Poll: Anyone an Ex Anime fan?


New member
Dec 9, 2010
DJswirlyAlien said:
BlackSaint09 said:
My opinion stands as: Its a beautiful form of art.
Couldn't disagree with you more. Anime is a massive bastardisation of the human form in almost every sense. Some manga artists (particularly the hybrid artists) have produced some fantastic works but anime is almost all horrid cheating in both good art and animation (or lack of).

In its defense, it is not the only cheat out there and I despise them as much... *cough*Family Guy*cough*

I suppose you are wondering what I do enjoy? Well, Disney films, Tom & Jerry (particularly Hanna and Barbera stuff) and when in doubt, a bit of Pixar.
I guess we agree that we disagree then.


New member
Jul 30, 2011
Well, i haven't turned my back completly on it, but with the amount of crap that gets released season for season i'm just getting jaded.
Uninspired shonen, moe/harem shows, anything in a schoolsetting and of course horrible re-tools of classic anime (yes i'm looking at you blood-c. thank you for butchering blood:the last vampire by involving CLAMP)

Now and then there is something worthwhile to watch, but i'm more comfortable with seinen manga, which incidentally rarely see an anime adaptaion. Seriously, no anime for Liar Game? No anime for Lucifer and the biscuit hammer?

If you want to see good anime, stay clear of shonen-type stories (bleach, naruto, DBZ etc. the only thing i find enjoyable is One Piece & Gintama). Go watch Original or mature work instead.

And not to forget, watch Cat Soup. It's awesome.



New member
Jan 7, 2008

Got hooked on Ghost in The Shell and Neon Genesis Evangelion. Then watched Stuff like Naruto, Trigun, Noir, Full Metal Alchemist (original Anime > Manga Adaption Anime), Gungrave, Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex, Bleach, Welcome to the NHK, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Animatrix, Princess Mononoke, Laputa Castle in the Sky, Blood The Last Vampire, Blood Plus, Grave of the Fireflies, Here and There, Now and Then, Lain and so forth.

First i got tired how "Shounen" Type Anime like Naruto and Bleach tends to devolve from rather promising storylines in the beginning to a mind numbing succession of fights somewhere after 30-50 Episodes.

And eventually, i got tired of having to sift through the whole lot of shit to find a few diamonds in the rough.
Don't get me wrong, 90 % of Anime is shit, as with everything else, and as such it's rather normal. However, trying to find good Anime, not in the sense of "people-who-like-anime-like-it-a-lot" but in the sense of really, REALLY good got too bothersome for me.

That said, i occasionally like to re-watch old favorites, and occassionally i still watch some stuff. Watched the Gurren Lagann Movies and liked them, hated Code Geass, loved both "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" and "Summer Wars", watched Panty & Stocking and liked it as a giant "f-you" to geek culture and ordered Eden of the East from the UK. Also, "Redline" is possibly one of the most anticipated movies for me personally.

Yet still, it's far too few to actually call myself a real Anime-Fan of any kind.

Vegard Pompey

New member
May 17, 2011
Samurai Silhouette said:
Vegard Pompey said:
Calling yourself an "ex-anime fan" is not too far removed from calling yourself an "ex-book fan" or an "ex-music fan". Anime is a medium, and while not quite as diverse as the aforementioned mediums, it doesn't have any universal flaws that should prompt anyone to dismiss the medium entirely unless you really dislike Japanese culture.

So maybe you're tired of endless flashbacks and fights that are unnecessarily prolonged to last dozens of episodes with shameless reuse of footage. This doesn't mean you're tired of anime. This means you're tired of the specific type of shounen action anime that indulges in these things. I doubt anyone who's ever seen Legend of Galactic Heroes would ever call himself/herself an "ex-anime fan".
So um, "Anime" is synonymous for "Japanese culture"? If I were to say I didn't like western cartoons, it's pretty clear cut that I'm just referring to cartoons made in America, not American culture.
No, anime is not synonymous with Japanese culture. But I can imagine few legitimate reasons to dislike anime unless one has a problem with Japanese culture as a whole.

Anyways, I just looked up Legend of Galactic Heroes on yourtube and was almost immediately turned off.
Two and a half minutes in I was introduced with an emo archetype riddled in several animes and I just had to stop watching. It was like watching an animated facebook page. I really don't want to watch an effeminate looking male possessing unlimited composure speak in monotone about deep feelings and perceptions throughout a series. It's been done, over, and over, and over.
Calling Reinhardt an "emo archetype" is just wrong on so many levels. He is a stoic, relentlessly confident in his own abilities, unwavering in his ambitions and, for the most part, his belief that he can change the world for the better. He's closer to being the polar opposite of an emo.

Scrolling through the episode I see:
Standing and talking...
Standing and talking...
A group of people standing...
A dude (I think) sitting on a table...
Two dudes on a dinnerdate...

Not one of them yelled. Not one of the laughed, but there was slight movement. I think one of them put their hand behind their head to "think"? Even though I might have missed any signs of (real) human emotions while skipping through, my impression is that they're few and far in between. It's like they assigned everyone with the same serious, emotionless personality. I seriously doubt Japan and its culture has been taken over by robots.
No, Japan has not been taken over by robots, but there are significant ethnological differences between Japanese and American culture, and this is one of them. Japanese people are socially reserved and are hesitant to display emotions openly. This is not a stereotype - social interaction in all cultures is subjected to a number of unwritten, consciously or unconsciously understood rules. You will find this reflected in much Japanese fiction with any semblance of realism.


New member
May 26, 2011
CM156 said:
Yes, yes I was

But after seeing what it does to people, I decided that, no, this was not something I wanted to be involved in.
LOL Please explain, sir. Just what does anime do to people?


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Yea I was the same however I have some kind of haterd towards it now like they never seem to to make characters act like real human beings and I beileve thats why Im no longer interested


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
shitoutonme said:
CM156 said:
Yes, yes I was

But after seeing what it does to people, I decided that, no, this was not something I wanted to be involved in.
LOL Please explain, sir. Just what does anime do to people?
It turns them into cosplayers and otaku. I want nothing to do with those groups.


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
I wouldn't call anime so much a medium or genre of animation so much as a style, like impressionist or abstract painting. In that case, paint is the medium, the artist chooses to do a painting in a certain style, and from there may choose to depict whatever he wishes in that style. So the same goes for anime within the medium of animation. It is the Japanese style of animation, within which anything may be depicted. As such, as another poster pointed out, there will inevitably be something out there for anyone to like, as well as dislike. That's certainly true for me. I've greatly enjoyed and greatly disliked many anime I have seen. I've been moving on more to other interests in TV and movies in the past year or so, so I don't really watch much anime anymore, but I can't really say I hate it.


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
Sorry, double-post... it's Wednesday in the West... darn you, ZP...


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I'm mostly a "used to like it" person, although I love Hellsing Ultimate or the occasional Hayao Miyazaki film.

There are some great stories to be found in anime and some batshit insane awesomeness as well. But the bulk of it is alien to me at best, plain bad at worst. And even the good ones are often stretched into seemingly neverending series that I just don't have time for.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
CM156 said:
Yes, yes I was

But after seeing what it does to people, I decided that, no, this was not something I wanted to be involved in.
I'm on a similar stance. I'll still occasionally watch it, but it's rare. The Otaku culture also really scares me. I don't want to be absorbed into that. I barely escaped it in middle school.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
I used to like and watch quite a bit of anime, but then I watched with horror as an awful lot of shit anime came out. (Sonic X, Naruto(sorry, I just can't stand it, especially when it rips entire fight sequences from Cowboy Bebop), etc.)

But now I've fallen hopelessly in love with an otaku, so I've gotten back into it a bit.

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
I used to like Japanese animation and then one magical day it because 1997 and it was no longer interesting anymore.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I like it but I really only watch a series once it's finished or there's a decent amount of it out. Watched Star Driver about a month or two ago and I thought it was brilliant.