Poll: Breastfeeding in public


New member
Apr 14, 2009
You should just let everyone do what they want.
What do you have against breast feeding is the idea of someone having there boob out in public offensive to you? Is it really any different to drinking from a bottle or eating a sandwich.

The Gnome King

New member
Mar 27, 2011
Galliam said:
As part of the post college crowd, I find myself to be exposed via facebook to a stream of expectant mothers posting various issues that pertain to pregnant life. That being said, I once had the bad sense to openly argue with a pregnant woman's opinion on the topic of breastfeeding.
My thoughts in a nutshell:

Breastfeeding is good, and natural. Babies who are breastfed are healthier babies. I suppose any mothers who wish to do this, and anything we can do to make it easier on them; I support. I am not a very modest person nor do I see it as a particularly admirable trait in others; I don't embarrass easily.

That having been said, if women are going to breastfeed in public they have to realize that it's going to naturally occur that occasionally a man's gaze will (gasp!) meet her bared breast. If I am looking around a room and do a double-take at a woman breastfeeding I'm not some kind of pervert or "staring" at her breasts; breasts have been sexualized in our culture for hundreds of years and we're not going to suddenly do away with this overnight. Women stare at men, too - just perhaps not as obviously as men might stare at women.

Would I be obnoxious about this? No, of course not, I wouldn't want to openly stare or gawk; though I hope any woman who is comfortable enough to do this would realize that not every brief glance in her direction is a sexist objectification of her.

I liken the "don't want to see breastfeeding" into the "don't want to see two gay men kissing" category - it's your issue to deal with. If you don't like looking at something you can always avert your eyes. Works like a charm. You'd be amazed at what I've had to ignore in restaurants. I have flat-out pretended that a child kicking the back of my seat didn't exist, on airplanes and in restaurants, while their parents seem happy to ignore their offspring as well. I've also perfected the "ignoring the awkward stranger trying to strike up a conversation with me" - which I sometimes feel bad about, because I genuinely like most people, but I have this issue with people trying to talk to me when I'm, say, wanting to be left alone to read a book on my iPad.

TL;DR - Breastfeeding in public doesn't bother me, we should encourage more women to breastfeed; and we can always avert our eyes if something bothers us. The fact that seeing it so disturbs you that you can't eat sounds... bizarre.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Elcarsh said:
Galliam said:
I said I don't like to have to look at any woman's boobs in public when I am not expecting or wanting it.
Who the hell says you have the right not to see women breastfeed?

Galliam said:
I said I don't like to have to look at any woman's boobs in public when I am not expecting or wanting it.
Yet again, who the hell says you are entitled to that?
Putting words in his mouth. I don't like seeing breastfeeding is what he said, then you straw-manned him into someone that also thinks it should stay illegal. Maybe he does, i dunno, but you can't stretch what they say.

I don't like seeing breastfeeding in public. I don't like seeing a lot, don't take that as me saying "I want breastfeeding in public to be banned" - I'd actually protest against that regardless of my own likes/dislikes.

Basically - I find it offensive, but I won't, can't and do not want to stop you.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
There are a lot of really twisted folks out here. But thats nothing new.
Playing out my European Cool, i dont see a problem here. If there is a option nearby to feed in privacy, it will usually be used, if not, let her do whatever she wants and needs to do.
Heck next thing you want to ban barebreasted sunbathing at public pools, the 13 year old boys will hate you for that :p


New member
Mar 2, 2011
It is something that NEEDS to be done! shops and shopping centres don't have rooms for breastfeeding and toilets are not suitable for feeding! women's breasts are just like ours just bigger and there is no problem with our nipples out!

I don't see why people are so narrow minded and offended by the smallest stupidest things!

There are lots of things in this world people don't like and don't like looking at and listening to! but humans have breastfed since humans began! Most people are breastfed! imagine being a little baby and having to eat on the toilet everyday! not your own toilet but a public toilet!

I find the thought of a women having to breastfeed in a toilet revolting!
and they have to do this because people like you moan when you get a glimpse of boob!
you can even see the nipple as there is a babies head in the way!
if you see some one breastfeeding just don't stare! be considerate!
that's all we need in this world! more people being considerate and understanding to others!


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Well as long as they try to hide the whole inter-connection between mouth and nipple, i'm okay with it. But there are some mothers who just don't hide it at all, as if they are proud with the enlarged circumference of their nipple.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Personally, the baby's going to get hungry when its hungry. You cant just think "oh, I'll wait to feed it until we get home," especially if you're not to the point(or uncomfortable with) bottle feeding. I, being one of those womanly types, would probably find a restroom to breastfeed, hopefully with a nice waiting room area. Or at least find an out-of-the-way corner.

If I do see a woman in public I'm not going to yell at her "tits gtfo!" She's typically not some stupid boob machine who pulls them out at a drop of the hat, ignorant of everything else. Its a desperate, embarrassing situation, and she's trying to find a spot between Baby Months and Being in Public. Baby tends to win those.

A woman I know who breastfed in public and always had a blanket to cover herself. Compromise?


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Galliam said:
the_green_dragon said:
Galliam said:
As a 20 something man, I feel perfectly justified NOT wanting to see certain things when I go out into public. Its not because I think its wrong to breastfeed, or even because its supposedly "obscene". It just strikes me as something that should be done privately.
Did this guy say he doesn't like Boobies??!!!
I said I don't like to have to look at any woman's boobs in public when I am not expecting or wanting it.
So don't look...

I don't see a problem with public breastfeeding. It's a woman's right not to have to use a pump if she needs to be out and out while caring for a baby. Besides it's not like they whip 'em out and make a big show of it. Women tend to be fairly discreet and modest about this sort of thing anyway, so unless you're deliberately trying for an eyeful, you're not going to get one.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
You naysayers suck. Breast feeding is a sign that the mother is taking good care of the child and is feeding that child responsibly.

Plus boobs...I don't understand how this is not good all round. Get off your high horses, your prissiness offends me.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
It's natural. I guess the normal position would be "Get over it, and get over yourself", although I kinda understand what you mean. I don't agree though


New member
Nov 2, 2009
She's feeding her baby.
I find it beautiful. Not in a sexual way or anything. It is simply beautiful how life is created and how the mother can nurture her child with nutrient made from her own body.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Woodsey said:
Merkavar said:
breast feeding is as natural as taking a crap or peeing.

but we dont (normally) pee or poo in public do we?

if you do breast feed in public dont get offended if people stare.
And taking a shit is just as natural as eating. And eating is what the baby is doing. And we all eat in public. I believe that's what you call a "logic smackdown".
I don't tend to post on this forum too often, but I have decided that you, Mister Woodsey, are pretty damn awesome.


New member
May 27, 2009
It's a basic need like going to the toilet or things like that and breastfeeding is there for a reason it's natural and better than bottle feeding for the first year or so (since it takes longer to get ready the baby is longer in pain and it's not as healthy, except when you're on drugs or something but if you are then you shouldn't even get pregnant -.-)

and it doesn't matter to the child where it is and it really can't be one of the things that matter since babies effectively feel pain when they are hungry that's also why they scream ... what a monster could you possibly be to want to deny any child that -.-

that said it would be nice if there were more private places for stuff like this in restaurants and other public places.