Poll: Can the lack of iron sight in an FPS be a deal breaker for you?


New member
Jan 6, 2011
I think that, while iron sights are a nice feature, they aren't a necessity. I've never refused to play a good game such as Half Life or Halo simply because they lack iron sights.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
In more frantic and slightly unrealistic games e.g. TF2, newer CoD, and HL2. I think iron sights aren't really necessary, but in more tactical large scale games such as ArmA and Battlefield they are a necessity. Which is odd considering the Call of Duty series has always had iron sights and Battlefield didn't have them in 1942 or Vietnam.

Stavros Dimou

New member
Mar 15, 2011
The wrong thing is that as you said some people say that whatever doesn't have iron sights is bad
No! It's not bad,and neither the opposite can be said.
Both games with iron sights and without can be good and modern.
You see there isn't something like a new ultra absolute perfect panacea feature came and wiped out the bad old one.. No sir!
Actually the choice of including iron sights or not is as important to gameplay as if a game will have health regeneration or not.
It's a gameplay changer,but the fact that iron sights are more popular these days doesn't mean they are better than aiming without zoom.
Actually it's a matter of personal taste,and we can't say that something is better than something else,because we LIKE better something over something else.
And I know many people that don't have a preference and like both games with or without.

To answer the question on the title of this thread,no it won't necessarily break it for me.
Because I'm from the people that will enjoy both games without (e.g. RTCW,Quake) and with (Crysis,S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
I like ironsights in my games where I want to immerse myself in a warzone which feels like it's taking place in real-life such as Arma, Rainbow Six, Call of Duty, or Battlefield. I want hip-shooting when the game is about chaotic fun such as Team Fortress 2 or Serious Sam. Playing a game taking place in Afghanistan such as Medal of Honor wouldn't feel right to me if I was hip firing at mujaheddin 300 meters away behind a rock. The precision might be the same, but it would feel jarring and would break immersion.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Phlakes said:
Bags159 said:
TheYellowCellPhone said:
For uber realistic games like COD or Battlefield, yes, but for unrealistic games like TF2 or Unreal Tournament, no.
>uber realistic

This is a joke right? You're not serious? Please tell me you don't really think COD is "uber realistic"; maybe it is compared to TF2, but it's not realistic.

It's realistic FOR A GAME. It's relative. It's set in the very near future of the real world, it has real weapons, no weird art style, etc. It's not even close to real war, but that's because it isn't real.
Technically Black Ops is set in the past....just sayin'

OT:I don't mind having Iron sights. I mean, I really liked Doom 2......Think about that one for a minute will you.....

But I agree with a lot of people on here in that, it is one of those tiny things that change the gameplay a LOT. I also feel like it's kind of a console thing, in that, with a gamepad, you NEED to sometimes slow down your cursor if you want to have any chance of landing a hit, especially on a moving target. It's less useful on the PC's where we the master race are used to precise snap shooting.

All of that being said, do I miss Half Life's cool alternate fire mode's? Yes. Very much so. I want my plasma ball that incinerates 3 guards in a row......:(

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
It would be wierd not to have iron sights. I use both ways of shooting but if someone is far off then iron sights are nice.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Iron Sights are just my targeting reticule until I get a feel for the gun. And most of the time, they just get in the way (I loathe the Iron Sights for most of the guns in MW2 >.>)
They're nice for precision at times, but I don't buy a game based on whether it has Iron Sights or not.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
It's not a deal breaker but I always feel like something is missing if I can't aim down the sights. It's an immersion thing for me, I guess. It makes it feel more like "I'm looking through the character's eyes" and less "I'm a camera mounted to his head."

A game without the sights feels a bit like those helmet-camera videos of soldiers. You're floating somewhere above the protag's eye-line, not seeing what they see.

That said, I'm fine with having them in more tactical games and fine with the absence in more arcadey jaunts. Iron sights in UT would be.... jarring.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
Raiyan 1.0 said:
While I've been giving certain FPS <url=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.284431-Poll-Does-this-trend-in-new-FPS-games-annoy-you#11200235>design decisions a thought lately, I came across several people talking about their issues with iron sights. One guy in particular was saying that if Half Life 3 is released, it should add iron sights as otherwise it would feel antiquated and lacking. Which is curious as never have I felt that Half Life or its numerous excellent mods (Counter Strike, The Specialist, Opera, Action Half Life) actually needed iron sights.

I don't mind iron sights, really, and I can jump right into any of the newer iterations of CoD, BF or MoH and feel right at home. But while playing CS 1.6 the other day at a LAN party after a long time, I kind of remembered what I miss in modern military shooters - mobility while shooting. I did a fair share of strafing and bunny hopping while shooting in CS to make myself a harder target to hit, which I almost never do in CoD (unless I'm using a shotgun) or BF because your movement is restricted with your sights up.

While iron sights are a commendable feature for some (mostly tactical) manshoots (it was a welcome addition in New Vegas), I say bring on some FPS titles without it. This is precisely the reason I'm waiting for <url=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/108908-New-Hawken-Trailer-Will-Blow-You-Away>Hawken, which doesn't involve standing around during the shooty bits but a quite a large amount of dodging, running, circle strafing and jumping (let's face it guys, it isn't exactly Mech Warriors). I know I'll be playing UT2k4 for our next party.

From a purely gameplay perspective, what's your view on iron sights?

Dunno whether it has been done before, the search results are giving me a 404 error for some reason...

Edit: Shit, where's my poll? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO IT ESCAPIST? O_O
I don't care much one way or the other. Though I'd rather not have them in Half-Life as I like that the way it is. On the same note I'd not have them populate the gameworld with waist high walls and add cover mechanics. :D

Also: Manshoots? Read a lot of RPS, eh?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Unreal Tournament? No.
Swat 4? Yes.

It really does depend on the type of game.

If They put Iron Sights in Unreal Tournament? I'd rage for a while, then play without using them.

If they removed Iron Sights in Rainbow six? Meh, I'd be a little iffy, but I'd deal with it.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
teh_gunslinger said:
Manshoots? Read a lot of RPS, eh?
And why wouldn't I? :)

Still trying to shoehorn in 'cars wot go fast' in one of my posts.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
It's like jumping or sprinting, you may not need it, but as soon as you notice it's gone, it bothers you the whole time.

What annoys me is how inaccurate hipfire is. Aiming down the sights makes it easier to control and aim the weapon, but not doing so wouldn't make shots go completely wild from ten feet away like in Cod. I think BFBC2 has the best system in this regard.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Realism =/= fun. Besides, you're playing a game and respawning, so it's unrealistic from the start. I will take a fast paced shooter like UT2k4 or Quake Live any day over a campfest like CoD or BF. People often say fast paced shooters are less tactical, but if you have ever played any UT or Quake on a serious level, you would know it requires more skill, brain usage and experience than any other game. And I don't mean any other shooter; I mean any other game.

For example, check out this in depth analysis of a Quake Live duel between two professional gamers. It's like playing chess.