Poll: Bioshock Infinite: good or bad?


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Could be good. Could flop. I'll forgive them for trying a different setting. God speed to their design team.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2009
There's another thread that's basically the exact same thing, so I'll say basically the exact same thing.

I see this as a good thing. Bioshock's basic premise was amazing. A utopian world that slowly corrupted and is still very basically functioning, but has been twisted and distorted beyond the point of no return. Bioshock 2 never should have happened; the end of the original meant that any sequel in Rapture would just be the company obviously trying to suckle some more cash from the teat of a good game.

So this looks good. Same idea; a utopian world that's slowly falling apart, with a magical element to (probably) drive the chaos. Of course, they'll have to make sure that it can keep the same crumbling but at this point shit utopia feeling that the original Bioshock had, brought down by a supernatural force and all in all showcasing the downside of human indulgence or whatever, but if they are able to do that, I expect it to be amazing.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Ildecia said:
seems like i'm going with the crowd here.
i think it has potential for 3 reasons, and 2 (barely) logical thoughts
[sup] lets see what kind of feedback if any i get from this[/sup]
reason 1. once you've gone underwater, and realized that after a sequal its not as good; you go up. then some more up. so sky>ocean city

Reason 2. if we get to play as the big hulking mechanical arm that eats people; cool. i we get to play as that guy (granted we get plasmids etc.) alrighty then. If we get to play as elenor from bioshock 2; epic. Big Sister=win

reason 3. the sky city and the concept for such a city is just too cool; and i am getting sick of watching fish move faster than i am.

(Barely) logical thought 1: we escaped rapture in bioshock 2 right? i mean... if you ripped too many little girls spines out; ok. if you saved little girls; good. but we escaped nonetheless.
(Barely) logical thought 2: sequals have to move somewhere else right? rapture--->rapture didn't feel like much of a change so... hopes for the better!!!
You do know this game takes place years before the 1st and 2nd game right?

You are a Pinkerton Agent trying to save Elizabeth.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Omega V said:
bloody hell I type out a massive wall of text to explain my feelings towards this game, and my computer interprets "post" as "delete bloody everything and crash the web browser."

Any way my attitudes towards this game so far are a tentative "BLOODY HELZ THIS LOOKS AWESOME I WANTZ THIS GAME INSIDE ME RIGHT NOW!!!!" ahem, as I was saying this is exactly what a sequel SHOULD be doing, using elements of the originals general plot, themes, and gameplay and using them as a jumping off point to launch the series to new heights. (in this case, literally)
And come on, its a steampunk city in the sky, what more could you possibly want?
My only concern is that they address how the city can fly. Some brief pseudo-tecnobable involving some anti-gravity Tesla coils or Unobtanium alloyed with element zero or some such. I also want to know why the Americans felt the need to fashion their aerial death fortress after a city as opposed to a heavily armored Dreadnought/carrier/gunship/Battlecruiser of ultimate pwnage

The flying city, named Columbia, was meant to symbolise american ideas and such.

And for how it flies, no radioactive tesle coils or ADAM magic...just baloons. Yes my friend, hot air baloons. This is 1912 we are talking about.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
I think the second one also being set in Rapture was kind of unnecessary and seemed like a cash-in to me (though I still haven't played it and really need to). But I feel that the choice of having #2 in Rapture created this expectation that Bioshock=Rapture (sure, I found Rapture very atmospheric and awesome, but the relationship between the city and the story are what really made me like the game), but it made gamers think that the whole point of the series was the city and its inhabitants, so it garnered an expectation that all the set pieces had to be there for it to be a Bioshock game. However, if they had gone straight from 1 to Infinite, this Bioshock=Rapture expectation wouldn't have been as strong, and gamers would see it more as a series about tech way ahead of its time and (for lack of a better description) biological weapons and stories centered on the structures of societies.

Sparknotes Version-lovers of the first game are more likely to say "it's Bioshock, but in the sky" because the progression went Rapture->Rapture->Sky instead of Rapture->Sky

Sparknotes Version of Sparknotes Version-I don't think Bioshock 2 was a good idea (but I haven't played it so that's just an outsider's opinion).

Also, I'm thinking that the story will revolve around the idea that the government of Columbia is in some way using Elizabeth to keep the city happy and afloat but, in doing so, causes her great pain and suffering. Therefore, you're sort of faced with the question:"Is it better to let one innocent person suffer so that many more people might be happy, or try to save that person and, in doing so, cause much more suffering than there was before?"


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Seems interesting... Will rent it though...

I didn't like the cartoonish "floating-in-the-air" then plummeting part of the trailer


New member
Jun 28, 2009
imahobbit4062 said:
II2 said:
imahobbit4062 said:
Seeing as how I completely hated the poor excuse of a game that was the first one, I don't see me liking this.
Born 1994. Yep. ;)
So because I'm 16 I can't have a valid opinion?

The first was horrible due to a number of things.

First off was the combat, Bioshock featured some truly horrible shooting mechanics. Second was the story, people go on and on about how Bioshock had such an amazing story. It focused way to much on Audio Logs than the actual story at hand, then they forced hypnotism down our throats when we met Andrew Ryan. The game was just one long arse fetch quest, then an annoying escort mission before the last boss.

See? 16 year olds can have opinions as well.
Of course 16 year olds can have an opinion. Most of them do.... his point i think is that you haven't exactly settled down out of your testosterone induced growth phase. Blame biology, not me. As such, generally, people your age tend not to perceive when someone is trying to get a complex idea across through a medium that isn't usually conducive to grand philosophizing. When people your age do pick up on it, it tends to be ignored for less... subtle aspects of a medium. In this case, you probably focus more on the gameplay and flow of a story rather than the feel or idea the game was trying to represent.

If i was to make a wild stab in the dark, i'd say you probably enjoy games more along the lines of COD-MW2, Halo, GTA4, Assassins Creed... maybe Mass Effect? things like that.

His point was to find out if your opinion of Bioshock was based on your age (which it probably is) or stupidity. Which it isn't. Don't take it as an offense, he's just looking for answers.

OT: I have high hopes that Ken Levine and Irrational games will take us on another epic journey through the bowels of human nature. What better place to do it than in the ultimate dream? A floating city? What more utopian can it possibly get? Can't wait. And i'm glad 2k realized they fucked up bioshock 2, so they gave it back to Irrational. 2012 is toooooooooo loooooooong. gar.


New member
Aug 15, 2010
I believe it has potential.

I think they want to show us that they can still do great things without having to rely on Rapture as a setting.

Though the second BioShock was rather short, I still enjoyed it.

Hopefully this one can still be as exciting and original as the first one with out falling away from the first game.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Patton662 said:
They should have changed the theme after the first game, the second one should have RetCon as it's subtitle.
Flying city of the beginning of the 20th century sure looks like it could be interesting.
Seen a lot of people bring this up but can you point out any examples of bioshock 2 retconing anything

Retroactive continuity (often shortened to retcon) refers to the deliberate alteration of previously established facts in a work of serial fiction. A retcon is an on-the go revision of exposition material. Retcons may be carried out for a variety of reasons, such as to accommodate sequels or further derivative works in the same series, to reintroduce popular characters, to resolve chronological issues, to reboot a familiar series for modern audiences, or to simplify an excessively complex continuity structure

Nothing about the event of bioshock were rewritten, all the characters that died stayed dead
the event of bioshock were so ignored in shock 2 that it could be described as background noise.

On topic

Sounds like its another riposte of some fictional book one commenter brought up
Thomas Pynchon?s Against the Day.

So im excited


New member
Mar 13, 2010
grimsprice said:
imahobbit4062 said:
II2 said:
imahobbit4062 said:
Seeing as how I completely hated the poor excuse of a game that was the first one, I don't see me liking this.
Born 1994. Yep. ;)
So because I'm 16 I can't have a valid opinion?

The first was horrible due to a number of things.

First off was the combat, Bioshock featured some truly horrible shooting mechanics. Second was the story, people go on and on about how Bioshock had such an amazing story. It focused way to much on Audio Logs than the actual story at hand, then they forced hypnotism down our throats when we met Andrew Ryan. The game was just one long arse fetch quest, then an annoying escort mission before the last boss.

See? 16 year olds can have opinions as well.
Of course 16 year olds can have an opinion. Most of them do.... his point i think is that you haven't exactly settled down out of your testosterone induced growth phase. Blame biology, not me. As such, generally, people your age tend not to perceive when someone is trying to get a complex idea across through a medium that isn't usually conducive to grand philosophizing. When people your age do pick up on it, it tends to be ignored for less... subtle aspects of a medium. In this case, you probably focus more on the gameplay and flow of a story rather than the feel or idea the game was trying to represent.

If i was to make a wild stab in the dark, i'd say you probably enjoy games more along the lines of COD-MW2, Halo, GTA4, Assassins Creed... maybe Mass Effect? things like that.

His point was to find out if your opinion of Bioshock was based on your age (which it probably is) or stupidity. Which it isn't. Don't take it as an offense, he's just looking for answers.
Cheers, saved me a load of typing. ;)

science girl

New member
Jun 1, 2010
I think it will be interesting> I am a major bioshock fan and having Elizabeth as a partner might add more to the gameplay. I'm definately going to buy it and give it a fair chance any way.


New member
Mar 1, 2012
the game looks great, but they all do these days so it's not much to go by, as far as I'm concerned, no big daddy, no little sister and no rapture = no bioshock. They should have got ahold of a SPINE and named it independantly, the fact that they felt the need to tie it to bioshock in name suggests that they themselves don't really have much faith in it. If I do play this game it won't be because they have slapped the bioshock name on it.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
imahobbit4062 said:
Seeing as how I completely hated the poor excuse of a game that was the first one, I don't see me liking this.
I do not believe I have ever wanted to strike someone like this before. Anyways.

I think the gme will be good to be sure. The first one was great because of the story elements and the twists and turns the player encountered along the way all put into the amazing scenery that was rapture. Something I loved about the game was its great philosophical take on soceity and everything and the great story that was depicted as the fall of rapture.

I have my doubts that the enw one will be able to live up to the same vibe as the orignal but that is mostly due to some key changes (less creepy settings, main character talks, npcs that help in combat that sort of thing) but it defninitly looks interesting. I alos must say I find the whole steampunk aspect amazing and I am glad to see games doing more with the idea.

My only gripe about the game is a simple one, from what I have seen and heard the new 'tonics' are good only for a set amount of uses before wearing off. this makes it alot less veratile as plasmids and therefore alot less fun if I find myself always hoarding the damn things for fear Imay someday need them.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
planet.tyler said:
the game looks great, but they all do these days so it's not much to go by, as far as I'm concerned, no big daddy, no little sister and no rapture = no bioshock. They should have got ahold of a SPINE and named it independantly, the fact that they felt the need to tie it to bioshock in name suggests that they themselves don't really have much faith in it. If I do play this game it won't be because they have slapped the bioshock name on it.

Goddamn man! It's two years old! At this point, creating a new thread IS productive behavior. People will look at and respond to the initial comments, but those comments were made BEFORE an additional two years of information. I can only hope this thread returns to the earth.


New member
Jul 12, 2011
i7omahawki said:
It looks like its got potential, though I did note a couple of things:

Changing the scenery completely, could suggest they got a bit desperate with ideas for Rapture, so they just through in something else "Uh, what about if its in the air instead of in the sea???".

Or, it could mean that they have some vision or story to go along with this new airbourne city, or a gameplay mechanic they developed which would've been restricted in Rapture, but is perfect for a floating city.

So, theres various ways to take the change in location, could be bad, could be good, but I would say that it definately has potential as a concept, even if I'd like to have uncovered more stuff from Rapture's history. (Some fans are speculating that the floating city becomes Rapture, which while it would be neat to see its history in this way, just kind of seems too obvious to be shocking in the game.)
The skyhook is mechanic that lets you travel from platform to platform. Also it allows for a new philosophy look that you can't see in Rapture. Rapture was ment to be an example of the 'perfect' civilization gone wrong. The new city is supposed to explore the theme of patriotism gone wrong or overboard. Also it allows for a new feeling to set in. Rapture always had a dark, dank vibe going for it but you can only revisit that so often. The new city is brighter but also danger around every corner. vibe going for it. I mean a city you could fall of at anytime? Pretty scary. Sorry if this has been posted already.


New member
May 24, 2009
It's shaping up to be a fantastic-looking game. Of course there's always the possibility that something will go wrong, but for now it's one of those games that I feel I can safely assume will be good.

planet.tyler said:
the game looks great, but they all do these days so it's not much to go by, as far as I'm concerned, no big daddy, no little sister and no rapture = no bioshock. They should have got ahold of a SPINE and named it independantly, the fact that they felt the need to tie it to bioshock in name suggests that they themselves don't really have much faith in it. If I do play this game it won't be because they have slapped the bioshock name on it.
But the thing is, Bioshock was never supposed to be all about Rapture, Little Sisters, Big Daddies, or any other superficial feature; it was always supposed to be about the themes of transhumanism and utopia gone wrong, which is a legacy that Infinite is looking to continue. Bioshock 2 being set in Rapture again was the start of a false trend, and it set up false expectations of what the Bioshock name is supposed to be about. They're not just trying to cash in on the Bioshock name. If anything, Bioshock: Infinite is the real sequel to the first Bioshock, especially since, unlike Bioshock 2, it's actually being made by the same team and lead designer as the first one.