Poll: Arming the UK Police


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Kalezian said:
, shot in the leg or hit with a LTL round like a beanbag.

Well truth is leg shots can in a large number of cases be fatal; also police forces are trained to shoot for the chest (except if the perp is thought to have a bomb vest in whic case its headshots) as its the largest area with greatest chance of hit (and hitting some random in the background).

Most of your limbs have arteries which if severed will release huge amounts of blood at high pressure; thus being a pain to prevent blood loss from.

Bottom line: guns rarely make a situation any safer


Dec 16, 2008
Standard Police SHOULD be able to carry Tazers in my opinion, but not all officers should have guns.

I think that some 'regular' police should be given arms training, but arming an entire police force does not seem to be the best idea here.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Burs said:
Knusper said:
I find it ironic that I could walk down the street with a pocket knife and be arrested for carrying a dangerous weapon and the guys who are arresting me have CS spray, batons and handcuffs. Hypocrisy much? I think no one should have guns.
Why do you feel the need to carry a knife, (no matter how small since a 1 inch blade can pierce the heart) Carrying for protection is what causes the majority of knifings in the country anyway,
I'm sorry I didn't make that clear. I meant it as a hypothetical scenario to show that I can be arrested for having an offensive weapon but the police have several - I do actually agree with knife laws (except the one which doesn't allow me to get a Balisong).


New member
Dec 9, 2010
I always think it's interesting to observe that we, in the UK think the Americans are crazy for having guns legal, whilst the Americans think we are crazy for having guns illegal. It just demonstrates how much the culture of the country you are born in can effect you.

Anyway, to answer the question. Naw, I live in London and I'm happy with the police and civilians being unarmed. It seems more civil.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
I would have to vote for option one. A police force that isn't armed cannot keep the peace. If they have the training and discipline, then they would not abuse their power. Although, I would have to say that a healthy alternative to firearms would be tasers or some other non-lethal weapon. Batons and pepperspray only work in close proximity, they need something with range.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
well yeah arm the guys. if i knew OUR cops were un armed, id have a hay-day, also, do those guys NOT have pepper spray or tasers?!

yeah, this is another reason why the public should be armed, if American cops take on average 4 and a half minutes to arrive at a dire emergency, what the hell would unarmed cops do? how long would it take for them to go back to the station to be rearmed? but i digress.
even though from what i understand armed and dangerous suspects are fairly rare in the UK because of it being an island and all, but this shows they wouldn't be fully prepared if he was armed with smuggled firearms.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Wicky_42 said:
Because I'm sure that that's what the various school shooters you've had to deal with went through ¬_¬

Face it, in the states this guy could have already had a gun, gone out into the streets and started shooting. Cops would have turned up, gun battles, lots of potential for death all round. Here, the worst your average muppet is going to have is a big knife, which is beaten by big bits of plastic, and no-one dies (though one plonker maces himself... >.>). Madman, arrested, peace restored, job done and done right.

When we do have shooters - take that banker last year leaning out of an upstairs window with a shotgun, or that dickhead of a taxi driver shooting up a town - the armed response deals with it, not a beat cop; gunmen pose a completely different scenario, calling for completely different skill-sets than a petty thief or car theft.
In Columbine the guns were acquired via illegal sources; as it's been said in this thread before if someone really wants something 9 times out of 10 they're going to get it. Virginia Tech was a failure by the gun store owner. And those are brought up all the time as failures in the system, but what about the millions of people who buy guns and don't go shooting up schools? What about all the crimes stopped by people who are licensed to concealed carry? It's just like Fox News, because they make the most shockwaves they get the most press. You don't hear about the normal stories where a guy was turned down to purchase a gun and nothing came of it. Further, you cant just say this guy would have already had a gun here, just like I can't really say he never would have gotten a gun. We just don't know how it would have turned out, but it's more likely he wouldn't have gotten a gun.

GHudston said:
It's not based on stereotypes and bad jokes. One of the many times that I've been to the US I decided that I wanted to see what it was like to shoot a hand gun. All I needed was an ID and some cash to have a gun in my hand (this was in Florida, by the way. I'm aware that laws differ from state to state). I didn't own the gun, but with enough insanity and a little luck I could have been loose in the street with it.
Yes, true. There really isn't any argument for that, someone probably could do that, in that case there's not much you can do unless someone working at the Range shoots you before you make it out the door.

I don't buy that a 3 day waiting period is going to do anything but delay a shooting by 3 days, or that a law against carrying a rifle in public is going to deter someone who would threaten an officer with a machete.
It's more based on the fact that most crimes are in the heat of the moment by unstable individuals than anything else. You can always buy an axe/machete/insert-any-yard-tool at the store and go off, but because buying a gun is more difficult most people don't bother.

I'm not saying that everyone in america is a gun nut and that shootings are everywhere, because that is clearly not the case. But mistakes are made with background checks and the occasional nutcase begs, borrows or steals a hand gun and kills someone. If it even happens even -once- it's one too many times.
That's the great debate we have over here. I do think stricter enforcement of the laws needs to be thought about. The fact is that some Pawnstores and whatnot very rarely do the background check and are always swayed by greenbacks, that needs to stop for sure.

We're not entirely safe in the UK either, as the above post pointed out, but that's why I want trained police to have more access to firearms. I don't see how arming the public will do anything more than increase the amount of gun crime here.
I'm not going to argue arming the public over there, that's something for resident's of the UK to decide, not some guy who tells everyone he's a Canadian when going abroad to avoid the hate that's due from the previous administration. I think that Police need a step up above the average criminal, whether it's rubber bullets or bean bag guns or plain old guns.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I've always said that I think that the the police should be armed, with standard side arms but I also think that guns shouldn't be made legal in this country so the police can have the upper hand.

Although, arming the police with fire arms could provoke an increase in armed gun crimes in this country which would increase the illegal smuggling of fire arms into the country so making them legal would mean that the government would be able to control who had a gun and would be able profit from the possible increase in the amount of people purchasing guns.

Corporal Yakob

New member
Nov 28, 2009
Glad to see common sense has prevailed and most people have opted for option one-the Police should be capable of dealing with any situation.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Without sounding out the obvious but... don't like just over 1% of Americans population live in prison? I'm sure I read that somewhere several times over. Fact is, sure in the U.S 'this would have lasted 5 seconds they'd have just shot him' but here they can actually capture him and bring him to justice.
Yes it's good to have a backup for when proper gunfights break out like Swats, but the police are supposed to be (although sometimes I do doubt >.>) trained professionals, shooting people armed with a melee weapon isn't exactly something that requires skill, here I couldn't really see properly due to the camera but they did get the guy in the end without anyone being hurt.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
alrekr said:
Kalezian said:
, shot in the leg or hit with a LTL round like a beanbag.

Well truth is leg shots can in a large number of cases be fatal; also police forces are trained to shoot for the chest (except if the perp is thought to have a bomb vest in whic case its headshots) as its the largest area with greatest chance of hit (and hitting some random in the background).

Most of your limbs have arteries which if severed will release huge amounts of blood at high pressure; thus being a pain to prevent blood loss from.

Bottom line: guns rarely make a situation any safer
while your right about the leg wound can be fatal part, i respectfully disagree on the fact guns dont make thing safer. Well trained police can use guns effectively with out firring a shot. This guy new these cops were unarmed so he decided to show some balls. if they were armed he would have probably gave up sooner (or got taken down. either way the street is safer)

If you dig around on the internet you'll find that in the US alone (cant say anything for UK honestly) that ~2.6 million people are saved each year by having a gun on hand, huge percentage of them don't even fire a shot, just the knowledge that a cop or citizen is armed is enough to prevent a disaster. and that 2.6 million are just the ones called in. they estimate the number is closer to 4 million.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
bahumat42 said:
Vrach said:
internetzealot1 said:
Cops - guns = lolwut?

They're no better than a neighborhood watch.
^This (worse actually, a neighbourhood watch might have a firearm among them >.> ), I had no idea UK cops didn't carry firearms. That's just ridiculous.

Option one, obviously.
yeah we are clearly living in anarchy downhere, infact someone is robbing me as i type


ridiculous as it may seem there isn't many situations that warrant firearm use down here (primarily because barely anyone has the damn things). Sure you get the occasional loon as the OP video showed but thats the minority, the police force needs to be able to handle the Majority of crimes. And if the majority of crimes can be handled without the use of a firearm, then they get solved. In rare cases with a gunman we get the sniper team in.

Its not all that outlandish an idea, although i do know you people love your guns out there.
I didn't say you were in anarchy and you're not "downhere" for me, you're actually "up there", am from Serbia :p

I'm just saying it's ridiculous for a police officer not to have a firearm for when it's needed. And from what I hear of my friends in the UK/on the news, it's not like you're some utopia that has less of such cases. Stabbings and shit all over the place apparently, I've heard of teen gangs chasing kids to death in the middle of the bloody day through the London subway without anyone stopping them and similar cases. Now, granted, this may be my friends trusting the media too much, but can't judge from down here any other way really.

If you can't even handle a guy with a melee weapon without resorting to a squad of 30 bloody cops (seriously, anyone thought of getting up to the apartment above him and throwing a cooking pan on his head or something?), how exactly is an armed gunman gonna go down? You can call in an armed team, sure, but even with the bloody SAS on full standby all over the city, you're still gonna have a response time and it only takes so long for a person to pull a trigger.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
With an increase in the amount of illegal weapons in the UK i'd say it is becoming nessecary for police ot carry guns. It would probably also give them more authority, which they could do with. Only trepidation would be that sometimes that police can be a bit too on edge and it could end badly


Mysteron Display Team
Jan 6, 2011
Lethos said:
I always think it's interesting to observe that we, in the UK think the Americans are crazy for having guns legal, whilst the Americans think we are crazy for having guns illegal. It just demonstrates how much the culture of the country you are born in can effect you.

Anyway, to answer the question. Naw, I live in London and I'm happy with the police and civilians being unarmed. It seems more civil.
What a civil response, nice job.

I realise I have neither the personal experience or knowledge to pass comment on US police practices, I just presume they're generally suitable to the culture/environment despite what appears instinctive to me (jaywalking?). Anyway, as the data [//www.unodc.org/pdf/crime/seventh_survey/7sc.pdf] stands it looks like we're doing quite well on the gun violence front in comparison to other places.

bahumat42 said:
yeah we are clearly living in anarchy downhere,

Oh, that just made my day!


New member
Nov 24, 2010
I don't think rank and file should, obviously there should be trained units though. In the UK gun crime is not as big a thing as knife crime which is much bigger. This is shown by the UK police wearing stab proof vests not bulletproof ones.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Of course police in Britain need firearms. The legal system is tough in this country, but in a really relaxed way. The criminals incarcerated often end up having better lives than most people living in the middle class. It's a joke that inmates can get leather couches, plasma screen TV's and all the food they can eat (all at the expense of the tax payer I might add.)

Firearms won't solve our hideous legal system, but it will take us one step forward. For example, a Policeman is not allowed to make contact with a suspect in an aggressive way. Now, the suspect can lie, and say it was aggressive for example. In which case the officer would be stripped of his title, and fired. And the suspect is eligible to apply for compensation, and a formal apology, and an inquiry into the state of the police attitude. Absolute joke.

Police should be tough to enforce the law in a country like this. Because it's out of control.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Police are not armed? That's a disaster waiting to happen.

All it needs is some psycho with a garage and some metalworking skills. or with the right connections and there'd be a disaster.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Sir-jackington said:
With an increase in the amount of illegal weapons in the UK i'd say it is becoming nessecary for police ot carry guns. It would probably also give them more authority, which they could do with. Only trepidation would be that sometimes that police can be a bit too on edge and it could end badly
i agree, thats a problem in America, its not the legal guns, they legal owners comit a very small percentage of crime (especially when you consider the fact 80 million people are registered gun onwers and not all gun owners have to be registered) its the illegal arms coming in through the mexican and canadian borders (mostly mexican). thats why we have an armed population too.

i hate to sound like a gun nut here, but if the cops and law abiding citizens aren't armed, who's going to stop the criminals who'll be armed either way?

also to anyone who says that armed shot out with the police is dangerous for citizens, the fact is that the police are trained and citizens usually stay clear from that stuff. citizens getting hurt in a police shoot out (not counting hostages) are rarely injured.