Poll: Are girl gamers a nuisance?


New member
May 1, 2009
Only Nintendo fangirls who believe shooters to be the cause of wars (yes, I seriously know people who are like this)

Iron Criterion

New member
Feb 4, 2009
SqueeFactor said:
I don't think so, let's clear that now.

It seems that when girls hop onto an online game, many of the responses from the male majority are sexist, rude, or tasteless. Then (so i've heard) they're flooded with friend requests because THERES A GURL ONLINE SHOOTING PPL OMFG SHE MUST BE HAWT. Why are girls subjected to that when they are there for the same reason guys are? Are video games really viewed as a 'guys only' activity? I for one love female gamers, and who shouldn't? They even out the playing field and lets face it, girl gamers are just plain freakin awesome. So why the hatred?

Side note: I am a guy. You may have caught that from my avatar over there. <-
Because virgins are neverous around girls, and as such act like dicks


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
To answer the question: No. Girl gamers are fine. The reaction to girl gamers, on the other hand, is a colossal nuisance.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Lizmichi said:
There are about 3 types of gamer girls; the bitchs, the attention whores/whores and the "just one of the guys." The bitches basically think they're better then most of the other people on the game and well are never happy with loot and anything for that matter. The whores use the fact they they're a girl to get attention and flirt with any and everyone in game and in vent. "Just one of the guys" girl gamers, the group I fit in, just want to be treated equally and may or may not let everyone know they're girls; the girls in this group tend to be the better gamers or the other groups and well just want to be like everyone else in WoW, Halo or any other game. Girls have a right to be in games much like guy but if they act like the first two groups then I would much like them to know play games the force them to play with others, they give girl gamers a bad name.
i totally agree with this. except the being a girl part; i am a guy. i think its cool when I meet a girl in-game, but they don't merit a friend request just because of that fact. im not going to treat someone totally different because they have a vagina or a penis. its their attitude that matters


New member
May 28, 2009
JRCB said:
Most of the girls I meet on LIVE are complete attention whores and jerks as well. Fortunately, there are still a few who play like any decent gamer does.

And as a side note, I treat everyone the same on LIVE (unless they prove to be an
Hate to break it to you but alot of people on xbox live are jerks (and people wonder why i gave up on live)


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
I don't normally have a problem with female gamers, I've had a lot of fun playing Left 4 Dead with them. But there is one female gamer that I absolutely hate playing with: my little sister. Every single time we play any multiplayer game, she HAS to be on the same team as me. And on the few occasions that I can get her to play on the other team, she will start whining and complaining the very instant that she thinks her team is losing. No matter what game we play, my sister will do this without fail. And I know she's my little sister, but damn-it, she's almost a teenager, and its about time she grew up... Sorry... got a little carried away there.

So back to the original topic: I don't have a problem with female gamers any more than I do with other male gamers, it just depends on how they behave.


Detective Prince
Jul 2, 2009
atombeast707 said:
Lizmichi said:
There are about 3 types of gamer girls; the bitchs, the attention whores/whores and the "just one of the guys." The bitches basically think they're better then most of the other people on the game and well are never happy with loot and anything for that matter. The whores use the fact they they're a girl to get attention and flirt with any and everyone in game and in vent. "Just one of the guys" girl gamers, the group I fit in, just want to be treated equally and may or may not let everyone know they're girls; the girls in this group tend to be the better gamers or the other groups and well just want to be like everyone else in WoW, Halo or any other game. Girls have a right to be in games much like guy but if they act like the first two groups then I would much like them to know play games the force them to play with others, they give girl gamers a bad name.
i totally agree with this. except the being a girl part; i am a guy. i think its cool when I meet a girl in-game, but they don't merit a friend request just because of that fact. im not going to treat someone totally different because they have a vagina or a penis. its their attitude that matters
Not to be blowing my own horn but I surprise people in WoW while I'm raiding and I'm in vent yea they flirt with me some and then after the first boss go "Holy crap damn look at her dps." I just laugh and they treat me like one of the guys at the end still with some flirting XD. That's how I've made allot of friends on WoW, I don't ask for attention it just comes and they see I'm just like them, I want to down the raid before I have to go to work. So I still say girls have a right to be in games. The one's that aren't there just because their boy friend got them started.


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Feb 1, 2008
Acristoff2 said:
mshcherbatskaya said:
I'm wondering if these attention whores are really so plentiful. Certainly, I've never met one playing online. What I have come across on occasion is a sort of self-congratulatory gallantry, conspicuous "gentlemanly" behavior, with a flip-side of "just joking" flirtation. I suspect I'm being given additional considerations because I'm female. Just for reference, this is my guild master I'm talking about here. I'm pretty sure he doesn't go around /hugging male players but I've gotten hugs and "roses". I don't want to be treated any differently but it's really hard to confront this sort of thing. The one time I jokingly called him on some of this, he got his dick in a knot and two months later was still growling about it.

How's that tie in with the attention whore thing? Well, I think there are a lot of gamers who go into the situation with the attitude that they will take any advantage they can get. That's not gender specific at all. If that gamer happens to be female and she comes across a guy who gets all tingle-pants at the idea of playing with a girl, why wouldn't she exploit that? Now keep in mind, she's not doing it because she's a girl, she's doing it because she's a player as well as a gamer. She's just playing the angle she found, which happens to be gender-based. If she finds the angle more than once, just like any other amoral opportunist, she will keep working it. If guys just treated female players like they did male players, this tactic would stop working and they would stop using it.
That's a pretty dick (lolpuns) move and if someone tried that in my server I would ban them off the face of the internet, that type of behaviour disrupts games and annoys every gamer who isn't a horn-dog. It isn't a tactic it's something similar to trolling except with an extreme reversed effect and usually the intent of upping self-esteem.
Oh, I'm not defending it by any means. I think people who play other gamers like that, or people who play other people for that matter, are despicable. I'm just saying that a player is a player though style may change from male to female.
Dec 14, 2009
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Treating a girl gamer any different is sexist regardless of wether it is positive or negative descrimination.
Oh come on! You /thread'd on the first post!

OT: I hate most girl gamers, mostly because they say they're girl gamers. If they really are a gamer girl, they won't say so unless asked, the ones that do are either men/attention whores.
Lol, didn't you hear? My goal as a new escapist is to /thread every thread that was ever concieved...ever.

Azure Sky

New member
Dec 17, 2009
As mainly a WoW gamer, I have seen my fair share of the good and bad in people regardless of gender. For the most part (Voice chat non-inclucive, hate that thing, really, it's evil) more often then not the female gamers I have come across are more mature and less egotistical then their male counterparts (But when you think about it, that's not hard. /sadpanda)

It needs to be said though, it's not just females that show the whole 'I have no idea what im doing.' thingy, males do it too. (they just dont get away with it as often)

However, there are still a minor few that give some of the most vile male gamers a run for their money.

So I would have to go with how they behave in the long run.

As for the males that are rude/try and pick up/fawn all over/ect ect, Disgusting =/


New member
Jun 16, 2009
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Who gives a shit? It's a bigger deal when people wear belts and their pants still hang around their ass. You can be a male and have atrocious gaming etiquette too. You can be 11 years old and be awesome. You can be a female and deny friend requests and block users, they're not helpless and/or retarded. It does not matter whether you are a girl gamer or a guy gamer, it matters whether you're an dingleberry or not.


Azure Sky

New member
Dec 17, 2009
Maxwell -EOD- said:
What kind of bullshit thread is this? Who gives a shit? It's a bigger deal when people wear belts and their pants still hang around their ass. You can be a male and have atrocious gaming etiquette too. You can be 11 years old and be awesome. You can be a female and deny friend requests and block users, they're not helpless and/or retarded. It does not matter whether you are a girl gamer or a guy gamer, it matters whether you're an dingleberry or not.

While for the most part of what you say is true, and I agree with 'most' of it.
Enough with all the hate *sadpanda* it's one of the reasons this thread is here in the first place. =/


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Are boy gamers obnoxious chauvinist pigs who wish to keep all women chained up naked in the kitchen?

Was Hitler secretly a Jew?

Let's pose some more questions that have no real answers, shall we?