Poll: Are you happy?

The Diabolical Biz

New member
Jun 25, 2009
SirBryghtside said:
Not really. I'm in a pretty bad place in my life where I'm working through a break-up that happened two months ago that kind of left me with what I think is clinical depression, zero friends, and a feeling like I'm going to have to do a complete overhaul of my life.

Things could be better :p
Been there (kinda am there). It sucks man. I got dumped right before the most important exams of my life and it messed with my head for a few months.

I'm kinda stagnating on my gap year atm. I had a great job for a month selling christmas trees but that ended and I haven't really started looking for another one. I want to go travelling but I don't really know where and it's unlikely that I'll make enough money to go anywhere good. I kinda regret not going to Uni this year, though I'm feeling slight trepidation about my chosen degree (which looks great, but I chose it kinda quickly and I don't know how good I'll be at it).

I spend way too much time watching films and tv shows because almost all my friends went to Uni last year, and my lack of any concrete employment has made it difficult to meet new people.

The one thing I'm really enjoying at the moment is exercising with my best bud 3 times a week. Aside from that everything's a bit drab. I wouldn't say I'm unhappy, though. Just that I'm in a bit of a rut and because I know that change is coming in a few months when I pop off to uni I don't really feel motivated to get out of it.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
I'm pretty happy, yes, thanks for asking OP.

Summer school is about as fun as attempting to play cards with a crocodile, but other than that I don't really have any complaints. I get on with my family, I'm healthy, I have almost everything I want (save a harem, or perhaps a small group of servant dwarves). So yeah.

Sorry to hear about those of you that aren't happy. Almost all of you seem to have really tough things going on in your lives, and I sort of didn't want to post in case I came across as boastful.

So here, have some bunny gifs:



New member
Oct 27, 2008
I am fairly happy, yes. I have wonderful friends, and I have started a new job which I am really enjoying at the moment, for better pay and the people are more laid back than my previous job. I have recently celebrated my birthday and I can always rely on my family and friends to pick me up when I am feeling down, so I find that life for me is pretty good at the moment.

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
I am not being bothered by anyone or anything right now, so yes
But i would be slightly happier if i had friends, an education and a job
I damaged my life pretty seriously because i could not deal with being bothered
Also because i am a glutton


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I'm a positive nihilist, so in a way, yes. World is full of opportunities, and thing have a good chance of going better in the future. Then again, they have a good, almost a better chance of not going well... huh.

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
Right now, thing are going the best they have for quite a while. I have good friends, am at uni studying computer science, got 80% on my last assignment, I have both Red Cliff and Spirited Away in the post, and I spent an enjoyable afternoon yesterday making origami models.

Life is good.
May 29, 2011
The primary requirement for being content is a stable internet connection.

As long as I have that I'll be fine.

I'm fairly sure whichever part of my brain is supposed to handle emotions is more or less crippled, so I'm 90% confident I'm not capable of happiness. But hey I also don't feel bad about it because I don't really experience grief significantly.

Emotions are over rated.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Life has the annoying habit of only letting you be aware of your unhappiness. So eventhough you'll be happy plenty of times, you won't realize it untill you're unhappy again.

I could be happier, but I could also be unhappier. There's people that care about me, and there's activities I enjoy. That's more than most people can say, I reckon.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
Content would be a more accurate term.

I'm not quite doing what I wish to with my life, but am on the right path to get there. I'm not crushed financially, and again, am on the right path to do well in that category. I have reason to be proud of the work I do, and am reasonably well entertained while relaxing.

A more extroverted person than I am might be lonely, only a small handful of good friends, and for the past few years no significant other. (I have little time to invest in a long term relationship and hold no interest in a casual fling) As it stands however I get plenty of social interaction.

SimpleThunda said:
Dead Century said:
SimpleThunda said:
It's not about what happens to you, it's about finding joy in the little things.
Nice words, but not terribly meaningful. To me, anyway. Sometimes the small things aren't enough, or aren't relevant, or maybe they're not even there. Life isn't just about what happens to you, I agree, it's how you react and deal with it. Anyway, I guess you kinda have a point. Count your blessings and all that jazz.
I like to look at it this way.

There's people who will always find something to moan about.
And there's people who will always find something to be happy about.

It doesn't take a genius to know who will be the happier of the two.
And both groups tend to have the same problem. Neither of them tend to do anything about the things they are collectively either moaning about or ignoring. By all means, find joy where you can, but don't let it blind you to the things that need to be fixed.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
I'm happy, but then I look in the mirror or see myself in photos and I feel sad u_u


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Eh, I guess.

I have enough money for the stuff I want and a good family. There's all the stuff that comes with being a uni student to drag me down (lots of work, massive loans, unsure of what the future holds etc.) but it's hardly soul-crushing. Give me a girlfriend, a sense of purpose and a drive to do exam revision and I'd be golden.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
I don't think it is so black and white. I am personally happy about certain things and very unhappy about others. and depending on the day and circumstances depends on my happiness. overall I recognise I have a good life, but I still get upset. I would say somewhere in the middle. but that isn't necessarily a bad thing, sometimes unhappiness can help us push ourself to do better, if we are completely happy we would not try new things.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
No, but not because I don't have things to keep me happy. I mean, I have a good home, with a good family, a great girlfriend, and I have pretty much anything I need to complete my gaming hobbies (Gaming PC, PS3, 3DS),

However, I feel like a burden, and not by choice.

I have no job, however I've been looking. Unfortunately, with no car of my own, and the only vehicle we have my mother needs to go to work, I need a job within reasonable walking distance. So far, I've applied to all those places with no luck.

I would have had a car, if my father didn't buy one, and then thought it would be a good idea to screw over the beginning of my life by selling it because "my grades weren't good enough in public school". Yeah, thanks dad. Seems reasonable. I'm doing poor in life, why not make it harder?

I'm just home all the time, hoping a job opportunity opens up so that I can apply for it, and then sit on my ass for a month or two seeing if they ever get back. So far, they haven't. So yeah, I'm not happy. I'm pretty depressed actually.
Feb 22, 2009
Sometimes. Until I actually think about the position I'm in in life. I'm at a shit university, I have no idea what I want to do with my life, few friends I feel I can really have a meaningful conversation with, and I'm really lonely, I feel like I desperately want a relationship but it's not going to happen.

That said, I'm still happy a lot of the time, I don't just sit there moping permanently. Until I get to really thinking about this stuff, I'm basically okay.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Not really. This could get mopey.

My parents are supporting me, I'm in work and I have friends, but I'm not really happy. I shouldn't be living at home (I dropped out of university at the end of the first year), my job is terrible and I've always had a nagging suspicion that none of my friends really want me around very much (that may well be paranoia, but telling myself so doesn't really seem to help).

I haven't had a proper relationship in over a year- there's a really nice girl that I work with that seems pretty keen on me, but I don't really feel it and I have no idea how to go about telling her so. To be honest none of my relationships, including friends and family, have ever felt particularly close. There are absolutely no career options that I've come across that seem appealing and I have no idea what to do with my life.

I wouldn't call myself suicidal, but the idea of going to bed one day and just not waking up doesn't sound too bad. I flat-out hate myself- I do everything wrong, I have massive anxiety issues, I find it hard to trust people, I feel distant from everyone and I fucking suck. I try not to be, but I end up being far too dependant on others. I often think that it would be better for everyone if I had never been born.

Hey, you asked.

What's really infuriating is that if I were anyone else I would be really enjoying life, the problem is just me being a dick.


Why does it say I'm premium now?
Apr 22, 2012
I have absolutely no reason to be unhappy, not doing too badly at college, live with loving family etc., I only have 3 friends but that's about as many people as I can handle anyway (not a fan of people) but I am still one miserable little fucker. I think that's more to do with the fact that I know that I have a poor work ethic, I am lazy, I don't try when I do anything, and automatically dislike everything by default until proven otherwise. But its not that that bothers me, its the fact that despite this, and that I know that I am like this, but still I am not even thinking about changing. Did I mention that I am a dick to pretty much everyone for no reason. Ah well, fuck it, it'll be right.


New member
Jan 12, 2014
I guess so, life is going extremely well compared to previous years. Couldn't ask for anything else, got a good job, family and girlfriend.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Not really. Requesting permission to whine.
I'm 25 and I'm back to school again just to get my high school diploma. I was naïve enough to think that high school was beneath me and that I was smart enough without it. Now nearly a decade later, after dropping out of community college for much the same reasons, I'm back and have to jump through all the hoops one more time before I can even start to think about applying for the education that I really want.
I have no job or any other income, but have soon-to-be-doubled student loans to pay off. Because of that, I'm forced to live with my dad who's got Aspbergers and who-knows-what else, so he doesn't care about anyone but himself and everything about him irritates me until I'm close to breaking point.
I haven't had a girlfriend in over five years. I haven't even gotten laid in over two years.
The people I once thought of as my friends turned out not to be, so got none of those either. Erratic contact with the rest of my family, at best.
My social skills are non-existent, to put it mildly. The only contact I ever have with another human being is two-three times per year, when I meet up with a girl I once thought I was going to enter into a relationship with, until she chose someone else over me.
I've lost over half my bodyweight in the last six months (and I wasn't exactly what you'd call heavy before that) due to never having enough money to buy food to eat every day, so I look like a skeleton.
Think that's about it, in a nutshell...

But at least I have somewhere to put my head at night with a roof over my head and I'm not fat, so I got that going for me, which is nice I guess...


New member
Oct 30, 2009
Not particularly, no. I'm smart enough to understand that my life is going nowhere in any meaningful sense. I will most likely spending the rest of my life alone working some menial job I'm way overqualified for so that I can scratch together a living with which I can feed myself. All so that I can continue to work at my menial job without so much as a girl to make life any less monotonous and draining.