Poll: Batman v. Superman, or Captain America 3?


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I was not the biggest fan of the first Captain America film, and although the second looks much better and less like a two hour advert for a character that will appear in The Avengers....Man of Steel was great. I went into it expecting an average Superman movie with a bit of destruction and some style from Snyder. What I got was two and a half hours of shit blowing up to a fuckin' excellent soundtrack that played to a story which is the closest live action Dragon Ball Z movie we are ever going to get.


New member
Jan 24, 2014
chaser5000 said:
SeeDarkly_Xero said:
I doubt we have to worry about GL levels of shit, worse case scenario we get an extremely mediocre movie. Yes they are worried about making money first but think if they can show that "DC beats Marvel" headline to their shareholders, that they knocked the king off the mountain, and how much hype will that generate for the Justice League movie. People will be talking about it for a while, questioning if they can do it again.
Yes.. it will be "news." And they have shown that they can get in the news.
But I still believe they won't want to lose the bottom line.
Think about production and actor cost alone. If they take that risk and split their potential audience for the sake of "ego" or "bragging rights" they will still not earn in one weekend nearly what they could without the competition THEY chose to engage in.
Again... it's the failure inherent in the PR game they are playing.
If they go through with it, they will get news, but lose money. That's just math.


New member
May 5, 2012
Absolutely no interest in anything that has superman in it. Pretty stoked for CA3 though, Winter Soldier was a blast!


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
cap 2 was probably my favourite of the marvel series so far, they're put together pretty well and they're pretty well acted.

i really enjoyed nolan's batman trilogy, and don't really want more of batman at all, let alone being introduced alongside superman. it just doesn't appeal to me at all.

cap 3 hands down, i MIGHT see BvS when its released on dvd, but only out of curiosity.


New member
Jun 14, 2013
Winter Soldier was probably my favorite Marvel movie to date, so I'm definitely going to see Cap 3 when it's in theaters. Depending on the set-up of the theater I see it in, I might just try to get away with walking out of Cap 3 and into another theater about to show BvS, since I'll already be there and won't have to shell out additional money for it (the last bit is why I assume there's some sort of safeguard in theaters to prevent this, but I've never seen them). As someone with a limited income (college student, woo), I doubt I'll be willing to pay to see a movie I don't already trust to be pretty good. (The only movies I've seen in theaters over the last few years are Marvel films and the last two animated Disney films. Disney's getting my money because Disney makes good movies.)


New member
Jun 20, 2012
I will see neither of them in theaters most likely. Prices to high. I have no idea when i will see them out of theaters since i still need to see Captain America 2 and Thor 2

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I don't have any faith in DC and their movies. I will probably see both in time, but I'm in no rush to see BVS.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Whatever movie screens for the press first. For what it's worth though I'm more intrigued by the Superman/Batman movie than Cap 3.


New member
May 12, 2011
I love superman and I love batman and I am a major dc guy that being said I will be seeing captain america first as mos sucked and b/sdofj seems to be a mess

and captian america 2 was an amazingly good movie easily one of marvels best

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Captain America. No contest. It is so refreshing to see a super hero who is a hero and good guy at heart. No brooding, no troubled past, no struggles with drugs or drinking, no pushing people away out of fear of them getting hurt.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Im not from the US so to me Captain America is just a really stupid hero.

And I actually enjoyed Man of steel more than any Marvel movie Ive seen.
I don't see whats so great about the Avengers and whats so bad about MoS.

Super Cyborg

New member
Jul 25, 2014
Captain America 3 as well. Main reason is I just don't care for the big named DC heroes. Batman, Superman, and even Wonder Woman don't do much for me. This comes from watching the JLA series, as well as other movies and Young Justice. I prefer the lesser known heroes, Flash, Green Arrow, Huntress etc. or the young heroes that live in the shadows of their mentors. Non of the live action DC movies have done anything for me. The Dark Knight Trilogy was ok at best, but they weren't anything great, and after watching the first movie, Batman does a big out of character act at the end.

Marvel has built a reputation, and I feel that they never fail to deliver. I've liked all their movies, even the ones that people don't care about, or even hate.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Ed130 The Vanguard said:
Captain America 3. I get enough darkness and grit from the Horus Heresy series already.
Pretty much this, if I want grim darkness, I'll read about how Horus messes up the galaxy.

OT: I'm going for Captain America 3, "Dawn of Justice" sounds like a mess of a movie at the rate we're hearing news about it.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013

I'll make it a back-to-back double feature with whichever one having the earliest showing at the theater nearest me getting first viewing... Although, that would not mean the one I see first would end up being the one I choose to be the better movie that particular day... :p

Yep... My optimism is all at a neutral stance right now... and I haven't even seen The Winter Soldier yet, mind you...
Jul 31, 2013
Papadam said:
Im not from the US so to me Captain America is just a really stupid hero.

And I actually enjoyed Man of steel more than any Marvel movie Ive seen.
I don't see whats so great about the Avengers and whats so bad about MoS.
I'm not from the UK so to me Doctor Who is just some stupid Limey TV-show.
I'm not from Russia so to me War and Peace is just some dumb old book.
I'm not from Belgium so to me Belgian beer absolutely sucks.

Now, you see why that way of thinking is absolutely stupid?

OT, I didn't really have a problem with MoS, even though it was a bit too dark and gritty in my opinion. The thing that's so (subjectively) great about the Avengers is that it managed to combine different heroes with their own movies into one movie and make it work.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
SanguiniusMagnificum said:
Papadam said:
Im not from the US so to me Captain America is just a really stupid hero.

And I actually enjoyed Man of steel more than any Marvel movie Ive seen.
I don't see whats so great about the Avengers and whats so bad about MoS.
I'm not from the UK so to me Doctor Who is just some stupid Limey TV-show.
I'm not from Russia so to me War and Peace is just some dumb old book.
I'm not from Belgium so to me Belgian beer absolutely sucks.

Now, you see why that way of thinking is absolutely stupid?

OT, I didn't really have a problem with MoS, even though it was a bit too dark and gritty in my opinion. The thing that's so (subjectively) great about the Avengers is that it managed to combine different heroes with their own movies into one movie and make it work.
You actually don't see why anyone not from America would think a hero called Captain America is silly?
Your comparisons has no relevance to what I was talking about.

But on the other hand, Im from Sweden and think Thor is equally stupid as a super hero. ;)


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Superman is my favorite superhero, however, I'm still waiting for DC to make a Superman movie, since MoS wasn't one, and I doubt I'll be seeing SvB in the theaters. So in this case, I would be seeing Capt. America 3.