Poll: Am I the only one who didn't like Uncharted 2?

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Utarefson said:
Susan Arendt said:
Well, perhaps part of the problem stems from thinking of it as a shooter, which it isn't, not really. Yes, there is obviously a good deal of shooting in it, but calling it a shooter puts you in the same mindset of it being Gears of War or Call of Duty, and it obviously isn't. As for his arms shaking - and wow, if ever there was a nitpicky complaint, that's one - Nate isn't a mountain climber, he's just a guy, and while he understands the necessity of climbing, etc, that doesn't mean he's not going to be scared of slipping and falling.

Ultimately, your enjoyment of the game boils down to whether or not you enjoy tagging along for the adventure. If you don't particularly like the characters or give a damn about the story, then, no, you likely won't love the game.
Good post, Ms Arendt.
My main problem was actually not finding the exact and only stone pair of stone bricks to jump at to continue my journey most of the time.
I know they want to make environment look realistic, but they still need to highlight those parts in a way even an someone with the worst sdtv in the world can see it (or change their level design a bit)
Odd, I never had that problem. I found the climbing to be very intuitive and responsive - that said, I was also playing on an HDTV, and Uncharted has always been a game that was designed to be played on high-def.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2009
ProfessorLayton said:
Obviously not... and the title of this thread gets old... You are never the only person in the world who didn't like a game.

But your complaints seemed a little weak... I had no problem with finding my way around... my dad had no problem finding his way around. Basically your main complaint is that it's linear. Maybe you just don't like linear games? And the gameplay is far from broken. I played through the entire game without any control issues and I never got lost once. There was one time when I couldn't see a ledge and it took about a minute to find it. This is coming from a guy who found Final Fantasy VII confusing.

And really? You're upset that he waves his arms around in the air when he jumps? That's kind of a silly complaint to have. And I'm no Uncharted fanboy or anything, I mean I liked the game but it wasn't anything great, but your complaints are hardly problems with the game, just personal preference.
Good for you, but i couldn't really see the difference between an ice cave wall and an ice cave wall with small ledges coming out from it :/

And the waving-his-arms-thing is just the most obvious animation from all those that make him look like he never moved his body at all.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
Odd, I never had that problem. I found the climbing to be very intuitive and responsive - that said, I was also playing on an HDTV, and Uncharted has always been a game that was designed to be played on high-def.
Seems like it's just me who had that problem.
But i played with an fullhd tv (except for the second half of the train level) and couldn't see alot because everything in the level was crowded with high-def stuff that you couldn't climb on but just catched my eye overlooking the important stuff.

And sorry for the thread title, i didn't know what else to call it, don't hate me >.>


Senior Member
Feb 23, 2010
I for one thought that it was a great game and beat it twice and I'm almost done with my crushing playthrough, but haven't played it in a while.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
it's...just meh

it's not "bad" but I wouldn't say any of the other polling options

more like...it depends on the gamer. esp if you really need a reason to keep your PS3

Captain Pancake

New member
May 20, 2009
I didn't play it. So no, you're not alone. I neither like it or hate it, for I do not know it.

In fact this whole post is redundant.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
*reading title* 'Am I the only one'... I hate these threads so much...

So I'll just say what I usually do:

It's your opinion
Just because many people it like doesn't mean no one hates it
It's fine to hate it
Actually, not many people care that you hate it
Did you really have to make a thread about it?

I like Uncharted 2, I nearly had Platinum when had to give it back.
Sep 14, 2009
ProfessorLayton said:
Obviously not... and the title of this thread gets old... You are never the only person in the world who didn't like a game.

But your complaints seemed a little weak... I had no problem with finding my way around... my dad had no problem finding his way around. Basically your main complaint is that it's linear. Maybe you just don't like linear games? And the gameplay is far from broken. I played through the entire game without any control issues and I never got lost once. There was one time when I couldn't see a ledge and it took about a minute to find it. This is coming from a guy who found Final Fantasy VII confusing.

And really? You're upset that he waves his arms around in the air when he jumps? That's kind of a silly complaint to have. And I'm no Uncharted fanboy or anything, I mean I liked the game but it wasn't anything great, but your complaints are hardly problems with the game, just personal preference.

name one linear action adventure game where things weren't obvious or follow a linear path? but then you go to say they weren't obvious to find...

really they were not hard to find at all,i had all my roommates watching me play, and usually they hate watching..so that says something there about the game.

the game wasn't necassarily justabout the shooting, but you must have missed that point..and the controls were perfectly fine, so i dont see how hard it was to find ledges and suff..and this is coming from me playing that game on a 20 year old tv..and when i switced to a HD tv it was like christmas playing that game.

personally i thought the boss was alright, the story was below average sure but the actual boss battle wasn't too bad, i had some good fun on it and it was kinda fun having a run away/shoot em up battle rather than taking him head on like every other boss fight in existence

its your opinion, but i really dont know what you were expecting coming into the game..