Poll: Aaand...Wild Wasteland Character Pull!

Anti-American Eagle

May 2, 2011
FalloutJack said:
I assume you're coming in from the south?
Yep coming in from the south.
His first planned objective will be attempting to enlist with the brotherhood so preferably he'd start at the citadel or on his way there from underworld.

Souplex said:
He's closer in size to a tall ghoul than a super mutant, not including the bulk of the armour and mutations. And Jack nailed it on this.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Anti-American Eagle said:
FalloutJack said:
I assume you're coming in from the south?
Yep coming in from the south.
His first planned objective will be attempting to enlist with the brotherhood so preferably he'd start at the citadel or on his way there from underworld.

Souplex said:
He's closer in size to a tall ghoul than a super mutant, not including the bulk of the armour and mutations. And Jack nailed it on this.
The Citadel is actually southwest of Underworld, so I'm going to have it that he got a bit lost first.

Anti-American Eagle

May 2, 2011
FalloutJack said:
The Citadel is actually southwest of Underworld, so I'm going to have it that he got a bit lost first.
He's never been to Washington before so he went to the largest concentration of mutants he knew of (in the area) for directions.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Anti-American Eagle said:
FalloutJack said:
The Citadel is actually southwest of Underworld, so I'm going to have it that he got a bit lost first.
He's never been to Washington before so he went to the largest concentration of mutants he knew of (in the area) for directions.
Okie-dokie, smokey. I'll set 'em up and you knock 'em down.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
Because I've never tried a RP like this before, know that I lack any sense of common sense, nor do I have any idea what I'm doing, or how much your thing will capture my attention. So I'm just gonna post two ideas:
NAME: Your character's name or alias, or name AND alias. Whatever your fancy for that.

AGE: Physically 24, Chronologically 300, Mentally 12


RACE: Human? To be honest, he has no idea.

APPEARANCE: A tall, brawny, stupid looking bastard, hispanic, and always wearing a large duster because he thinks it makes him look amazing. He's fairly tall and heavy-looking, with some brown hair hidden under an old-fashioned fedora.

PERSONALITY: He doesn't think things through. He has no sense of logic. At all. He simply does stuff erratically, not really thinking things through, walking forward through life just doing stuff. He's immensely stupid, but can be very, very clever. He's also incredibly unpredictable, and might decide to slap you if you take his book. Also, he has a copy of the Discworld series in his pack. Because he loves it. However, other than that, he mostly acts like a High-functioning autistic high-schooler.

WEAPONS: A large revolver, a sling he calls Joshua, his semi-decent voice, and a large sword.

ITEMS: Thermite, mercury fulminate, flint and steel, a knife, food, and rocks. Also, a Mechanical Skeleton he calls George. It's meant for wearing, but he doesn't wear it unless under death threats.

PERKS/TRAITS/SKILLS: Lead Bellied: Can drink anything without taking radiation.
Silent Running: Runs silently.
Adamantium Skeleton: Takes a metric ton of damage to hurt his limbs.
Ninja: More likely to crit, and does more damage with stealth.
Grunt: More damage with 9mm pistols and SMGs, .45 pistols and SMGs, service rifles, assault and Marksman carbines, light machine guns, frag grenades, grenade rifles and launchers and combat knives.
Child at Heart: Kids like him!
Mister Sandman: Kills sleepers instantly
Mysterious stranger: You know this.
Set Lazers to fun!: More likely to crit
Finess: Crits more often.
Better Crits: Crits cause more damage
Wait, you don't hit?: Can use range weapons as melee weapons.
Stupid as shit: Lacks common sense.


Strength: 5
Perception: 6
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 10
Adgility: 4
Luck: 12

TRANSPORTATION: A powerful, immortal horse. He has no idea why it's immortal, it refuses to state it.
Alias: Blank?

AGE: Physically 17, Mentally ?, Chronologically ?

GENDER: Male. We think.

RACE: Human, probably.

APPEARANCE: Just... Absurdly average. He just isn't really notable, he just looks... Normal.

PERSONALITY: He knows absolutely NOTHING. He's usually just walking around derping around with things.

WEAPONS: Ignorance.

ITEMS: A large rock.

NO IDEA WHAT THIS DOES: What it think it knows, it applies as a physical law. This law mostly affects him, but may/may not affect others if they are also ignorant.

Probably isn't my best idea, but it's near 11 at the time of making this, so I'm just throwing this out in case I get accepted. For the most part, they just stumble upon whatever group is more entertaining, and will just sorta fall out of the sky.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
wackymon said:
You type at eleven and I review even later. The night is full of surprises. The first two things on the agenda is a general no to Blank because even amnesic and absurdly-normal people have something to tell about them, plus I can't think of a good mechanic for his lack of perks. (You've obviously read Discworld, so if you wanted to create a Moist Von Lipwig, you have to put in the effort.) The second thing is that I want to ask 'What sort of RPs are you use to?'.

That said, lemme do what I do here and run down the list of things in order.

{1} Put the name in the Name/Alias section too. I copy-paste the profiles into Page One.

{2} Maybe HE has no idea if he's human, but for a 300 year life so far, I do need one. Some kind of explanation must be forthcoming somewhere to explain all this.

{3} Could I have more on his attire? No pants or shirt, so far.

{4} Putting aside the contradiction between clever and stupid that you've made here, I have some bad news for his personality: I'm a high-functioning autistic. And while I would have no objections to there being one around, I'm not sure this is one. High-functioning denotes that while said person's mind may be hooked in differently or that his view on the world can be quite different from other people, the ability to work and interact with everyone else according to the norms of society is not very hampered. You'll have to rework the personality.

{5} What kind of sword? European longsword? Bastard Sword? Claymore? Oversized Zweihander? (The last one is totally possible since apparently New Vegas mutants were carrying swords made from car bumpers.)

{6} Is George the Adamantium Skeleton? I just wanna clarify on that.

{7} Seem to be going overboard on the crits. The last three of them shouldn't stack in this case, especially since the RPing and the narrative rules it more. Also, the attacking melee with ranged weapons thing? Anyone can do that. Obviously, the stupidity trait needs a rethink.

{8} I don't actually require anyone here to write up SPECIALs. People just tend to do that for their own amusement. Even still, at Luck 10, you barely ever lose at gambling, guess special passwords, and can make alot of coins land on edge from a coin-flip. I know from experience in New Vegas. It doesn't go above 10 and nobody needs it to.

{9} I can't give you an immortal horse. Doing so would probably be seen by Frank Rose as a challenge to try and make it explode when he rams it into something. And since he has a large attack robot on his grudge list... Well, you get the idea.

Anyway, if you're still interested after this review, send me a reworked sheet with answers to the questions I asked and we'll give it another go.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
FalloutJack said:
wackymon said:
Valid points on almost all of them. However, with Blank, he isn't so much Moist Von Lipwig, as someTHING that was made to be human, but his maker was too lazy to actually program in the most basic things, such as knowing that gravity is a thing that should be obeyed. And the lack of perks basically fall under one simple bit of reasoning: He has the one perk he needs, to basically have the laws of physics be what he imagines it being. I can't really think of giving him anything else without making it overpowered, though I probably would have failed, anyway. He was intended to be a blank slate for this wasteland to paint upon. Probably for the best. The lack of anything to tell was sorta the basework for him just appearing out of nowhere one day, and walking outside. Sorry for the complaining, just wanted to clarify it a bit more.

Also, when you lack any sense of common sense, bordering on appearing suicidal, it makes sense. Also, just flat-out forgot about the name field, since, you know, 11. And with the time period, comes my failure to convey in any decent method the characters type of stupidity. He'd still be able to function perfectly fine, he just should fail to understand the basics of the wasteland in such a way that the luck 12 would probably have been needed.

Also, trying to explode the horse would seem entertaining.
NAME: Ferdinand Com.

AGE: Physically 24, Chronologically Either 24 or 300, Mentally 14


RACE: Time-traveling Non-aging mad-Human? That, or just mad-human, nobody can be sure whether the stories he tells of a multiverse is true or not.

APPEARANCE: A tall, brawny, stupid looking bastard, hispanic, and always wearing a large duster because he thinks it makes him look amazing. He's fairly tall and heavy-looking, with some brown hair hidden under an old-fashioned fedora. Under his Duster, he wears a Tshirt and Blue Jeans.

PERSONALITY: He doesn't think things through. He's fairly smart, but he never thinks things through. He's will try his best to make the rational decision, but his head just doesn't work in any method that makes sense to an outside observer, leading him to deciding to break a lock, the best method is not a lockpick, but to throw it off the side of a building into radioactive fluid. Even when he's actually pretty good at picking locks. He also tends to tell stories of past adventures in other dimensions, but whether or not he's actually done so is debatable, at best.

WEAPONS: A large revolver, a sling he calls Joshua, his semi-decent voice, and a large broadsword.

ITEMS: Thermite, mercury fulminate, flint and steel, a knife, food, and rocks. Also, a Mechanical Skeleton he calls George, which is also the adamantite skeleton. It's meant for wearing, but he doesn't wear it unless under death threats. Also, a large book with the complete discworld series.

PERKS/TRAITS/SKILLS: Lead Bellied: Can drink anything without taking radiation.
Silent Running: Runs silently.
Adamantium Skeleton: Takes a metric ton of damage to hurt his limbs.
Ninja: More likely to crit, and does more damage with stealth.
Grunt: More damage with 9mm pistols and SMGs, .45 pistols and SMGs, service rifles, assault and Marksman carbines, light machine guns, frag grenades, grenade rifles and launchers and combat knives.
Child at Heart: Kids like him!
Mister Sandman: Kills sleepers instantly
Mysterious stranger: You know this.
Better Crits: Crits cause more damage
Lacks common sense: Lacks common sense.


Strength: 5
Perception: 6
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 7
Adgility: 4
Luck: 10

Special for horse:
Strength: 10
Perception: 10
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 10
Adgility: 10
Luck: 10
Also, another one I would enjoy trying:
NAME: Octodad

AGE: A 30 year-old male, obviously not a 20 year old octopus.


RACE: Human. Obviously not Octopus, what are you talking about?


PERSONALITY: Loving Father. Caring Husband. Secret Octopus. He tries his best to be a Standard 50s Father [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StandardFiftiesFather]. Emphasis on Tries. His wife is far, far more competent than himself, but he tries. He tries to be a normal human being, but while he's not up to snuff, so he'll just try to rise to the occasion.

WEAPONS: Whatever he can grab, he'll use with deadly force, including rocks, balls, potatoes, himself, ect. He's fairly capable with a rocket launcher.

ITEMS: Food for his family, rocks, weapons, more food, and a gun.

Nobody expects a thing: NOBODY realizes he's an octopus, unless they are already insane, then nobody will believe he's an octopus other than the madman.
Octo-limbs: Can stretch to incredibly lengths to reach his opponents.
Stealth Run: Can run without being heard.
Master Barter: Gets a decent discount.

Strength: 4
Perception: 6
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 10
Adjilty: 9
Luck: 8

TRANSPORTATION: Has a speedboat. Stuck on a rock.
if for no other reason than the absurdity.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
wackymon said:
Now see, this is alot better. I guess that means you shouldn't work late nights. I'd almost consider the Octodad, because that kind of absurdity WOULD befit Fallout in some way, especially since hiding in plain sight reminds me of something I created called the Stealth Juggernaut Brigade. And it's not like having an octo-man would be unacceptable here, given that we have had Dr. Crawver, the walrus-man. The problem there is that if you really want people to be not weirded out by his presence, you have to gimme some idea on how that works. It needs more than a Chicken Boo statement, unless the perk is being sarcastic on purpose. Also, if he has a gun, you have to tell me what kind.

Ferdinand is much more acceptable now. You could have him accepted right now, in fact, because I only have one question: Would you care to ride a Nightmare as a horse? Nightmares are this RP's mutant steed, a wild and violent hooved menacy with bone spikes growing out of its body. It's like someone took a horse and crossbred it with an Imp from Doom.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
FalloutJack said:
wackymon said:
Ah, well, with Octodad, I'm simply uplifting how things worked in the actual game: Nobody suspects he's an octopus. Even though his camouflage is paper-thin, it works somehow, hence why he's married with two kids, and up until recently only the cloudcluckadoolander actually realized he was an octopus, hence the insanity immunity. I can make something up, like quantum reasons, perception filters and such, and maybe everyone reasoning that no octopus can have limbs that varied in length and only six legs (His moustache is one).

And no, I would have preferred it to simply be a really badass, lazy, immortal non-descript horse. Since I can't have that, I'll just deal with a regular, non-descript horse.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
wackymon said:
Soupy Twist
Well, you can call a Deathclaw a chicken and even teach it to make clucking sounds, but I'd still shoot at it. Mind you, this guy would be totally acceptable around the Cult of the Great Wet Ones currently gathered around the Dunwich Building. And I understand about the horse. Now, I have to ask that you make a decision here. Pick one. Other players have started running other characters of their own doing in this before, but they've been around for a while. You're new and you said this kind of RP was new to you. Start with one for now, okay?


New member
Jul 22, 2011
FalloutJack said:
wackymon said:
Soupy Twist
Well, you can call a Deathclaw a chicken and even teach it to make clucking sounds, but I'd still shoot at it. Mind you, this guy would be totally acceptable around the Cult of the Great Wet Ones currently gathered around the Dunwich Building. And I understand about the horse. Now, I have to ask that you make a decision here. Pick one. Other players have started running other characters of their own doing in this before, but they've been around for a while. You're new and you said this kind of RP was new to you. Start with one for now, okay?
Well, I guess I'll go with Ferdinand, than. I suppose the fact the horse can't be immortal is set in stone, so I'll just go with Ferdinand.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
wackymon said:
FalloutJack said:
wackymon said:
Soupy Twist
Well, you can call a Deathclaw a chicken and even teach it to make clucking sounds, but I'd still shoot at it. Mind you, this guy would be totally acceptable around the Cult of the Great Wet Ones currently gathered around the Dunwich Building. And I understand about the horse. Now, I have to ask that you make a decision here. Pick one. Other players have started running other characters of their own doing in this before, but they've been around for a while. You're new and you said this kind of RP was new to you. Start with one for now, okay?
Well, I guess I'll go with Ferdinand, than. I suppose the fact the horse can't be immortal is set in stone, so I'll just go with Ferdinand.
Not even Vampire Hunter D's robot horse is immortal. Not even Eagle's character's horse is immortal. Not even the giant Nightmare engineered by Dr. Bastion (The Thunderhorse!) to be used as a Behemoth's steed was immortal. I can accept Ferd with an awesome-but-mortal horse. We cool on that?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
wackymon said:
FalloutJack said:
Alright. How shall I pop in?
That was going to be my question, actually, to see if you had any place in the RP you wanted to specifically be a part of with this stranger. I will ask that, in this case, you don't just jump in. It's been my usual method to simply write in the next people as needed to show up pretty much where they'd prefer to be in these cases...within reason. For instance, showing up inside Fort Knox - location of the RP's Enclave base - wouldn't be permitted without a damn good explanation. Once you gimme an idea here, I can write you in at the next update, which is after our crew of nutjobs do their posts. Though, if it seems like they're taking a while and we have you and at least Eagle's character, I may do a mid-round update just to handle it.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
FalloutJack said:
wackymon said:
FalloutJack said:
Well, perhaps he actually IS a mutliverse-traversing madman, rather than simply a madman. So maybe just popping in somewhere that makes no sense is actually somewhat valid. He could fall from the sky from a spaceship. Or he could just trot into the base like he doesn't give a fuck, and get dragged to the group.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
wackymon said:
FalloutJack said:
wackymon said:
FalloutJack said:
Well, perhaps he actually IS a mutliverse-traversing madman, rather than simply a madman. So maybe just popping in somewhere that makes no sense is actually somewhat valid. He could fall from the sky from a spaceship. Or he could just trot into the base like he doesn't give a fuck, and get dragged to the group.
Doing so would be hilarious as hell, and I would even do it because the RP has already had some tongue-in-cheek jokes about glitching out, but seriously...what is your pleasure, sir?



New member
Jul 22, 2011
FalloutJack said:
wackymon said:
FalloutJack said:
wackymon said:
FalloutJack said:
Well, perhaps he actually IS a mutliverse-traversing madman, rather than simply a madman. So maybe just popping in somewhere that makes no sense is actually somewhat valid. He could fall from the sky from a spaceship. Or he could just trot into the base like he doesn't give a fuck, and get dragged to the group.
Doing so would be hilarious as hell.

THEN IT IS DECIDED! Have Ferdinand Com just appear in the Ducts, while his horse is in the hallway.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
wackymon said:
Yeah, but the ducts where? Enclave base? Brotherhood of Steel Citadel? Brotherhood Resistance bunker? Red Ghoul China warship? Galaxy News Radio? The Dunwich Building? Enclave Underground hideout? A Vault? Whaaat?