Poll: Am I In The Wrong Here??


New member
Jun 21, 2011
I don't see the point of breaking rules unless there is a good reason to break them. You aren't listening to music, you don't need your headphones out. Now say your teacher said to you that you weren't allowed to wear a necklace that belonged to a long gone family member or something like that...something that means a lot to you, then I'd understand the rule breaking.

As for the people saying that this is about schools destroying individuallity it really isn't.....most teenagers have ipods or simular and wear headphones, this is not individuallity.

I have no idea about other schools but my high school was actually more leanient of students who bent the school uniform in unusual ways. Being a bit different was OK because if one kid breaks the school uniform in a non-fashionable way it probebly won't cause anarchy. Nobody copies the weird kid. But when a person breaks the rule in a fashionable way it becomes a probelm because everyone starts to copy.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
My rebellious streak supports you. One thing though, he shouldn't have cared, but you shouldn't have cared either. Next time, find something more restricting to rebel against.

CM156 said:
They deserve respect because they can punish you if you don't follow the rules. And with children and teenagers, fear is respect.

Sorry, but you are more Chaotic Neutral. And coming from someone who is Lawful Good (96,86), that's not a good thing in my mind.
No, I'm sorry, fear is not respect. If I respect someone, I'll do what they ask, no questions, cheerfully. Someone whose power I fear, I'll do what they tell me to, that's all.

Goody two shoes. I've always been a more Chaotic Good myself.

Lightning Delight

New member
Apr 21, 2011
Ok, yes the rule was stupid, but you had nothing to gain by defying it. Then, when the teacher asked you to put them away, you had nothing to gain by refusing. The teacher was an asshole about the whole thing, but there was really no point in what you did, either.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Varya said:
2.)Questioning a teacher. I don't accept any of them as enough, especially if the teacher disregarded the more disrupting students to peruse a silly rule about headphones.
In my school disobeying a teacher repeatedly gets you a suspension for insubordination. This seems fair enough to me.

On topic you were wrong. You weren't wrong to have them out, but he asked you to put them away and you didn't. Its a silly fight to pick. Still he doesn't sound like a nice guy.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
I was kicked out of the school library for showing me and my mates some RvB... Back in the day when machinima was picking up and in fact some of the teachers were interested in letting us create our own and present it in form of an assignment.

Dumb thing was that all of the other computers in the library were being used by annoying little shits (yr 8s) who had Super Mario Bros emulated onto them and were shouting to high heavens without any regard to the students doing homework.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!!


Echappe, retire, sous sus PANIC!
Apr 24, 2008
I think this is a case of learning to pick your battles. (I think others have already said something like this here)

Really - would it have killed you to just put the headphones away? You weren't using them, and it would have saved you the manhandling and the detention.

I understand being irritated at nitpicky and apparently arbitrary rules, but life is full of them, and at some point if you want to get on with things, you'll have to learn to not sweat the small stuff.

Especially if you know that the person enforcing the rule (in this case your teacher) is the kind of person who enjoys getting on people's cases.

Yeah, it might feel good to stand up to them, but if you take a look at the bigger picture, you had an embarrassing scuffle with a schoolteacher over having headphones out. Not exactly going to have you immortalised in bronze in the courtyard of the UN (or whatever)...


New member
Jun 30, 2009
You're both in the wrong. That doesn't stop what you did being wrong. You're not responsible for his actions, however, you are certainly responsible for your own.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
The rule does it have it's reasons, headphones keep you from hearing the teacher and are a distraction. Plus in the end it doesn't matter if you agree with the rule or not, it's the rule and your supposed to follow them especially one as harmless as this one. I laugh at this you asked for trouble and your surprised that you got in trouble.

Edit: Also your dress code isn't very strict it sounds like the one I had in place at my high school and the one in place in most high schools, it's pretty standard.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
At my school if we had our music players/cell phones out and they were seen they could be taken away without warning. If a teacher even saw earbuds it was taken. The simple solution was to not have it out.

I brought my mp3 with me everyday to and from school and I put it away before I got to school and didn't take it out until I was off school grounds. You could have done the same and kept it your pocket or backpack and nothing would have happened.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
shadowelancer said:
Gxas said:
You were not in the right to disrespect him. When he asked you to put them away, you should have. Period.
you are clearly one of the people who assumes that anyone in a position of any power deserves automatic respect due to the fact that they can uphold arbitrary rules.
Clearly, huh? Because I don't believe that at all. But, he was asked to put the headphones away, and he didn't. Respect or not, he was in the wrong, which was the original question.

But I'm glad you think you know me based on one arguably poorly-worded comment.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Cat of Doom said:
Personally, I would have instigated a rap battle
im more into dance battles.

But OT you were in the wrong cause your meant to follow teachers instruction but from what you said it seems like the techer had bigger things to deal with rather than your headphones. you mentioned the whole class were messing about. i would think that that would be a bigger issue to deal with.

but i also think that a week of detentions is abit much.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
The reason why I hate these threads is that (of course) people are going to say they are 100% in the clear, and the punisher is someone who is unlikable.

In your case, I see no exception. It was rule you knew full well of, and even when you were told to put them away, you did not. He even said, "Put them away or I'll take your iPod", and you didn't heed his warning.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
You were most definitely wrong. All he was doing was enforcing a rule. He didn't come up with the rule, but his position makes him enforce it. The least you could have done was oblige and just put your headphones away. There really was no need to be snarky with him.


New member
May 3, 2011
to quote George Carlin:

?School uniforms?bad theory. The idea that if kids wear uniforms to school it helps keep order. Don?t these schools do enough damage, making all these kids think alike? Now they?re gonna get ?em to look alike too? And it?s not a new idea. I first saw it in old news reels from the 1930s. But it?s kinda hard to understand ?cause the narration?s in German.?


New member
Oct 28, 2009
You Both are probably wrong, should have just did what he said, but the teacher shouldn't have grabbed you
in such a matter. On a side not I'd love to have told one of my Drill Sergeant when I was in Basic Training.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Screw all asshole teachers who abuse the system for their own pleasure.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
You were wrong and disrespectful when he told you to put the headphones away. As you said, you already knew there was a rule against it. Then when you were asked to put them away, you said no. All this over not listening to anything on them, but just because you were apparently too lazy to put them away when you were done using them. Yes, I feel you are 100% in the wrong on this one. It's like giving the cops shit over some law you don't like. The cops don't make the laws, they just enforce them. Just like the teacher doesn't make the school rules, he's just supposed to enforce them. Giving him crap isn't going to change the rule, it's just going to get you further in trouble.