Poll: Am I the only one who hates Red Dead Redemption?


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
JourneyThroughHell said:
Tommy Vercetti was the same. Niko Bellic was the same. Hell, I could even say Jimmy Hopkins was the same.
I really want Bully 2.

Jimmy Hopkins goes to college.... what a fuckin game that would be!

Bully was by far my favorite ever Rockstar game.


New member
Apr 7, 2008
My major complaints are:
[ul][li]railroaded plot with no choices[/li][li]random events happening when you have no chance (potentially a good thing, very frustrating)[/li][/ul]
I haven't played the DLC.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Tommy Vercetti was the same. Niko Bellic was the same. Hell, I could even say Jimmy Hopkins was the same.
I really want Bully 2.

Jimmy Hopkins goes to college.... what a fuckin game that would be!

Bully was by far my favorite ever Rockstar game.
Likewise. Althoygh I really dug Vice City as well. Bully 2 is unlikely to happen before GTA 5.

I still am mad at them for the dissapointment that was RDR's story.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Zekksta said:
dogstile said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
FreelanceButler said:
Blackadder51 said:
You are never the only one.
Zekksta said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
1. You're never the only one.
Straying Bullet said:
You are never the only one. So this thread is already invalid when the thought/intention occured to make this thread.
It's. A. Figure. Of. Speech. That spelt out enough? It's used to show that he doesn't like something many, many others have praised. Of course it's not bloody literal.
Oh, it is. And "you're never the only one" is an appropriate and, I would say, the correct response to it.

Also, no need to spell anything out, I can read without the visual help, thank you.
Unless you can read Braille, I swear visual help is sorta needed to read. Just throwing that out there
Nice try at being literal, but sight is needed to read, visual help/aid is not.

If I can see a blue rectangle, I don't need the visual aid of text saying *this is blue*.

EDIT: For relevance; We can read the figure of speech sentence, we don't need full stops to emphasize it.
So you're going to knock him for being literal when that's what everyone who rages against the hyperbole "Am I the only one" does?

Patrick Dare

New member
Jul 7, 2010
The only thing that pissed me off about this game were the damn skinning animations every time you wanted to get the loot from dead animals, so annoying.

silasbufu said:
I really hated the horse riding engine for some reason.
Maybe it's just me but I found the horses less awkward to control than in other games I've played with horses.


New member
Jul 18, 2010
Okay, some of my cons weren't worded correctly. At times I had fun, pretty much at the beginning and from then on I wanted to bash my head against the wall.

Instead of making this an "am I the only one" thread I should have asked for fleshed out opinions from people who love it and people who don't.

I also realise that I should have said 'dislike' instead of hate.

I could have quoted almost everyone in this thread but I didn't feel like it. Let no more be said about my newb thread.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
I don't love it either, but many of your cons are freaking stupid, let me translate a few

Diablo27 said:
It gets so much praise but I really hate it. I'll weigh up the pros and cons.

- Most of the time I'm playing it and when I'm not playing it I don't want to touch it with a 10ft pole.

TRANSLATION: I play it when I want to, and when I don't want to play it, I am not playing it. KIND OF LIKE EVERY OTHER GAME EVER!

- Glitches and bugs.

TRANSLATION: This game has glitches and bugs LIKE EVERY OTHER GAME EVER, and since I don't attach a magnitude to it (such as, it has almost as many bugs as _______ , or it has a TON of bugs) this statement is meaningless

- This may be a misunderstanding but the ending made no sense, why did the army come after him? He did what he was told to do.

TRANSLATION: I have never seen betrayal as a story element in a game, I live under a rock
I mean honestly, I don't mean to sound like a prick, but for gods sake, if you have to take something like "I don't play this game when I don't want to" as a con, then maybe you should reconsider making a thread! (although you should never make a thread for "I dislike __________ which is a popular game" anyway!)


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Personally, I don't like the game, but thats because I'm all about replay value I think... I mean, eventually, after a week of playing there isn't an enemy you can't kill and there isn't a thing you haven't done...

The game just got boring after a short while I thought...

northeast rower

New member
Dec 14, 2010
Diablo27 said:
It gets so much praise but I really hate it. I'll weigh up the pros and cons.

- It was a little fun I guess.

- Most of the time I'm playing it and when I'm not playing it I don't want to touch it with a 10ft pole.
- This may be a misunderstanding but the ending made no sense, why did the army come after him? He did what he was told to do.
- I usually like travel time such as in Just Cause 2 but the travel in this game was excruciating.
- It might be different if I played Red Dead Revolver but I really couldn't give two shits about John Marston.
I just picked these examples out so that I can tell you exactly why you're argument is bad.

1. That pro... what the fuck? If you're going to try and make an argument, this is NOT the way to do it. Try and be specific.

2. Con #1: Same here. Way to flesh this one out. It seems like you threw this one in just to upset the balance in favor of the cons.

3. Con #2: Army came after him so that Ross could take credit for taking down the whole gang. If you had been listening to Dutch's speech, he says that "They'll just find a new monster to justify their wages".

4. Con #3: You CAN fast travel here, you know...

5. Con #4: This game has nothing to do with Red Dead Revolver other than the name. You kind of fucked yourself over right here.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
JourneyThroughHell said:
Crazycat690 said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
1. You're never the only one.

2. I don't hate it. But it's overrated. It's about as imperfect as games get, the world is not that interesting and John Marston is the sole reason I refuse to take any award shows this year seriously - he is not Best Character. Especially next to the Heavy Rain crew.

He is your typical Rockstar protagonist, minus any brains whatsoever.
What? To me he's one of the better R* characters, really, it's refreshing to see something different than the avarage "Raahr!" soldier type. And although he share similarities with Niko Bellic, you can't say he's a typical Rockstar protagonist. Just like you can't claim it's typical of me to sing in the shower because I did it twice, no matter how much you may dislike it^^

Well it's all opinions I suppose :/ I loved the game, the ending was the best one yet, I've never before seen such an incredible ending.
He is the "Raahr" soldier type. Except that he threatens everyone he then happily works for.

Tommy Vercetti was the same. Niko Bellic was the same. Hell, I could even say Jimmy Hopkins was the same.

But they were all likeable. I did not like John Marston. That's my opinion and all, but I just didn't.
Well I disagree^^ I suppose I can't say more than that :/
Jun 11, 2008
You are never ever the only one. I know you haven't even been here half a year but that is at least long enough to see one of these pop up and hear people say you are are never the only one which you aren't unless there is some massive genocide which and only in that case could you be the only one.

OT: I liked the game immensely sure it had it's flaws only one of which you have actually outlined in Cons. So what if you don't like the characters they fleshed them out and made them human as you said. They have done their job that is not a con. Would you rather a cardboard character that you like than a human prick? Personally I'd rather have a prick in a game that actually has some development rather than a copy paste nobody.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Oh joy another "Wahh something I don't like is popular" thread. Although taking pot shots at the popular stuff is practically a sure fire way to make friends on this site. The place is crawling with the gaming equivalent of hipsters.