Poll: Bullies get bullied?


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Woodscare said:
Treat others the way you want to be treated, I say
The golden rule of life. It is nice to see bullies and their ilk get their just desserts, however one should never stoop to their level to achieve this.

The satisfaction I get knowing that someone who bullied me is now in jail (not joking here) cause they didn't change their ways, far outweighs any immediate satisfaction if I acted just like them.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Alon Shechter said:
I say just order pizzas nonstop to the bully's house for some good lulz.
And the occasional egging and possibly setting fire.
Egging is vandalism - or minor assault if your egging a person - and setting fire is arsen, one involves hefty fines the other jail time!

I like the pizza idea though, that shows daring and originality!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Four Words. Karma. *****. Fuck. Yeah!

Karma works itself boys, just gotta let it run it's course.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
I think bullies should get a taste of their own medicine. If only because being on the receiving end of such treament will make them realise the terrible things they've been doing to other people, thus making them stop.

Meestor Pickle

New member
Jul 29, 2010
Pifflestick said:
They shouldn't be bullied. They should be f***ing SHUNNED. They're friends should f***ing abandon them and people should avoid them like the f***ing plague. Yeah, I know, its not nice and they may have problems elsewhere but f*** you. If you have the fucking gall to bully someone to the point that they f***ing kill themselves then I don't care HOW your family life is, you are a waste of flesh. I'm not going to show them any sort of sympathy or justice, cause they didn't show any to the person they bullied, so f*** em'.
Hmmm I imagine their 'friends' are much similar to they are and would probably encourage them further

Lord Honk

New member
Mar 24, 2009
They deserve it. Still doesn't make it right IMHO, but I'm gonna be the last person to complain about it in this case.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Duskwaith said:
Everyone knows of the sad case of Pheobe Prince's suicide after relentless bullying from girls in her year.

It seems the trolls have came out in force against them.


Question is, is it right to bully them back or are people just lowering themselves to their standards?

I say they deserve it myself.
I have nothing but contempt for the fake moral outrage and bandwagon jumping these e-crusaders exhibit.

It is a tragic case, some kids will always commit suicide. The school, parents and society have failed this girl as much as anyone.
And whilst it is in some way comforting to see such a huge outcry, where the hell were these people (some of whom I am sure had an inkling as to what was happening, when Phoebe needed them?)

Mob mentality is dangerous, and even if you argue the bullies deserved it, posting their private details online is potentially as big a crime as they originally commited, the victims may be siblings or family, or as happened in the UK due to similar lunacy, a pediatrician with the same name as a pedophile was seriously injured because the retards who reacted to the posts could not spell.


New member
May 23, 2010
I say, bullying them back isn't the right thing to do; but they certainly deserve it.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Except that the sheer amount of hatred and rage you put into bullying them reflects badly on you, and after so long the context is lost and all you are is some vicious bully, and all they are are spiteful victims. When they rise up and give you a dose of the pure hatred and rage that you put into bullying them you will deserve it just as much as you thought they did.

So don't give in to the base hatred. Don't keep the wheel turning. Why don't you try doing something constructive rather than destructive about the situation? Punishment is warranted for what they've done, but to teach and prevent future problems, not just create more hostility.