Poll: Can you tell time on a "regular" clock?


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
One thing I have found very fascinating is that I have met multiple people throughout my life who cannot tell time on regular clocks. And by "regular" clocks, I'm talking the ones with the hands and the round faces, like Big Ben.

I personally love analog clocks; in fact I'm sort of starting my own collection here. But I just find it astounding that some people my age (20) could have gone all this time and never learned. So, Escapists, can you tell time on an analog clock?

I'm sorry if this comes across as insulting or demeaning, this sort of thing just fascinates me. I grew up in a small town where everybody went to the same schools, and should have learned the same things. But the fact that so many didn't is just...fascinating.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
I prefer digital greatly, but I can still tell the time on analog. I've never met someone who can't personally.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I takes slightly more processing power, like, an extra second of staring, but yeah. That'd be REALLY bad for somebody who can't, considering a lot of train station clocks/etc are through the manual style clocks.


I'm pretty good. Yourself?
May 11, 2009
My watch is analog. I'd have a bit of trouble if I couldn't. Still, I worry kids these days just aren't bothering to learn, what with the digital displays on their phones and Ipods and watnot...


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I would be very surprised if there are many people who cannot. Most places such as schools and so on still use them. Pretty much all the clocks where I work are analogue.

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
When I was little, I missed the lesson at school that taught us how to tell time and I was always really self concsious about it. So, one day when I was around 10 or so, I sat down, stared at a clock and decided to figure it out for myself, piecing it together with clues of how people speak when telling the time.

It's seems a little silly of me in hindsight.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
deadman91 said:
My watch is analog. I'd have a bit of trouble if I couldn't. Still, I worry kids these days just aren't bothering to learn, what with the digital displays on their phones and Ipods and watnot...
Not a case of "Can't learn"

Some people have what I call clocklexia, for some reason they just have extreme difficulty with understanding analogue faces. One such person is dyslexic too, which probably makes a huge difference.

Though I never say "Quarter to" or anything like that



Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
I much prefer non-digital clocks.
I can't believe, at 20, people would not be able to use one just as efficiently as a digital alternative.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Real wo/men don't need numbers to see what time it is. Sure, it's convenient and easier to see when you are bleary-eyed right after waking up, but real clocks have hands so they can beat up intruders and you don't have to wake up. Or point to the time. Whichever works easier for you.

Snowy Rainbow

New member
Jun 13, 2011
Catchy Slogan said:
When I was little, I missed the lesson at school that taught us how to tell time and I was always really self concsious about it. So, one day when I was around 10 or so, I sat down, stared at a clock and decided to figure it out for myself, piecing it together with clues of how people speak when telling the time.

It's seems a little silly of me in hindsight.
Seems like a smart person wanting to learn. And it's cute ^^

OT: I've been raised in a military family and was taught the importance of punctuation and time management at an early age.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
In our kitchen, mom has a clock that looks like this, only with MUCH smaller numbers:

I can't fucking read that clock, it is so damn hard. >_> I can read regular one's just fine though, but digital are prefered since they're more universal.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Ya it's a bit like riding a bike, if you never have one then you really can't master it, and if you don't use it for a long time it get's tricky using it again.

I have a preference to digital clocks, quicker, simpler and more precise.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I prefer analog and except for my alarm clock, every clock in the house is analog. What I don't like is those with roman numerals that do four wrong. Most clocks put IIII instead of IV. It drives me batty. I don't know why.

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
Snowy Rainbow said:
Catchy Slogan said:
When I was little, I missed the lesson at school that taught us how to tell time and I was always really self concsious about it. So, one day when I was around 10 or so, I sat down, stared at a clock and decided to figure it out for myself, piecing it together with clues of how people speak when telling the time.

It's seems a little silly of me in hindsight.
Seems like a smart person wanting to learn. And it's cute ^^

OT: I've been raised in a military family and was taught the importance of punctuation and time management at an early age.
Thankyou! I was very proud of myself. :D

But I'm not that smart. I just have my moments of determined stubborness.

Snowy Rainbow

New member
Jun 13, 2011
Catchy Slogan said:
Snowy Rainbow said:
Catchy Slogan said:
When I was little, I missed the lesson at school that taught us how to tell time and I was always really self concsious about it. So, one day when I was around 10 or so, I sat down, stared at a clock and decided to figure it out for myself, piecing it together with clues of how people speak when telling the time.

It's seems a little silly of me in hindsight.
Seems like a smart person wanting to learn. And it's cute ^^

OT: I've been raised in a military family and was taught the importance of punctuation and time management at an early age.
Thankyou! I was very proud of myself. :D

But I'm not that smart. I just have my moments of determined stubborness.
It reminds me of my putting the times tables on the back of the toilet door as a kid. I was really bad at maths when I was young and my teacher always did pop-quizzes, so I was determined to learn my multiplication! Every time I went to the bathroom I would read one table a few times. It helped, but I still suck at maths, lol.

*hug for determination winning over straight up skills* :p