Course I can... it's one of those things that you got taught as a kiddywink, and I *know* they still do it because I have a hand in administering whiteboards at a teacher training college... Seems wierd that a person with a normally wired up brain couldn't handle it. I do sort of prefer the analogue version of such things as they're a lot easier and quicker to glance at and get a near instant mental impression of what it's roughly showing you just from the position of one or two large and simple elements, instead of having to properly focus on, read, and comprehend a set of numbers.
I only know one person who can't - at least, who admits they can't - and it's part of a suite of related dyslexic spectrum issues they have. There's an intrinsic disconnect behind the eyes that mean they're almost blind to what the clock face is showing them (I can sympathise, having issues in other areas with a similar basis). They can drive just fine, but have to have a car with a digital speed readout because dial-type speedos are incomprehensible to them, and they immediately downloaded a voice pack which replaced "left" and "right" with "passenger side" and "driver's side" on buying a satnav (another necessity as direction signs can be an issue - they're boned if a diversion is posted)...