Poll: Best New Doctor


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I was watching the season finale of Doctor Who the other night when a thought occured to me;
which is the best of the three new doctors?

So who is it, escapists?

9 is a cynical war veteran, bent on the destruction of the Daleks. He has a cocker accent, wears leather and once replaced Harkness' gun with a banana, without him noticing until he tried to fire it.
9 is a doctor for people who like dark pasts and moral dilemmas. Not a very happy doctor, but a funny one all the same.
catchphrase: fanTAStic!
Companion: Rose Tyler, Briefly Jack Harkness

The Tenth Doctor is a different breed, with a short fuse reminiscent of the short lived 6th doctor combined with the manipulative bastardry of the 7th. His claims to pacifism seem a little insincere after he makes a habit of blowing shit up, but 10 remains a very poular doctor.
Became more and more dark throughout his run, almost becoming something like the Valeyard from the original series. Host to the new series most popular villains, including the Weeping Angels, the Toclafane and, of course, the Master
catchphrases: I'm sorry, so sorry; Allon-zy!; Brilliant!
companions: Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble.

11, ah 11, by far the funniest of the bunch, 11's main writer is Steven Mophat, so his storylines tend to be rather mindscrewy. He always wears his trademark bow-tie and absolutely loves jibbering.
He has played host to the new series creepiest monsters, the Silence, yet still manages to make us laugh through these tense moments. Eleven is incredibly zany, his favourite food being fish fingers and custard, yet still has a serious side: managing the sad sequences in [i/] the hotel [/i] very well.
If compared to the old series, 11 may come across as the bizzare meeting of number 6 and number 4, but is really in a class all his own.
catchphrases: Geeeronimooo!; Fezzes/bowties/stetsons are cool.
companions: Amy pond and Rory Williams.

my fave is 11.

although I'm a fan, I don't know everything about Doctor Who, so feel free to correct me.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
willofbob said:
almost becoming something like the Keeper of the Matrix from the original series.

You mean the one who got like 4 scenes in the end of the 6th doctor's run?


Innocence proves nothing
Sep 26, 2008
I like the 9th doctor the best.

I liked his "dicking around in time and space" attitude to episodes a lot more than I like the running over-arching themes (best way I can describe it) that the newer series have.

I don't know if it was because he'd just emerged from the Time War and needed cheering up or what but he's definitely a lot more fun than the later psychopaths Doctors


New member
Aug 22, 2010
thaluikhain said:
willofbob said:
almost becoming something like the Keeper of the Matrix from the original series.

You mean the one who got like 4 scenes in the end of the 6th doctor's run?
not sure if this is canonical, but he turns out to be the Valeyard, an imperfect clone of the doctor who has a god complex and thinks he can do what he damn well pleases. So, yeah, essentially the Doctor by the end of Waters of Mars.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Eccelston was my first doctor and I had to admit I really liked him alot and when Tennant first came onto the scene I didn't like him but after a while Tennant grew on me and I eventually liked him more than Eccelston.

When Smith showed up the same thing happened at first, I didn't like him. After about 5 episodes I still didn't like him, he made the show feel like a chore to watch and so I haven't watched Doctor Who since and more than likely won't until a new doctor comes along.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I like the 10th, then the 11th, then the 9th. Nothing against the 9th, Eccleston made a great Doctor, and I wish he was around for more than one season so his personality could have gotten a bit more attention, but comes in third just because we didn't see much of him.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
willofbob said:
not sure if this is canonical, but he turns out to be the Valeyard, an imperfect clone of the doctor who has a god complex and thinks he can do what he damn well pleases. So, yeah, essentially the Doctor by the end of Waters of Mars.
Oh, right, yeah, I thought the Valeyard was just impersonating him or something.

But...I'd say the 10th. I've had lots of problems with the writing throughout, and the 10th doctor got some shockingly bad stuff (Jesus Tinkerbell Doctah, for example), but overlooking all that, he seemed the most like the Doctor...the 11th was way too much of a bad joke most of the time.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
willofbob said:
not sure if this is canonical, but he turns out to be the Valeyard, an imperfect clone of the doctor who has a god complex and thinks he can do what he damn well pleases. So, yeah, essentially the Doctor by the end of Waters of Mars.
The Valeard wasn't a clone, he was actually the Doctor, sort of. He was an aspect of the future Doctor from some where between the 12th and 13th regeneration, he didn't fully exist yet, so sort of a potential future Doctor. His reward for executing the Doctor would be to be made physically real by the Time Lords who assumedly could deal with that sort of paradox.

So given some of 9, 10 and 11's actions it's conceivable that he could become the Valeyard.

The Dutchess

New member
Feb 24, 2011
Ten. I think maybe it's just his growth throughout the series that stayed with me. At the start he was as mad and youthful as Eleven. By the end he was as dark and burdened as Nine. And his companions actually influenced and changed him - for better or worse can be argued either way.

I do love Nine though - he was a fantastic dark restart to Doctor Who. Eleven has grown on me, he's like a little excited schoolboy.

But I miss Ten so much. I still want him back. He's my Doctor.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
In my opinion Smith is the best Doctor, but has the unfortunate luck of terrible writing... Tennant was an okay Doctor but had some great writing (Up until the end of his time, when it became a bit "Ugh")

Eccleston did bring back the show but didn't quite fit the role... He was stuck with Rose as a companion though (Whereas Tennant swapped her for Martha and later found himself with Donna (Who was almost as annoying as Rose but since it was intentional and she was one of the only people I can think of who didn't fall in love with the Doctor...))


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
TENnant. Does no one else see that? No, okay then...
Anyways, not only were some of my favourite stories and episodes done with Tenant, but he also had just that right mix of seriousness and 'lets f*** around with things'. He was serious in the matters that things could not be changed to affect the future, and he always was serious about saving people, but he always had fun messing around with the villains until he was able to, and he almost always had a back door exit.
I loved it at the start of the Waters of Mars episode:
"Who are you, what are you, and why are you here?"
"The Doctor, Doctor, fun"
I couldn't stop laughing. Some of my best Doctor moments have been with Tennant.

Matt Smith is good, and Amy is possibly the hottest companion the Doctor has had to date, but so far he just hasn't had as many of those great Doctor moments. I'm sure more will come as the season progresses, but at the moment Tennant is definitely my favourite.

Seventh Actuality

New member
Apr 23, 2010
The Ninth: good Doctor, never got a chance to hit his stride.

The Tenth: Fuck no. Great actor, worst Doctor, although admittedly this has as much to do with having the most consistently terrible episodes as with the Doctor himself. Could have been great, by the end I was begging for him to die. Actually, by halfway through the third series I was begging for him to die.

The Eleventh: Shaky start, but gradually turned into one of the best Doctors of the new and old series, owing to a massive improvement in the quality of his episodes and actually making the show feel like Doctor Who again and not a pathetic attempt to ape the worst of American genre films. Also has the only likeable companions of the new series since first series Rose (I like to pretend first series Rose and second series Rose are different people).


New member
May 3, 2010
Eccleston for the win! I have no problem with Tennant either, but I just like Chris more. He's one of my favourite actors in general, so versatile.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
It's got to be christopher Eccleston, as he did a perfect job of bringing back the doctor with a fresh new take and a perfect series that had great twists and turns. David Tennant had a great first series but then went downhill and Matt Smith has suffered from pretty bad writing in too many episodes.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Tennant, no question about it.
Didn't like Smith at first, but he's not bad.

Liam Barrett

New member
Jul 6, 2011
Eccleston is probably my favourite so far, it's just a shame he didn't get a longer run at it, but I suppose he didn't outwear his welcome either.

Which brings me to Tennant, who is a fine actor and clearly loved the role, but some dodgy scripts and over-arching plots really ruined him for me. This is especially true towards the end of his run, where I really just got sick of watching mug his way through the increasingly OTT nonsense was thrown his way.

So Smith came as a breath of fresh air to me, and really gave Eccleston a run for his money for the top spot in my list, with a much more alien performance than his two predecessor. His first season was fantastic (the awful Dalek episode aside), but the latest season has been much more hit-and-miss, Smith's performance along with it. I'm hopeful for a return to form next year, but for now Eccleston retains the title.

All this is moot of course, because Sylvester McCoy was clearly the best Doctor :)


New member
Apr 20, 2010
I'm really feeling Eccleston. You have to take note of the different budgets they had. If Eccleston had the same budget as the newer seasons (And with a little less Rose.), he'd be a blast to watch.

I felt he really gave the Doctor some "humanity".

He was hateful and aged. You could really see Eccleston live his role during the "Last Dalek" episode and almost feel his teeth grinding.

The Doctor was angry and he could really show it.