Poll: Call of Duty Multiplayer Retardedness


New member
Jan 17, 2009
asam92 said:
dogstile said:
Graidis said:
dogstile said:
kill cam? does that not annoy you at all?
I'm kind of confused as to why people are bothered by the killcam. Could someone please elaborate?
i use a sniper rifle, i don't like it that people can tell where i am whenever i make a kill, it ruins the point
you could just play on hardcore, then there would be no killcam
hehe, i've never tried hardcore :p whoops


Evil Ghandi :3
Jun 15, 2007
Outta the options I guess my major annoyance is the spawning system. Being trapped in a constant spawn-death point can start my CoDRage. The only perk I dislike is Marty, but once you find out who uses it make sure you run away/kill them far away.

I *love* the knifing system on CoD4, UAV Jammer + Dead Silence = a lot of knives in people's bums ^^

Tech Team FTW!

New member
Apr 1, 2009
The third option.
I was just playing on a hardcore server and everyone was using a heavy machine gun or a sniper rifle.
Edit: that's CoD: WaW, by the way.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
dogstile said:
asam92 said:
dogstile said:
Graidis said:
dogstile said:
kill cam? does that not annoy you at all?
I'm kind of confused as to why people are bothered by the killcam. Could someone please elaborate?
i use a sniper rifle, i don't like it that people can tell where i am whenever i make a kill, it ruins the point
you could just play on hardcore, then there would be no killcam
hehe, i've never tried hardcore :p whoops
haha, its ok, i never play it cuz i like killcam cuz i aint a sniper lol


New member
Sep 8, 2008
I dont think m16 is overpowered, and no i do not use it myself. The M16 is just reeeally good at the thing it should be doing, medium/long range. At close the m16 is almost useless and no match for other assualt rifles (except for m14,g3,g36c) or smg's, i really dont get the m16 hate here. The gun that you should be hating is ak47, it has overpowered damage, is full auto and good at all ranges. Guns next in line after the ak47 are mp5 and ak74.
I also dont get the hate for some of the perks, juggernaut, stopping power, uav jammer, are all counterable perks and not really overpowered. These perks work for most guns and are most used but dont have to be game breaking.

Marty,3xgrenates,noobtube are cod's worst flaw.


Evil Ghandi :3
Jun 15, 2007
klemmi said:
I dont think m16 is overpowered, and no i do not use it myself. The M16 is just reeeally good at the thing it should be doing, medium/long range. At close the m16 is almost useless and no match for other assualt rifles (except for m14,g3,g36c) or smg's, i really dont get the m16 hate here. The gun that you should be hating is ak47, it has overpowered damage, is full auto and good at all ranges. Guns next in line after the ak47 are mp5 and ak74.
I also dont get the hate for some of the perks, juggernaut, stopping power, uav jammer, are all counterable perks and not really overpowered. These perks work for most guns and are most used but dont have to be game breaking.

Marty,3xgrenates,noobtube are cod's worst flaw.
Hmm I found the AK to be god aweful. Not as bad as the MP44 though, gonan take me a while to finish the headshots for that.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Whistler777 said:
Overpowered weapons that everyone uses? Really?

From my experience, CoD4's arsenal is much more balanced than other FPS out there. Sure, there are some faggots who do nothing but spray with the M4 (with Stopping Power and Bandolier, of course), but it's not like everyone is tied down to using just the M4, AK47, or AWP (as in Counter-Strike).
Then you probably play on the wrong servers, I own more with the UMP than you'd ever dream of with an AK47 (well that's an overstatement but still). The AWP, yes I agree (but thats because it IS overpowered) but AK47 and M4? No way.

Dont forget the people using the Sig552 and AUG by the way, and shotguns are frequently used as well...


The One with the Cake
Oct 17, 2008
I personally hate how half the people use the M16. Especially when I'm on a streak and then some guy kills me with the M16. I usually use the M60E4 but even with that you need to shoot like 10 direct shots into the person to kill them, where as with the M16 you just shoot a couple of burst and anyone is dead.

I'm also surprised how I rarely encounter anyone using UAV Jammer. It's such a useful perk. Instead of making you gun worse with a silence you just use that perk and your fine. I personally use it for all my custom classes.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
In my previous post i was refering to the pc version of the game.

I have played the game since it came out for the pc and i am not talking out of my ass.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I'd like to vote for "All of the Above" please.

I voted for stupid perks. I can't tell you how many times I've cursed at my TV because of Juggernaut, Jammer, Claymores, Martyrdom, Last Stand and 3 Frag.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
Frankly, Mordern Warfare is one of few games I actually enjoy online. My only problem is that it gives more advantages (airstrikes, Gunships, radar) to the people who are already winning and don't need them.
My elder brother said the same thing:"it's ironic how they give the person who is winning the air support and dogs."


New member
Nov 11, 2008
In COD4 it's some gltiches and matchmaking

BUT in COD:WAW it's the MOTHERF^$KING MP40 !!

I hate that gun beyond hell !


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Rutawitz said:
i dont really have problems with any of those. maybe you guys need to stop whining and stop sucking or just stop bitching. its a video game
you realise that by posting you yourself are complaining about us complaining if none of it bothers you don't post anything jackass this is for gamers who want to take the piss out


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I don't have an issue with any of the weapons personally, for me it's the hosts. I like in the UK and about 9pm I start getting bad hosts which can ruin gameplay for me if you can't get out of spawn without being killed due to lag. Maybe it's the same for people in other countries?
I think this is something that IW need to try and fix in MW2. I've been told you can search for local servers in COD5 but I didn't play that long enough to find out.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Guy (on my team) had the balls to yell at me when I was on a 11 kill streak, I mean, Im not that good, just cause im getting lucky dosnt mean you have to be jelous


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I voted for the perks option but my only beef is with martyrdom.

Wouldn't mind if you sacrificed a throwable grenade for it, but as it stands, magically crapping an explosive device out your anus when you get killed with no drawbacks is bullshit.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Dys said:
Call of duty 1 is less broken than call of duty 2, although both are by far the best multiplayer games in the series.
The gay perks and rewards for winning are lame as well as the small, enclosed maps with so many full auto weapons is also lame.
now you are just whining, the perks are an excellent addition. same with weapons. only thing that bugs me when i buy the game 6 months after the release is every1 has martyrdom, last stand etc. also, they have the weapons that is worth a shit.