Poll: Bullied teen recieves free plastic surgery


New member
Oct 20, 2008
I think people are missing the point. The surgery wasn't intended to stop the bullying, it's intention was to boost her damaged self esteem; To heal the damage caused by the bullying. You may think she looked fine before, but her self image was warped, and she didn't see herself that way. Whether the surgery was necessary or not, it certainly looks like it has improved her quality of life, so what is the harm?

Also, this is not giving in to the bullying, unless it was the bullies' agenda for her to alter her features with surgery. I'd say it is actually quite brave of her.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Boo hoo, the kid got bullied. Yeah, so did millions of other people .__. Sorry, no sympathy. There was NOTHING WRONG with her looks to start! Sure, she looked a bit... Well, nothing wrong. She's a bit skinny, but that only means she has to eat more.

Plastic Surgery. FUCK! Did people really not have anything better to do than raise money for PLASTIC SURGERY?! This shows that the bullies WON DAMMIT! And I can barely call them bullies!
I'll have to stop writing before I say something I will regret and throw the PC out the window .__.

I am ugly as hell, doesn't mean I will go to a Plastic Surgeon and say "Yo, make me pretty will ya?" Ya wanna know why? It's because I'm not a shallow person like her .__. Cynical on the other hand *Wrings hands and laughs evilly*

Captcha: "Watch me" Okay, now the escapist is going against me .__.


New member
May 22, 2009
With some people I guess they've gone so far having been bullied that it's really hard to get out of the mentality that "there's something wrong with me", so they see no other option than to change themselves to appeal to others. And they may even be completely happy and content with that decision for the rest of their lives. However I think it would be much healthier to learn to embrace yourself, to just not give a fuck what other people think.
The message this sends, is that if you are different, you should try as hard as you can to be just like everyone else, which is just sad.


Travelling Mushishi
Apr 22, 2009
That's right kids, it turns out the emotionally healthy response to all life's problems is to find someone who'll throw $40,000 at it for you. I can't emphasize this enough. You should definitely not learn that life is shitty and full of shitty people, and develop the emotional skills to deal with that. They'll never come in handy. And seriously, why would you want to learn how to handle your problems, when you can just pay to not have to handle them? Nope. You want surgery. It's what Jesus and Batman would do if they were ugly.


New member
May 30, 2012
There are two classes of people in this world that are not protected at all.

A: Being "Ugly" as defined by the society you live in.

B: Being a virgin.

If you're considered ugly, you very well might have a problem getting a job. In many positions across the globe, better-looking people will be given a job over an ugly person. Not all places do this, and your mileage may very, but it's true. If you are ugly and you are insulted or harassed, you are generally expected to wear that by yourself. Affirmative Action and civil rights are not going to save you. No organizations exist to protect you, and no one is expected to care.

Look no further than Susan Boyle. Where everyone was to be 'surprised' an ugly person could sing. "Bet you didn't expect that now, eh?" Look at that mum, an ugly person that's useful! Everyone guffawed and laughed at the ugly person getting on stage like it was for your amusement she was ugly, and put on stage. Lo and behold, she could sing, so everyone respected her after that. Had we reacted the same to putting a black man on stage, where everyone guffawed and laughed, "Look at the monkey, thinks he's gonna do tricks!" and turns out he sang well... That would make civilization pretty fucking terrible wouldn't it? What's the difference here.. I don't know yet.

If you're a virgin, it is an unwritten rule in society that you will be made fun of if you out yourself or someone else does. You could be harassed in the workplace, or you could simply put up with the myriad of entertainment pieces in media that make you the butt of a long-running joke. Fun Fact: A virgin has less "rights" than someone who is gay. If a gay person outed themselves and was made fun of in the workplace, a lawsuit would soon follow. If you're a virgin, you're told to grin and bear it. Shouldn't have told anyone if you didn't want to be made fun of, so it's your fault.

tl;dr : We live in a terrible society with poorly defined rules.


New member
May 30, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
As a kid or young adolescent you're still in the process of forming, because you're not done growing yet. Plastic surgery will only disrupt that.
This is all I could think of when I saw this article. Many people change drastically once they reach adulthood, by the time you're in your twenties, you don't even look like you did when you were 14. To the point that your entire facial structure is likely to change.

It's kind of disturbing to be honest. Who's to say she isn't going to look "worse" as she gets older, due to the plastic surgery disrupting her development?


Maintenence Man of the Universe
Mar 19, 2009
Jiggy said:
I just love how some people are writing how they'd totally bang the 14 year old girl...
Hehe, I was thinking the same thing

Anyway, I'm gonna say what a couple others have already said: this is just a way of letting the bullies win, as well as putting more social definitions on what is "beauty". "you got big ears? Well, then you're ugly!" Also there's the fact that she's a teen and her features are going to be changing. I'm glad she's happy and all, but this plastic surgery just doesnt seem like a good thing.

Captcha: ding dong. Skynet agrees. She was a ding dong.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Saucycarpdog said:

I'm not sure what side to be on. You shouldn't let bullies change who you are but it looked like she really wanted the surgery. What do you guys think?
I don't like it, but until something is actually done about bullying, I have a hard time condemning someone who would do it.


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
Dear daughter;
You are so ugly that people are bullying you. You need plastic surgery to alter your face and body to ever be accepted. And even then it may not not resolve your issues.

Dear Dr.Free-surgery;
I'm bulled at school because I look like a 40 year old woman. My daughter sister can confirm. I want botox and lipo.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
What? That seems to be a bit far for what it was. I still can't see anything wrong with her, even after having her ears pointed out to me. She's not stunning, but it's not like she's ugly either, I mean if we look at the before and after photos, and we take that all they've done is her ears, she's obviously going to grow up to be quite an attractive lady, although that could be seen as some form of ironic justice, after being bullied for her looks.


New member
May 25, 2009
So, what now? Is she going to feel down every time someone calls her something? Like telling her that she was so ugly she had to get a surgery?

What I mean is, if you can escape your problems by simply using an outside source, there's going to be a time where this isn't going to be enough and it's going to catch up to you. Did she overcome the obstacle or just put it on a to-do list?


New member
Jul 12, 2012
I think they got the wrong kid. To stop bullying you need to perform "free plastic surgery" on a bully, not a victim.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Did anyone else get a seriously negative message from the surgeon?
"Not only are your ears big, but your nose is crooked and your chin is too pointy. Here, let me fix that."

At fourteen, you're still nowhere near finished developing. I worry that all of these changes will no longer fit her face once she looks more like how she will for the rest of her life.

Besides that, what kind of message does it send if there's a charity to encourage plastic surgery for adolescents who are bullied for their appearance? We claim that it is the inside that counts, but also, "if they think you're unattractive, they're right and you should find someone to fix it for you".

The worst part of it is.
What other solution is there?
Schools clearly don't have a handle on bullying, and because they can't have eyes in every dark corner of every hallway they may never be able to remove it completely.

My apologies, if any of that was poorly worded-- you can only rewrite something so many times before you feel like you're making it more unintelligible.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
this isn't right, it sends the wrong message on every level, to the victims, and their tormentors, to anyone trying to fight for inner strength and self worth. the message they send Says "Don't rely on yourself, don't overcome this. The bullies are right and something is wrong with you, let us fix you and make the problems go away." this "Charity" is as morally bankrupt as the bullies who tormented this poor girl.