Poll: Bod Mods and YOU! [Your Limits]


New member
Mar 7, 2008
bjj hero said:
Doing a lot of martial arts most of the piercing stuff is out of the question. Im currently quite attractive and in good shape so for the moment I'll rule out plastic surgery. I don't find scarrification attractive. All of my scars have a story more involved than "I paid some guy to do it".
that's not true, i know tons of people, myself included, that have piercings and do martial arts, you just have to be mindful of them or tape them down or stick in a placer


New member
Sep 17, 2007
Twilight_guy said:
Level 4 weirds me out a bit but I can put up with it. Level 3 and below are cool with me. Anything above that and I back away slowly trying not to call attention to myself. By the way, OP what level are you exactly? Do tell.
I'm a level 7, but I skipped many levels to get there. :)


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Firia said:
Twilight_guy said:
Level 4 weirds me out a bit but I can put up with it. Level 3 and below are cool with me. Anything above that and I back away slowly trying not to call attention to myself. By the way, OP what level are you exactly? Do tell.
I'm a level 7, but I skipped many levels to get there. :)
I see you got that split tongue then. Bully for you, although your grandkids are be so weirded out.


New member
Sep 17, 2007
Twilight_guy said:
Firia said:
Twilight_guy said:
Level 4 weirds me out a bit but I can put up with it. Level 3 and below are cool with me. Anything above that and I back away slowly trying not to call attention to myself. By the way, OP what level are you exactly? Do tell.
I'm a level 7, but I skipped many levels to get there. :)
I see you got that split tongue then. Bully for you, although your grandkids are be so weirded out.
No not yet. I was talking to the guy that was very likely going to do the split, but some of the information he was feeding me was completely contrary to my research. So I'm doing additional research, and maybe looking for a new mod artist.

But level seven is where I draw my line. :) Won't go beyond that.
Apr 28, 2008
I really think peircings are stupid, but I don't mind a tatoo or two.

I'm a level 2 guy.

Granted if I can put my mind into a machine, I'm all for it.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Personally, I have no issue with any level of modification. I've got a couple piercings in my ears, and I've got a bit of ink done. Hell, one of my prep cooks has a split tounge and dermal anchoring up his arm, and if I had the money, I'd thin kabout it. Everone's got their limits, mine apparently happen to be higher than most. I voted level 7, just because I don't need any bones elongated, I have to hunch most of the time as it is. But if somebody wants to go higher and do more, I'm for it. people with more tend to be the most interesting people to talk to anyway. I'd rather hang out with an open-minded, supercool, modded to the bone punk than a closed-minded, non-modded jackass any day of the week. I'm not saying if you vote lower or you're against modifications you're closed-minded, just a lot of the people I know with no ink or piercings tend to be the ones to call us freaks.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
9. Only because I've always wanted a mechanical penis that can shoot acid.
Yes I know it's impractical but how often do you get the chance to say you burned someone with your wang?


New member
Sep 20, 2009
I'm a level 3 guy. When I find cool enough earrings, I'm piercing my ears, and tattoos will definitely have their day when I gather the patience for the healing period.

I generally appreciate any basic piercing or tattoo that aesthetically enhances a person, but there are certain lines which, when crossed, leave my mind stumbling. Split tongues and genital piercings are the kind of thing whose appeal I can't comprehend. While I'm disinclined to presuppose or judge, the simple difference in aesthetic sense between a practitioner of more extreme forms of piercing and me is likely a barrier strong enough to hinder any potential friendship between us.


New member
May 25, 2009
I like how piercing is below tattoos. For some reason people seem to be forgetting that you can simply take a piercing out, while tattoos require lasers.

Personally I've 9 piercings (3 in left ear, 5 in the right and one through me tongue) with plans for two more on the right - to complete an arc.

I'm okay with pretty much any of it so long as people are aware of what they're doing. However I put 6 as the general level before I'd get a bit concerned.

Oddly, perfectly fine with dermal anchors in general but belly button piercings freak me out. Way to easily infected, too much flesh, and flashed by too many fatties. o.0