Poll: Are you religious?

Dec 27, 2010
RobCoxxy said:
Nope. I went to a Church of England Primary school, where they force religion onto you from your first year onwards. I just thought it sounded weird. Then I read up on science. And it explained everything a lot better than the vicar did.

To quote Doug Stanhope:
"They shouldn't teach you religion until you're eighteen years old, it'd be a whole different world. If they weren't pushing it into your head while it was still soft you'd never buy it."

If you really believe death leads to eternal bliss, why are you wearing a seatbelt? :p
You see, I'd disagree with that entirely. I don't think the children should be told one explanation is definite (and no school now-a-days does, religious or not), but I think they should certainly be taught a religious and a scientific explanation. I think many of us forget as non-believers that there are those who see religion as fact, and who are we tell them they're wrong, when we ourselves will never know the answer.

Edit; Just to clarify, I'm agnostic. I doubt any current religion is true, but I don't think the idea of a creator or "God" is impossible (although improbable, in my opinion).

The Grim Ace

New member
May 20, 2010
Like MovieBob I am a severely lapsed Catholic. This is about as close to religious as I get: publicly admitting that I consider myself part of an organization led by a man in a silly hat. I otherwise really don't care.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
sergnb said:
CarlMinez said:
Krall said:
Wait, why is agnosticism a third option? Surely it's covered by "No"?
Nope, an agnostic is more like "undecided". Not a believer but not an atheist either.
No, it isn't. Agnosticism is not "uh man, I can't decide which one do I believe, let's just wait until one dissapears and join the other one".

Agnosticism is not having solid proof to demonstrate either of the theories. Agnostic is a person that believes these are just theories and we have not discovered the truth yet. Agnostic is someone that is awaiting for the absolutely truth to be discovered. Agnostic is a person that doesn't blindly follow faith, nor made-up stories, not theories that do not have any proof behind them.
No, you are just assigning your personal philosophy to the world.

An agnostic is simply a person who doesn't know whether there is a God or a higher force, or doesn't think that there is any way of knowing that. Thus the word "a-" (without) "gnosticism" (knowledge).

That's why I think the word "undecided" could describe it pretty good.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Ok, really.

Please, please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE learn to use the search function. I mean, it's not difficult. You put the thread you're thinking of making into the search bar up at the top right, and then you hit enter, and then it'll tell you threads like that.

This has been done so very many times.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Any religion that demands money from me surely can't be of a higher meaning then humans just being money grabbing d-bags now can it?


New member
Mar 12, 2011
CarlMinez said:
SaunaKalja said:
SideSmash said:
Is there an "I Think" option?

Also, I'm getting kind of sick of all the snarky atheists who think they're smarter than religious folk. Get the fuck over yourselves, ESPECIALLY the whole "Flying Spaghetti Monster" thing. That doesn't make you look smarter; that makes you look like an asshole.

Also, i'm Jewish. 'Nuff said.
Ha, the FSM thing... Why are you irritated by people that use that as an example? It is not used just to be smartass or to be an asshole. It is used as a tool to prove a point. There's no point on going on about how a religious theory can be wrong when you can just make a direct comparison and make the theist answer their own question.

The FSM thing has grown as a joke to piss off theists, because, let's face it, they are REALLY easy to troll. They get upset by the slightest mention to their beliefs.

It usually goes like this: Religious makes statement regarding God.

Atheist says he disagrees

Religious demands proof (by the way, people should stop using this comeback, just because we are atheists doesn't mean we are experts in every single field of science)

Atheist uses FSM to make the same statement religious person made in the first place with a few tweaks

Religious person claims that's stupid

And bam, the conversation ended right there. The religious person answered himself and the atheist didn't have to explain anything at all. FSM is used to make religious people question themselves about their beliefs, not to be snarky douchebags that try to poop on everyone's party.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
CarlMinez said:
sergnb said:
CarlMinez said:
Krall said:
Wait, why is agnosticism a third option? Surely it's covered by "No"?
Nope, an agnostic is more like "undecided". Not a believer but not an atheist either.
No, it isn't. Agnosticism is not "uh man, I can't decide which one do I believe, let's just wait until one dissapears and join the other one".

Agnosticism is not having solid proof to demonstrate either of the theories. Agnostic is a person that believes these are just theories and we have not discovered the truth yet. Agnostic is someone that is awaiting for the absolutely truth to be discovered. Agnostic is a person that doesn't blindly follow faith, nor made-up stories, not theories that do not have any proof behind them.
No, you are just assigning your personal philosophy to the world.

An agnostic is simply a person who doesn't know whether there is a God or a higher force, or doesn't think that there is any way of knowing that. Thus the word "a-" (without) "gnosticism" (knowledge).

That's why I think the word "undecided" could describe it pretty good.
That's just what I said, with less words. An agnostic is someone that doesn't KNOW, not someone that hasn't decided, like you said in your first post.


New member
May 13, 2010
Poll makes no sense, agnosticism relates to knowledge not belief. One either believes or not with the possibility of there being a point where you really have no idea what you think but if that persists for more than a few days you might want to see a doctor because that lack of self awareness is probably harmful.

But seriously there isn't much middle ground, the poll makes no sense because I'm an agnostic (don't know if God exists or not) atheist (don't believe in God). Knowledge is separate from faith.

Legion IV

New member
Mar 30, 2010
sergnb said:
Legion IV said:
RobCoxxy said:
If you REALLY believe in heaven, and that it's a quadrillion times better than life on earth, why do people wear seatbelts?

And cry when they say "Dad's in a better place?"
Alright, i gotta respond to this, i hope my comment wasn't taken in the wrong light, like i said not all and again it seems just my city, again sorry if offended you or anyone.

Now i hate when people use these arguments. First off of course I'll be fucking sad when a loved one dies, even though there probably ballin it up in heaven chilling and getting a hug from god. There still gone, they still died, they were still taken from this earth so of course we'll be sad.

If your best friend say for like 20 years said there moving far far away you'll never see them again and they cant call you or use phones but its there dream come true, you'll still be sad. So cut it out with that garbage, when i had a loved one die i mourned of course i did why wouldn't i she was still a kid!? but deep down and to this day i know shes in a much better place, shes fine shes up in the sky looking down on me and shes happy that even though I'll never forget her, I'll never be sad anymore that shes gone cause all that will do is make her sad so theres no point. So enough with that same quote.

Secondly, life here is still great, we were given life by our savior why would we squander the greatest gift hes given us? That would be an insult. He gave us the greatest gift of all which is life so why on fucking earth would we give that up!? Its like being served dinner an amazing feast Turly cranberrys fish, potatoes but dessert if your favorite cake and you just throw all the food over the table and say i want my fucking dessert not this garbage.

Now comparisons aside the other reason is, intentionally doing something like that would be in a sense killing ourselves, Our life's are not ours to take. When you let him into your heart its no longer just yours...

Just so much snark comments.
To the first thing: I agree. I understand why christians are said when a close one dies even if they believe he is in heaven.

To the second thing... wowowow, slow down a little there, buddy. "We were given life by our savior"? Why? What's the point of "living"? Why do we have to be in this plane of existence when there's one infinitely better after we die? Why have to go through suffering, pain and horror? What's the point of living?

Also, why do you call Jesus (I assume you are talking about jesus here) "our savior"? From exactly what did he save us?

"Our lives are not ours to take". What the hell? Why not? It's OUR lives. We can do whatever we damn please with them. If life is just some kind of on-rails experience we just have to accept and live through, why bother to live at all? WHY exactly do you have to go through life and death to go to heaven? Couldn't God just simply pick up our souls and get them into heaven, effectively preventing them from commiting any sin, and thus, making hell unpopulated?

If God is all powerful and omniscient, why doesn't he prevent us from doing bad things? Why do we have to "prove" him anything when he knows exactly what we are going to do? Why did he send Jesus to Earth if he knew he was going to be killed? Why didn't God manifest himself before Jesus? Why doesn't he make himself present? Why doesn't he send an obviou signal that shows without doubt that he exists?

And what exactly is God? What is heaven? Where are they? What is a soul? Is space real? Is it infinite? If so, is God somewhere in Space? Does he keep track of more planets other than Earth? Is hell a tangible place?

If God created humans to be like him, why are we warmongers, greedy, selfish and violent by nature? Wouldn't that mean God purposely set those emotions there intentionally? Wouldn't that mean evil comes directly from God?

But then, why? Why did he create Evil? Why is he making people suffer? Why go through this suffering? Why this torture? Why not just fucking make an uthopia where everyone is happy?

Why did he make that so that in order to survive we need to kill each other? Why do animals have to die to give us food? Do animals have souls? Do they go to heaven? Why were they created and given life if they do not have? Why? WHY?

Answer me and you'll maybe convince me to reconsider my beliefs. Until then, I'll keep thinking there are no Gods at all
Let me rectify one thing, i believe key word everything i said is what i think, All i can speak of is for myself and i believe like many others like me that my life is not completely mine, he gave me life he blessed me with life. Look actually never mind.

All i want to say is i hope i didn't come across as to much of a dick. Despite your argument and getting pretty in your face about my belief system am sure your a very nice person and i respect you for what you believe in life. I don't want to argue, theres nothing i can say or anyone can say to convince people with such strong feelings as you.

Like i said i grew up not believing until i was 14 way back in the day, i had the same questions as you and i answered them on my own and found my own answers. Theres nothing a man can say to convince someone completely of there questions, only the person themselves may find there answers and find piece of mind.

Again sorry to everyone if i offended, i hope you all have a great weekend tgif! everyone deserves a great weekend after having to work 9-5 eh? We should all be happy and count our blessings everyday for the amazing lives we all have. If your able to speak and post on a public forum about games and afford these games you are truly (Am sorry again just cant think of a word to say this i guess lucky?) blessed.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
theemporer said:
Shirokurou said:
Why are "No" and "Agnostic" separate choices?
I happen to be an agnostic atheist...
I believe that not everything in this world can be understood, but there is no God, as described in any religion...
Why are "Yes" and agnostic separate choices? I happen to be a spiritual agnostic...
While I believe that we cannot know what greater power exists, I believe that it does exist.
The question was "Are you religious?" Which means a strong connection to an established and dogmatized system of beliefs recognized as a church...
That's why they are separated...
Being a spiritual agnostic actually makes you sort of a heretic to some religions...


New member
Jul 25, 2011
i'm not a religious person at all. other than learning about religions in history class, i don't know much about religion either.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Hugga_Bear said:
Poll makes no sense, agnosticism relates to knowledge not belief. One either believes or not with the possibility of there being a point where you really have no idea what you think but if that persists for more than a few days you might want to see a doctor because that lack of self awareness is probably harmful.

But seriously there isn't much middle ground, the poll makes no sense because I'm an agnostic (don't know if God exists or not) atheist (don't believe in God). Knowledge is separate from faith.
I agree.

-Gnostic and -theism are 2 separate things.

1 claims knowledge. Other claims belief.

You can be an Agnostic Thiest, a Gnostic Theist, an Agnostic Atheist or a Gnostic Atheist.

There are 4 kind of philosophical positions here, not 3.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
The kids these days are too hip for religion,. I am kind of bashing it, fully realizing the hypocrisy inherent in voting "agnostic" and writing the previous sentence.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
CarlMinez said:
sergnb said:
CarlMinez said:
Krall said:
Wait, why is agnosticism a third option? Surely it's covered by "No"?
Nope, an agnostic is more like "undecided". Not a believer but not an atheist either.
No, it isn't. Agnosticism is not "uh man, I can't decide which one do I believe, let's just wait until one dissapears and join the other one".

Agnosticism is not having solid proof to demonstrate either of the theories. Agnostic is a person that believes these are just theories and we have not discovered the truth yet. Agnostic is someone that is awaiting for the absolutely truth to be discovered. Agnostic is a person that doesn't blindly follow faith, nor made-up stories, not theories that do not have any proof behind them.
No, you are just assigning your personal philosophy to the world.

An agnostic is simply a person who doesn't know whether there is a God or a higher force, or doesn't think that there is any way of knowing that. Thus the word "a-" (without) "gnosticism" (knowledge).

That's why I think the word "undecided" could describe it pretty good.
This was actually explained quite well earlier on.
Agnosticism has nothing to do with how religious you are, or whether or not you believe in a god (or gods).

It's used incorrectly quite a lot. When someone asks "Do you believe in God?", you can't reply "I'm agnostic.", because be that as it may, you haven't answered the question.

Agnosticism (in this case) is the lack of knowledge about whether or not a god (or, again, gods) exist. Theism/atheism, on the other hand, is the belief (or lack thereof) in a deity.

If you are agnostic, you don't know whether or not there is a god (so technically, everyone's agnostic, or they're full of shit). If you are a theist, you believe in a god. So you can be both.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Del-Toro said:
The kids these days are too hip for religion,. I am kind of bashing it, fully realizing the hypocrisy inherent in voting "agnostic" and writing the previous sentence.
Heh, using "kids" and "too hip". Surely you've found a way to look way smarter than them, haven't you.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Well, for starters the poll is slightly off.

One can answer only yes or no to the question (as long as "religious" is defined clearly), and agnostic is a different matter entirely.

I'm an agnostic atheist, in that I hold no religious beliefs of any type and I do not 100%-without-a-doubt KNOW that no religious beliefs are true. I am significantly convinced that no religious beliefs are true, but I can still think of things that would cause me to alter my non-possession. If I was a gnostic atheist, I would KNOW that no religious beliefs are true.

Note that this also applies to those who are religious. An agnostic theist is one who holds religious beliefs and is not 100%-without-any-doubts sure that those beliefs are correct. He/She is significantly convinced that his/her beliefs are correct, but he/she can still think of things that would cause him/her to alter those beliefs.

Why am I an agnostic atheist? Because I cannot see any good reason to think that the statement "God/s exist/s" is true, and I also have never found any compelling argument for deist or non-theist (yet still religious) religions. I don't mind people who believe what they believe unless 1) they attempt to convert me (note: discussion of my non-belief in contrast with their belief is not converting), or 2) they attempt to limit something based solely on religious reasons. If either of those occur, I tend to be rather vicious with wall-of-text/wall-of-speech counters.

Edit: Of course, as I'm typing I get ninja'd by 3 different people on the belief vs. gnosticism thing.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Legion IV said:
sergnb said:
Legion IV said:
RobCoxxy said:
If you REALLY believe in heaven, and that it's a quadrillion times better than life on earth, why do people wear seatbelts?

And cry when they say "Dad's in a better place?"
Alright, i gotta respond to this, i hope my comment wasn't taken in the wrong light, like i said not all and again it seems just my city, again sorry if offended you or anyone.

Now i hate when people use these arguments. First off of course I'll be fucking sad when a loved one dies, even though there probably ballin it up in heaven chilling and getting a hug from god. There still gone, they still died, they were still taken from this earth so of course we'll be sad.

If your best friend say for like 20 years said there moving far far away you'll never see them again and they cant call you or use phones but its there dream come true, you'll still be sad. So cut it out with that garbage, when i had a loved one die i mourned of course i did why wouldn't i she was still a kid!? but deep down and to this day i know shes in a much better place, shes fine shes up in the sky looking down on me and shes happy that even though I'll never forget her, I'll never be sad anymore that shes gone cause all that will do is make her sad so theres no point. So enough with that same quote.

Secondly, life here is still great, we were given life by our savior why would we squander the greatest gift hes given us? That would be an insult. He gave us the greatest gift of all which is life so why on fucking earth would we give that up!? Its like being served dinner an amazing feast Turly cranberrys fish, potatoes but dessert if your favorite cake and you just throw all the food over the table and say i want my fucking dessert not this garbage.

Now comparisons aside the other reason is, intentionally doing something like that would be in a sense killing ourselves, Our life's are not ours to take. When you let him into your heart its no longer just yours...

Just so much snark comments.
To the first thing: I agree. I understand why christians are said when a close one dies even if they believe he is in heaven.

To the second thing... wowowow, slow down a little there, buddy. "We were given life by our savior"? Why? What's the point of "living"? Why do we have to be in this plane of existence when there's one infinitely better after we die? Why have to go through suffering, pain and horror? What's the point of living?

Also, why do you call Jesus (I assume you are talking about jesus here) "our savior"? From exactly what did he save us?

"Our lives are not ours to take". What the hell? Why not? It's OUR lives. We can do whatever we damn please with them. If life is just some kind of on-rails experience we just have to accept and live through, why bother to live at all? WHY exactly do you have to go through life and death to go to heaven? Couldn't God just simply pick up our souls and get them into heaven, effectively preventing them from commiting any sin, and thus, making hell unpopulated?

If God is all powerful and omniscient, why doesn't he prevent us from doing bad things? Why do we have to "prove" him anything when he knows exactly what we are going to do? Why did he send Jesus to Earth if he knew he was going to be killed? Why didn't God manifest himself before Jesus? Why doesn't he make himself present? Why doesn't he send an obviou signal that shows without doubt that he exists?

And what exactly is God? What is heaven? Where are they? What is a soul? Is space real? Is it infinite? If so, is God somewhere in Space? Does he keep track of more planets other than Earth? Is hell a tangible place?

If God created humans to be like him, why are we warmongers, greedy, selfish and violent by nature? Wouldn't that mean God purposely set those emotions there intentionally? Wouldn't that mean evil comes directly from God?

But then, why? Why did he create Evil? Why is he making people suffer? Why go through this suffering? Why this torture? Why not just fucking make an uthopia where everyone is happy?

Why did he make that so that in order to survive we need to kill each other? Why do animals have to die to give us food? Do animals have souls? Do they go to heaven? Why were they created and given life if they do not have? Why? WHY?

Answer me and you'll maybe convince me to reconsider my beliefs. Until then, I'll keep thinking there are no Gods at all
Let me rectify one thing, i believe key word everything i said is what i think, All i can speak of is for myself and i believe like many others like me that my life is not completely mine, he gave me life he blessed me with life. Look actually never mind.

All i want to say is i hope i didn't come across as to much of a dick. Despite your argument and getting pretty in your face about my belief system am sure your a very nice person and i respect you for what you believe in life. I don't want to argue, theres nothing i can say or anyone can say to convince people with such strong feelings as you.

Like i said i grew up not believing until i was 14 way back in the day, i had the same questions as you and i answered them on my own and found my own answers. Theres nothing a man can say to convince someone completely of there questions, only the person themselves may find there answers and find piece of mind.

Again sorry to everyone if i offended, i hope you all have a great weekend tgif! everyone deserves a great weekend after having to work 9-5 eh? We should all be happy and count our blessings everyday for the amazing lives we all have. If your able to speak and post on a public forum about games and afford these games you are truly (Am sorry again just cant think of a word to say this i guess lucky?) blessed.
I did not want to start a fight neither I found your comment offensive. I am genuinely asking a religious person to explain to me why exactly do they belief in a God when there are so many holes and things that do not make sense.

I fancy myself some good debates from time to time and what better subject than religion? "Finding answers by yourself" is never a good idea because you may find wrong answers and think they are true. You have to talk. Compare. Contrast. Why do you believe this thing and not the other? Have your ever put your faith to test? Do you REALLY believe in God, or that's what you WANT to believe, because it's convenient?

Please understand that I am not angry, neither you should be. I just want to talk, in a merely intellectual plane, about religion.

And I don't want to say you are doing the same thing but... this is the exact kind of maneuver all religious persons pull when I try to have a conversation. Derailing the conversation, trying to end it, avoiding what could be something inconvenient for them, or, what I like to call, "scaping from reality" (but that's just what I think, please, prove me wrong!)


New member
May 24, 2011
Yes, I'm A 7th day adventist technically. However, I am a strong believer in natural rights and I believe that that those are the greatest gifts that god gave us. I refuse to believe or follow anything that supports the stripping of natural rights without a vote or delivering justice and so I believe that god supports a free and equal society and is the only person who can run one without it becoming communism or tyranny. Because of this, however, I'm pretty sure most other religions will hate me.
I believe in my own version of God that is never contradictory and supports our natural rights while at the same time being humble and kind.

The reason I believe in a God at all is because, well, the universe had to come from something, right? So why not a deity?
When it comes to heaven I view it as a reward for those that can live in a utopian society fairly easily. Otherwise you just end up dead forever.

I guess I'm just a blind follower of natural rights.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Kamehapa said:
Veritasiness said:
malestrithe said:
Possibly the dumbest thing I have heard (in a while). Just replace that idea with anything else:

I say, "If a magical unicorn that craps gold exists, he must dance to me in order for me to believe."

You say, "By having a test for a magical unicorn that craps gold, and demanding that they comply with it, aren't you basically admitting that unicorn must exist? It has to, in order to decide to fulfill or not fulfill your requests."

I say, "No the whole idea is asinine, which is why I want some serious proof in order to believe this thing that so many other people believe is self evident."
Just because it works for my example doesn't mean it works for all examples. But I was under the impression an atheist is someone who flat-out denies the existence of God, not somebody who would believe in God if sufficiently convinced - that's closer to being agnostic, though not quite.

Additionally, part of having faith - the only important part, really - is believing in something that cannot actually be verified. That's why faith is irrational (and though I have it, I don't deny that it is). Part of religion is making, and accepting, the irrational belief. Not believing because it is irrational is fine, but demanding proof of something which, by definition cannot be proven is ridiculous and circular.

Hammeroj said:
Veritasiness said:
Quoting an older post because I skimmed over it (don't do this, kids at home) and made myself look like a fool. Agreed to it while I read it, and forgot completely what you said by the time I read your "my definition" line in the next post. For that I apologise.

You are at the very least in essence correct.

Veritasiness said:
Now here's when you lose me, if I understand what you're meaning to say (I can interpret your post in two ways). How does being an atheist not have any more ties to rationality than being religious?

Weighing evidence against interest alone is enough to make the distinction in rationality. Believing something even though there is zero evidence because it makes you feel better is irrational, and not believing it is rational, and it doesn't get simpler than that.

Now, the other thing I think you could be saying is that people think atheism is rationality. Well, it's not, it's just one rational conclusion. You might believe the Holocaust never happened or that Elvis is still alive.
That bold part is exactly the point I was trying to make. I apologize for any confusion, and appreciate the civility.

Rationality and logic are really just tools used to pursue an argument; my point in linking to Aquinas's proofs a while ago was to try and articulate that through example. The idea that it is impossible to think logically and still believe in a deity is what I'm trying to refute here.