Poll: Are you Horde or Alliance


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Tilted_Logic said:
Was Horde when I played. Had Alliance characters to play with some friends, but I was always much happier to log back on my Tauren.

Merkavar said:
Horde are just full off like kids who want to play big bad monster.
I don't mean to start a war or anything, but I always though it was reversed, heh.
yeah i was just joking.

horde players think alliance are a bunch little kids playing hero and alliand think horde are a bunch of little kids playing monsters.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Horde ftw!
I do not play anymore, but when I did myself and friends played on a server where the Horde was in the minority.
Some of my fave memories were of defending Tarren Mill and Crossroads against overwhelming Order hordes!(this was in the early days, when there were no battlegrounds).
Good days XD


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I played Alliance. The factions were neat, but really needed to be balanced. Right now I've noticed a major trend for the "evil" or at least "non-traditional" factions to be favored by MMORPG developers, leading to so called "alliance syndrom" affecting the entire genere.

My major concern right now is that since according to some polls I've read like 65% of the player base wants to roll Sith, if I roll Republic on the upcoming "Old Republic Online" I'm going to be at a huge disadvantage. I suppose it certainly doesn't help the situation that they put all this massive effort into the artwork for the Sith and the respective models, where the Republic side is all very bland and generic. Starting with the first trailer where we had Malgus starting the sack of Corsucant it's been noticible that the Jedi were so bland that they might as well all be named "Joe". The trend has continued with massive Sith Badassery even in the "Hope" trailer where you had one Sith taking on both a Republic Trooper and Jedi hero at the same time and doing very well at it, and even in the character class trailers and artwork reveals in general there is no doubt that the bad guys just look far better/cooler.

Not really what the subject is about, but really I expect Sith will be the new Horde, and ORO is going to be another fairly one sided game. I was hoping after what happene with WAR that EA would have learned enough to exercise some oversight here. A lot of us knew that was going to be a train wreck months before it launched, and when you saw the population imbalances between Order and Destruction in the "Road To WAR" launch event the collision had begun in slow motion.

Honestly I think Blizzard not getting their acts together also had a lot to do with that 500k core account bleed off. People were expecting a lot of things to be fixed with that update, and I know that even before the game went down people were pointing out that with the new races Horde got one that has an instant cast blink(rocketjump) that shared a timer with an instant cast DD attack that scaled with leve, a haste bonus, best vender rates, alchemy boost (best overall profession overall), and the abillity to summon a banker NPC to any point in the game. In comparison as the joke goes, Alliance got a race that has the abillity to literally bend over and take it... which is sadly true because that's What Worgen do, an abillity that lets them run a little faster for a couple of seconds.

See, when long standing imbalances exist, the only way to correct them is to boost up the other side until parity is restored. Preferably things need to be balanced beforehand so that is never a factor. Blizzard just never got that in any kind of competitive game balance has to come before pretty much anything...

Ahh well, enough irrelevent ranting. The Horde/Alliance thing just got me going. In the end I'm going to play the side I want to play, and that typically means the good guys as my main side (I do waffle between sides and have a few characters on each, but my main is always a good guy), I just get tired of feeling like I have to work twice as hard to accomplish anything, and then have it mean less when I do.

Too close to release for it to matter, but in hindsight I think they really should have nerfed the coolness of the Sith a bit and kept them a bit down to earth, or at least did something to make the Jedi and their allies seem a bit more interesting. I mean cripes, take a look at the obi-wan reject Jedi in the latest Trooper class vid... he looks almost exactly like the guy who got pwned in the first ORO trailer too (or close to it). I think maybe, just maybe, someone needs to be talking to the art department. :p

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Haven't played in quite a long time now, but when I did play I was more or less Alliance despite a few mid-level Horde alts.

Having been a fan of the original Warcraft games and a fan of story, it was just hard to play as a faction I know only years before were ruthlessly slaughtering cities and peoples essentially for teh lulz, plus I'm a sucker for the pseudo-medieval Europe art style of places like Stormwind. Dwarves are always fun as well!


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Alliance, then horde, then when I realized I had no reason to be horde and I didn't like the races that much, back to being a Dwarf.All it took was allowing Dwarves to be Warlocks. I love Warlocks.

I hate Night Elves


New member
Jun 1, 2011
Horde, when I used to play. On the server I used the most, that meant being mercilessly curb-stomped in most battlegrounds due to lower numbers. We were a vitriolic minority that would snipe you from cover and then retreat into a cave to exchange grim high-fives.


New member
Feb 4, 2011

I just can't stand non-Dwarf Alliance races, they feel to generic fantasy for me. When I started playing Horde were the PvP faction who were outnumbered pretty heavily across the board, and I love being the underdog.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Both, I guess...
Made a Night Elf. Nothing fun happened in a week, got bored and quit.
Someone told me Horde was more fun, so I made a Tauren. Also got bored in a week.

Went Kurzick, never went back. Go blue team! beat those pirates!


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Both and neither. I started off with a Horde character, because the guy introducing me to WoW played on the Horde side. I got bored in the Barrens, made another character (this one on the Alliance side) and spent a good few weeks raiding before TBC came out. Stopped playing a few weeks after the Ulduar patch in WotLK, got convinced by my friends to start playing again a week before the Cataclysm, this time as Horde, so I did. Eventually realized why I stopped playing earlier on and quit once more. Haven't played it since February/March.

I love the Warcraft universe and it's characters, but the tedious daily grind I could do without... And a lot of people who went for the daily heroic instance were bastards. They would complain and still be the worst member of the group, and if called out on it they would start throwing insults... '-_-


New member
May 21, 2011
I remember that I was distinctly for the Horde, back when I played WoW. My favorite race is Tauren, I just think that they're awesome, like the male tauren dance. I don't begrudge the Alliance, although it was a bit generic for me, but my favorite Ally race is definitely the Draenei.

My experience with the Horde players was that they were relatively more nicer to group with than Alliance players. But that became moot when you progress with your level. Then niceness/etiquette apparently gets shat on while sleeping the moment you go into any dungeon/instance in the Outlands.

Off topic: But didn't you guys think that for the latest expansion WoW should have added more hero classes? that seemed to have been the logical progression for me. particularly having a Demon Hunter class as well as one hero class unique to each race. Well, that was what I was thinking anyways.


New member
May 17, 2010
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
This sums up my feeling nicely

Before I quit, MY MAIN WAS A HUMAN MAGE!! *Faints*

But yeah, I played Alliance because I found they were generally more mature than Horde. Horde was full of kids thinking they were fighting the power by being an Orc.


New member
May 17, 2010
Witty Name Here said:
Popadoo said:
But yeah, I played Alliance because I found they were generally more mature than Horde. Horde was full of kids thinking they were fighting the power by being an Orc.
In my case, I played the alliance because most of the people I met on the horde were children who thought they were the more "Mature" side of the two factions. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "Alliance is for teh little kid n00bs!"
Agreed, damn kids. Eeh, I don't play anymore, but I'm glad I spent the time that I did on the Alliance instead of being abused by people half my age.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
Defiant for the win...oh, wait.

Started shortly before BC, and was pretty much Horde-only; Alliance seemed too Tolkienian and didn't interest me. When they put out BC, I started playing both sides...because there's nothing to shake up standard fantasy like crashing a spelljammer full of lawful-good tieflings off its west coast.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Sharalon said:
For the Horde! Once you go troll, you never reroll!
Ha! I'm gonna start quoting that in real life. I can't believe I've never heard it before this. But that's just me. I'm usually lurking on YouTube or Twitter. :L