion so I look at religion logically so i just can't believe in it