Poll: BioShock Infinite Multiplayer


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Multiplayer would never have worked with infinite, the vigors would have had to be eliminated completely, as half of them would be instant death for another person if they were to land. The skyrails also wouldn't work, it'd just be people knocking each other off à la Assassin's Creed Dogpile[footnote]You know, when one person makes a kill, then is killed by their follower, who is killed by theirs, etc, etc, all in one spot on the map.[/footnote] because skyrail attacks are auto-targeted. The guns are weak enough that it would probably work if it were just a shooter, though.

As Hazabaza1 suggested, a horde/survival mode would fit the bill perfectly for bioshock gameplay.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
I was dead against MP in Bioshock Infinite, but after I have played it... I'd love to see it now! Enjoying the combat a lot and MP would be hella fun.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
The whole slow scavenging thing is there in Infinite too, and really that doesn't make it not suited to multiplayer. The gameplay moves at a similar pace for 2 and Infinite - which is to say quickly 'cause everything dies fast - and beyond the arbitrary 2 weapon limit, which I'm fairly sure was in 2's multiplayer, and the skyhook there isn't a lot of difference.
Its also really not balanced at all for multiplayer. Only 3-4 weapons are worth using, and whilst tonic variety allows things to get shaken up a bit, it also leads to a lot of things people hate in competitive multiplayer - being stunlocked by an enemy who has the right tonic, or stuck up in the air, or W/E really.
Honestly, rebalanced and redesigned it could work for an interesting multiplayer. Really I'd like it to go a more Quake/Unreal Tournament styled combat system with Sky Rails added in. That would be amazing fun multiplayer. Add in the tonics, but balance them fairly, and it'd be great.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
No. And I'm glad it doesn't have one. If it had a multiplayer component I imagine it would be a fast paced one, similar to Quake. So why not play Quake instead?