Poll: An offer: $2.5 million for literally everything you own


New member
May 21, 2010
Yes, I would almost definitely do it. Due to moving around a lot, and still only being in college, I do not really have much of anything with sentimental value. Pretty much what I took to my dorm with me was everything I own. I'd only be losing a 30 dollar hd crt tv, ps3, ps2, crappy pen tablet, 20 dollar printer, blankets, all my clothes, some silverware, a microwave, a fan, I wouldn't say I technically own the mini-fridge more that I am borrowing it, a phone, some miscellaneous school supplies, and also this laptop, which would be the thing that I'd miss the most dearly as I have a bunch of saved data and stuff, and I would be pretty annoyed to lose my Latale account, Skype account, and Escapist account, but I think I would be able to survive on what would be my brand new top of the line ultrabook and i7 2600k 3rd gen comp with a tri monitor setup, multiple high end video cards, and the works all inside of some crazy expensive pointless clear liquid cooling case because fuck it I have the money that's why. And I'd still have access to all my sentimental stuff since my parents own it.
I would probably spend 500000 dollars quite frivilously, and then save the other 2000000 dollars and live off the interest, which if a bank was giving 2% interest yearly would be 100k a year, so I would still get to live quite well even after squandering 500000 dollars on all those random things I wanted but didn't have the money for.

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
I was prepared to say yes but... oh that's my accounts too... wait, technically I don't own them!

The websites and Steam own them!

Haha, sucka! I get to keep my name with my accounts! Yes I'll gladly take 2.5 Million.

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
Yeah I would probably take it. With that kind of money, I could finally move out of this stupid province. I don't own very much, and it would be enough to buy all the clothes I wanted afterwards.

I think it would be kind of exciting.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
I'd give him the clothes right there too and walk home naked - I can afford the ticket suddenly for indecent exposure I suppose. Seriously, what I own probably wouldn't amount to $10,000 on its best day. Sentimental stuff is mostly crap (and I mean that literally, I have a collection of, like, pieces of a plastic cup and scraps of paper, movie ticket stubs and old cards mostly that's "the sentimental stuff) and NO ONE who bought me any gifts I'd be giving over would object once they knew the terms.

... I just wouldn't want to sift through it before it got seized. Then I might have second thoughts / it would sting - but I'd still have to do it, I mean, $2.5 mil would change my life for the better in too many ways to say no.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
I don't actually own very much stuff that's worth a lot of money. Most of my money goes towards my schooling and I can't really give him that. I probably only have about seven thousand dollars worth of stuff and then I only have another two thousand bucks in my bank.

I'd just set up another bank account, tell my school that I need a new ID card, rent the other room in the basement I'm living in and then replace my other stuff. There, I'm back to where I was but with much more money.

Now to go get another taco. I'm hungry.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I`d hand it over in an instant. I`m pretty sure my net worth barely pushes 50 grand. Hell, he could have the clothes I`m wearing if he wants, 2.5 million pays for a lot of bail


New member
Mar 15, 2010
that would include my bank account, school account, social security number so the question is would you sell your identity for 2.5 million dollars


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
As much as some of my possessions are personally beloved, I can replace them by spending cash with much to spare.
Heck, I'd do it for $1 million. $2.5 million is a somewhat arbitrary number.

seventy two

New member
Mar 7, 2011
What I want to know is how he got into my house, I only eat tacos at home.

Would be a great deal for me since nothing I own is irreplaceable, nor worth more than a couple grand. Anything sentimental in my life does not belong to me so no loss their.

Question: Would he get any debt I had?


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Everything? Done, it is simple math. I keep my writing and stuff backed up on google so since it isn't something I physically own, or on anything I physically own it is still available to me.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
Hells to the yeah. Why? Because if I "owned" anything like a house or a car. I could just sign it over, therefore Ipown less and therefore I could keep it AND get the money. But the only thing I'm even close to "owning" is my car, but it's still technically the banks so it's a win win!

Ultra Man30

New member
Nov 20, 2009
Of course not. There are some things that I own that I would never trade for any amount of money.

In other words:



New member
Nov 26, 2008
One of the thing I own is an eftpos card linked to a bank account I own. Assuming this guy isn't giving me $2.5 million in cash, he could really easily just take it back the moment I handed my wallet over. So that would be a really dumb offer to accept.

Not to mention I need stuff like a passport, student ID etc, not to mention taking all evidence of my identity or anything I'd done would make it really hard to ever do anything else. I mean, $2.5 million goes a long way, but sooner or later someone's going to investigate me suddenly coming into that much money.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Yes. online identities can be reestablished. items can be bought. my whole property is not worth .5 million, let alone 2.5 million. with 2.5 i would instantly retire and spend my days living in happy ignorance.


New member
May 20, 2009
Sure why not? Things are just things simple as that. I would take the 2.5 million in a heartbeat. You can't take my steam games I don't own them hahaha. but who cares I could just buy them again.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Sweet! Total value of my stuff is much less than 2.5 million. I can replace my house, car, computer, and Steam library, plus have enough left over to invest and live off the interest. No more working for a living for this boy!