Poll: Breastfeeding in public


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Its never happened to me, but if it did I would be drawn to it. It would be something that I hadn't seen before so I would be stealing glimpses while trying to force myself to look away.

I gotta say that their answer to the arguement is pretty shitty. "If you don't like it look away" What ever happened to "You can have personal freedoms right up until the point that they infringe on my freedom"

Well not like they are infringing as I am free to look, but is not looking away even an realistic option?

The other argument is better, it is healthier (for ppl not on certain medications) to breast feed children as it contains some things that formula doesnt have.

But then again, they could use a breast pump...

Meh, ppl will do what they want and if they want to slightly expose themselves who am I to stop them.

EDIT: Just have to share this =)
what kind of Bee's make milk?


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
s0p0g said:
Phlakes said:
I don't scratch my balls in public. It's just common courtesy. Nobody wants to see you doing anything like that. It's awkward.
okaaay... you adressing your sloppy intimate hygiene and feeding an infant has... what exactly in common? it's not like women feeding their infants are showing off their vaginas. (if that's what you're aiming at)
Well, assume my balls itch. I could scratch them right there with people having to watch me fiddle with my balls. Or I could go behind a corner or into a bathroom or something just to be polite.

Or assume a baby is hungry. The woman could just pull her shirt down right there and let her child suck on her breast, on display for everyone. Or she could go to a private area.

That's the correlation. And no matter what breasts are being used for, they're instinctively seen as sexual, which makes the situation awkward.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Ima842 said:
I don't really mind, but you do know that a baby crying in public is much more annoying that breastfeeding, right?

So goddamn irritating.

Oh That Dude

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Nov 22, 2009
Ironic Pirate said:
Why exactly can't they just go to the bathroom to do it? When I need to take a shit, I don't just drop my pants and leave one on the ground for all to see, I go to the bathroom and do my business there.
Yeah, because that would be fucking unclean, man. Why exactly do they have to go to the bathroom?


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
Coming in as a Mother who breatfed for 14 months and in public *shock horror*

Don't like it? Though. The laws (in the UK, anyway) are on my side, buddie.

Do you eat your food in private when out in a resturant? Thought not. So why should a baby who has just as much right as you to eat?
Unlike you a baby cannot hold on to their hunger and wait another hour or two, you can, so why don't you sod off somewhere else to eat?

It's because of most of these negative attitues that breastfeeding rates are so low, because you find one of the most natural things in the world gross? Grow up, seriously.
Yes some Mothers cannot breastfeed for medical reasons (only 2%) and some are to lazy to try. But most don't because of people who think it's should only stay on page 3 or lads mags to drool over. You don't own them, a baby does, that's what they're there for.

And seriously, why on earth is it ok to see a baby drink a man made formula out of a bottle? One of the most un-natural things in the world; and it's ok? No, that's gross. Not breastfeeding.

EDIT: Take the baby to a toilet to eat, really, guys? really? Tell you what; why don't you take your food to the toilet and eat it there if something so natural bothers you.

Flare Phoenix

New member
Dec 18, 2009
As I said before, as long as the woman isn't making a big deal out of it I really don't care. If she's like "YEAH! I'M BREASTFEEDING MY BABY AND IT IS MY RIGHT TO DO SO AND ANYONE WHO OBJECTS OR STARES IS A SEXIST!!!" then I take issue with that.

In short, both sides make a far bigger deal out of it then it needs to be. That being said, I do feel owners of places should have the right to decide whether or not they want it going on in their establishment.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Phlakes said:
s0p0g said:
Well, assume my balls itch. I could scratch them right there with people having to watch me fiddle with my balls. Or I could go behind a corner or into a bathroom or something just to be polite.

Or assume a baby is hungry. The woman could just pull her shirt down right there and let her child suck on her breast, on display for everyone. Or she could go to a private area.

That's the correlation. And no matter what breasts are being used for, they're instinctively seen as sexual, which makes the situation awkward.
i don't see breasts as something sexual in every situation; why would i?
for example, when used for breastfeeding an infant - that's not sexual. how is eating sexual?? (because that's what breastfeeding is about - eating. not sex. why do you focus on sex?)
or when checking the perfusion after an operation (and yes, young and attractive women need to undergo breast surgery, too; not only 70+ y.o.). and a mother doesn't have to rip off her clothes to do that (you don't need to get naked to scratch your balls either, do you?); she's not stripping or something.

also about the private areas: mommy's shopping at the mall, and the infant gets hungry. what private area would that be? only thing i can think of are the toilets, and one doesn't eat at the toilet. now THAT is awkward.
or mommy's taking her baby for a walk at the local park. what's she supposed to do in that public area? let the kid cry all the time? (that'd be a little heartless; i don't think one would prefer that to breastfeeding; unless one had some issues with sexuality maybe, but that's a completely different topic.)


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Phlakes said:
s0p0g said:
Well, assume my balls itch. I could scratch them right there with people having to watch me fiddle with my balls. Or I could go behind a corner or into a bathroom or something just to be polite.

Or assume a baby is hungry. The woman could just pull her shirt down right there and let her child suck on her breast, on display for everyone. Or she could go to a private area.

That's the correlation. And no matter what breasts are being used for, they're instinctively seen as sexual, which makes the situation awkward.
i don't see breasts as something sexual in every situation; why would i?
for example, when used for breastfeeding an infant - that's not sexual. how is eating sexual?? (because that's what breastfeeding is about - eating. not sex. why do you focus on sex?)
or when checking the perfusion after an operation (and yes, young and attractive women need to undergo breast surgery, too; not only 70+ y.o.). and a mother doesn't have to rip off her clothes to do that (you don't need to get naked to scratch your balls either, do you?); she's not stripping or something.

also about the private areas: mommy's shopping at the mall, and the infant gets hungry. what private area would that be? only thing i can think of are the toilets, and one doesn't eat at the toilet. now THAT is awkward.
or mommy's taking her baby for a walk at the local park. what's she supposed to do in that public area? let the kid cry all the time? (that'd be a little heartless; i don't think one would prefer that to breastfeeding; unless one had some issues with sexuality maybe, but that's a completely different topic.)

Flare Phoenix said:
As I said before, as long as the woman isn't making a big deal out of it I really don't care. If she's like "YEAH! I'M BREASTFEEDING MY BABY AND IT IS MY RIGHT TO DO SO AND ANYONE WHO OBJECTS OR STARES IS A SEXIST!!!" then I take issue with that.

In short, both sides make a far bigger deal out of it then it needs to be. That being said, I do feel owners of places should have the right to decide whether or not they want it going on in their establishment.
also, what he said; sounds reasonable ^^


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
s0p0g said:
To be honest, I personally don't find it that bad, it's mostly that it's awkward being around people who find it awkward. If everyone was okay with it I wouldn't have a problem, but when you can tell everyone is only thinking about that woman and pretending not to notice, that's when it gets awkward. And I understand why.


New member
May 19, 2009
the_green_dragon said:
Galliam said:
As a 20 something man, I feel perfectly justified NOT wanting to see certain things when I go out into public. Its not because I think its wrong to breastfeed, or even because its supposedly "obscene". It just strikes me as something that should be done privately.
Did this guy say he doesn't like Boobies??!!!
Is there something wrong with NOT liking breasts? I don't like looking at them. They have a function what they are for and that is it. I do not want to see them being flashed around by desperate women who want attention.

On topic:

I honestly don't care, but common manners in common places would be nice. I understand if you need to feed your child at the park or on the street, but in a restaurant - No, children shouldn't be in restaurant to begin with (I am talking about restaurants above standard quality, not about fast-food restaurants). I have couple times told the waiter if someone been breast feeding table near me, or if their kid been crying for a while (There is always some kid crying in a restaurant, so annoying!), I usually ask them to do something about them, but I usually end up with free non-alcoholic drinks. If I got to a restaurant to enjoy food and/or company, I expect to be able to enjoy it, not to be distracted by some ones bad manners.

Flare Phoenix

New member
Dec 18, 2009
s0p0g said:
Flare Phoenix said:
As I said before, as long as the woman isn't making a big deal out of it I really don't care. If she's like "YEAH! I'M BREASTFEEDING MY BABY AND IT IS MY RIGHT TO DO SO AND ANYONE WHO OBJECTS OR STARES IS A SEXIST!!!" then I take issue with that.

In short, both sides make a far bigger deal out of it then it needs to be. That being said, I do feel owners of places should have the right to decide whether or not they want it going on in their establishment.
also, what he said; sounds reasonable ^^
I love the idea of women going into the toilet to feed their child. It does have its advantages: would mean establishments would actually be required to clean the damn thing once in a while (well the female toilet at least).

In all seriousness, I'm not someone who likes to see breasts on random women. Even in movies if they pop up (e.g. in Wedding Crashers) I tend to turn away in embarrasment. It's just who I am. But it has to be a compromise both ways. If I accept the fact women can breastfeed in public, she should try not to make a big display of it. If she knows the likelihood of breastfeeding will occur, she should try to sit off to the side a bit where not everyone can see her. A lot of places to have booths that face a wall afterall.

In short, it works both ways. People need to accept breastfeeding can occur in public, but women also need to accept it is still a touchy subject.

But hey... be thankful we're not like some animals where the mother regurgitates her food for the young.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Phlakes said:
s0p0g said:
To be honest, I personally don't find it that bad, it's mostly that it's awkward being around people who find it awkward. If everyone was okay with it I wouldn't have a problem, but when you can tell everyone is only thinking about that woman and pretending not to notice, that's when it gets awkward. And I understand why.
kind of the same over here.
i think most people (judging from what i've seen at malls etc) don't really care about it (since there's no reason to) and don't really pay attention to someone breastfeeding, but if someone does stare (assumingly because it's awkward for them) i tend to "stare" at them and wonder why it seems to be sth. very alien for them


New member
May 19, 2009
Daddy Go Bot said:
Oh no, an exposed boob, avert your eyes! Get a fuckin' grip people, it's 100% natural.
So is a penis, but still people mutilate the natural penis and are totally terrified when they see it.

I is not about it being "offensive" it is about common manners. I don't show you my dick, you don't show me your boob, yet we understand the fact that we both have our organs.
There are people who simply don't want to see these things at all and they have their right to voice their opinion. If majority things that they do not want to see breast feeding in public places, then we are to go with it - no excuses like "it is natural" or "Women's duty" or whatever loses their value. It is the majority who decides. We are now seeing what is the majority's opinion.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Not sure if someone said this yet but I don't feel like checking 8 pages...

I'm a polite person, but even I see manners as unimportant and excusable to throw out when unneeded. So nudity is illegal. Because of... manners? We don't like looking at each other? I can't really tell what the reason is, but there aren't any huge health risks from it. Now I'm not saying nudity should be legal, but if it's between what is essentually useless manners and a kid getting fed I've going to go with the latter.

You know, because I don't have my head stuck up my ass.

Edit: Lol@people who are acting like manners mean a damn.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I don't care for children, but as long as they're not directly disturbing my daily routine in the public areas... I don't care.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I never understood why the fuck anyone would care or think it was their business. The world doesn't revolve around you and it's not okay for you to tell a woman not to feed a hungry baby because the sight of it makes you uncomfortable, if you're uncomfortable then it's your problem and too frigging bad.