Poll: Best Music in a game?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
For me it is definitely Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. Music corresponds so well to the surroundings and action, changes whether you are in material or astral plane, changes a tone whether you fight or not. It is a true masterpiece.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Innocence said:
Mistermixmaster said:
My vote goes to Valkyria Chronicles. Seriously, the intro is brilliant!
Not convinced? Then listen to the even better main theme!
I love you so, so much for mentioning Valkyria Chronicles before I got a chance to. :'D

In any case, I wholeheartedly agree. I mean, I loved the game anyway - but the music was perfect.
Hehe, thanks I guess? :p Here, have a (late, depending on timezones and such) Valentine's "card" with Alicia and Welkin on it! :p

... And some more music, because it's awesome and that is what this thread is for, right?


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
Final Fantasy 9 has the best soundtrack our of all the Final Fantasies.
Also love everything from Shadow of the Colossus.
And Ace Combat Zero left a make on me with this:
When I hear it I say "Hey buddy, you still alive?" Love that line.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
Seeing the American Mcgee's Alice: Madness Returns post, I was reminded of how amazing the soundtrack of the first game was

Also basically every soundtrack of every game Atlus ever made

And obviously Okami


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
Irriduccibilli said:
TypeSD said:
Irriduccibilli said:
I dont see how the poll and title is connected.
OT: IMO Mass Effect 1 had an amazing soundtrack
The music just fits the game and story perfectly, and it sounds good too, especially this one
ME certainly has some pretty rockin music. Also love your avatar ^_^
Why thank you my good sir. I must say, your avatar is not half bad either. Deus Ex am I right? One of my all-time favourite old games. When i come to think of it, Deus Ex had some pretty nice music too, also, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I believe that it'll have some pretty awesome music too. I'm sure that if Michal McCann is behind the music of that game like in the trailers for DX:HR, I am definitly sure the music will be great. Who other than me can't wait for that game?
i can wait a long, LONG time because Invisible Wars was complete crap.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
TypeSD said:
Irriduccibilli said:
TypeSD said:
Irriduccibilli said:
I dont see how the poll and title is connected.
OT: IMO Mass Effect 1 had an amazing soundtrack
The music just fits the game and story perfectly, and it sounds good too, especially this one
ME certainly has some pretty rockin music. Also love your avatar ^_^
Why thank you my good sir. I must say, your avatar is not half bad either. Deus Ex am I right? One of my all-time favourite old games. When i come to think of it, Deus Ex had some pretty nice music too, also, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I believe that it'll have some pretty awesome music too. I'm sure that if Michal McCann is behind the music of that game like in the trailers for DX:HR, I am definitly sure the music will be great. Who other than me can't wait for that game?
i can wait a long, LONG time because Invisible Wars was complete crap.
True, but the memories from the first Deus Ex can still cause a tickle in my man parts. From what i've seen, it looks like they went back to the first Deus Ex style.... or at least that is what I hope


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Brutal Legend has the greatest music, but for implementation wise it would have to go to Bioshock.

I know Fallout did it first, but Bioshock manages the atmosphere better.


Wrote Some Words
Jul 16, 2009
The main Halo theme is very good, even after all these years it's still capable of sending shivers down my spine, but for me the STAKER series just beats it. All of the music in that game is performed within the game world; you can be hearing nothing as you wander through totally desolate landscapes then you just pick out a guitar performing some sad, melencholy song. In the first game peope would occasionally sing along, and the entire scene just creates such a brilliant (if that's the right word) scene of lonliness in a hard world.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
I would be with a tie between Frank Klepacki's music in the Command And Conquer Series (While Westwood was still active) and The Fire Emblem Series Music On The Consoles.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
I'm partly with Lewieroo0... the C&C series music was epic, and (for purposes of grammys etc) could easily have come off a major movie soundtrack ... if not for that whole issue of being 22khz mono ADPCM 'n' all (Q: are full CD quality soundtracks available of that, same as with Halo?). I extracted them and burned to a couple CDRs at one point and it's good stuff even if it sounds like it's coming out of an AM radio.

Other than that I haven't paid a massive amount of attention to the non-demo game-music scene for some reason so my standouts may be a bit wierd ;)

8-bit: Sonic, Streets of Rage (i'm sorry - the NES soundchip just grates on me unless it's used EXCEPTIONALLY well, so it's got to be Sega), honourable mention for Link's Awakening. Using the tech to its proper potential but also good pieces of music that fit the mood well.

16-bit: Xenon (the first one), Final Fantasy 6, Lemmings (well, of course) and the title to 7 Gates of Jambayla (it's a total mismatch, but I knew it as a standalone piece before finding out about the game and liked it a lot, and can be sometimes found cranking it on headphones with lots of bass boost for 2 or 3 repeats if I've got something heavy to work on). And probably a whole load of others given I cut my teeth on the 16s, but I just had lunch and my mind is dim.
((honourable mention: honkin' great piles of game-inspired YM2192 chiptunes))

32-bit & up: Wot, no GTA? Particularly the fake radio stations and purpose made music. They're a coffee and cream combination ... good by themselves, great together.
Other contenders using licensed music - Gran Turismo 3 + 4 (pretty much just the bespoke mixes of Just A Day and Reason Is Treason that are hard as hell to get hold of without recording off the PS2's lineout, but Moon Over The Castle is a catchy piece by itself) and SSX. Like another poster said, it got me into a few bands (which others e.g. Tony Hawks didn't manage), plus *most* (not all) of them fit their particular track and the game in general very well... and regardless of anything else, kicking Finished Symphony fully into life with one of the big jumps on Snowdream can still give you goosebumps on a winter's evening.
C&C series as above.
Doom etc have got to be in with a shout for somehow creating such dank and brooding atmospheres with just an Adlib synth chip to play with.
Monkey island similarly for the sheer range produced under a similar leash.
And Tempest 2000, which was sort of Rez before Rez was ever thought of.
(again, there's so many that are missing here...)

Heh ... so I say I wasn't paying too much attention and couldn't think of many favourites then that happens. Mebbe it's a good idea I'm a coffee short of full service rpm at the moment.


New member
Jan 22, 2011
Mistermixmaster said:
My vote goes to Valkyria Chronicles. Seriously, the intro is brilliant!
yeah, the music in that game is beautiful.

A lot of people will probably say Zelda, but to be specific, my favorite song from a video game ever is "Song of Storms" from Zelda

And in terms of amusing songs, my favorite is "Like a Monkey" from Timesplitters:


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Karma from Ever17

ALOIVIA from Z.O.E 2

Karma is one of the most haunting piano pieces I have ever heard, especially if you note when it is played during the game. And ALOIVIA is equally creepy for being the theme where you fight a boss who you've killed several times before.