Poll: Conservative and Liberal Gamers

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Well I'd say I was conservative considering I haven't bothered to change my computers systems or hardware in 2 years because I'm happy with the many old games that run on it and I really don't care about the new stuff.. I think that soon I will go from conservative to old school when I become about 10 years out of date..


New member
Nov 22, 2010
the reactionary option is missing (concerning the industry and the trends of current AAA titles)


New member
Apr 10, 2011

I don't think 3D and Motion control in their current form are a viable future.
I prefer games without bugs.
I prefer control systems that actually work as opposed to something 'revolutionary'.
The vast majority of my game purchases are AAA games.

And I think this poll is completely and utterly useless due to the political baggage hanging on the terms liberal and conservative. I've trouble thinking of a more inherently biased poll then this one but can't really come up with anything.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
I'm libertarian, then, because I hate DRM but like Indie games. Also Indy games, but I don't see what LucasArts has to do with this. Processor-raping graphics, motion controls, and 3D are a huge waste of time and do little (if anything) to improve the game. I like to see the medium move forward, but not into a dead end.

Looks like to me you just took two political terms and didn't attach any real weight to them. You aren't employed by a major news network, are you?


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I'm surprised even one person fits exactly into one of those categories. Way to specific. I play Call of Duty and Battlefield, but I also play Terraria and I don't mind DRM but I think the current state of motion controls is terrible.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
(I had a massive rant here before I realized that you addressed it in your Edit, but I'd still like to share the following.)

I'll add an option to your poll: Majeretive.

-Dislikes DRM until they stop screwing everyone over to some degree.
-Likes games with personality and immersion.
-Does not care for graphics. (It can have ungodly detail or be text-based)
-Dislikes Motion controls until they are as accurate as standard controllers/mouse.
-Likes changes where more time is spent on improving story and gameplay aspects.

And if you're not Liberal, Conservative or Majeretive. Then create a new one.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I am neither I am a balanced gamer. I see the gain in new technology now ways to think and do things. It is what moves the industry forward.

For the same though I see the worth of 'old fashioned" things. I do buy old consoles with their hit games. Latests I did buy a Sega Mega Drive II with all three sonic for instance. If you don't know your past you don't know your future.

I will enjoy the progression within games as much as how much stays the same. I know the past the now and can predict at least in part the future. For I see the big lines

Politics Schmologitics in the end games are to enjoy us. Noe ExCUUUUSE me Princess while I go go a certain blue hedgehog before he did go on drugs.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Like with most left/right debates, the middle ground is almost always where the truth lies...but you haven't included that option.

I'm liberal Politically, but by your standards (arguably arbitrary as they may be) i'm a "Conservative" gamer.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Xaio30 said:
(I had a massive rant here before I realized that you addressed it in your Edit, but I'd still like to share the following.)

I'll add an option to your poll: Majeretive.
Google has no idea what that word is, and neither do I. Do you mean "Majorative"?


New member
Nov 24, 2010
RagTagBand said:
Xaio30 said:
(I had a massive rant here before I realized that you addressed it in your Edit, but I'd still like to share the following.)

I'll add an option to your poll: Majeretive.
Google has no idea what that word is, and neither do I. Do you mean "Majorative"?
Ah, sorry. My last name is Majere so i made that word up to symbolize my own opinions.

That's Funny

New member
Jul 20, 2009
As a gamer I'm liberal, politically, while I dislike conservatism in politics, I like to keep an open mind when voting.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I favor conservative gaming so I voted that.

I'm in favor of change in the gaming world though. I've no plans to buy a 3D tv or get any motion control system beyond the Wii. That said, I do feel that motion controlled gaming at imes improves over traditional...it simply needs the time to be perfected.

Tommeh Brownleh

New member
May 26, 2011
While I dislike motion controls, its not because they harm the medium as a whole, they've just yet to immerse me in the way that a good old fashioned Keyboard+Mouse or 360 controls have. I like 3D, (I use my 3ds a LOT) Indie games are typically the games to embrace new ideas and try new things, and I like that, I actually enjoyed Mirror's Edge not because of the quality, but because it was a new idea. Color me liberal.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
i'm a gaming anarchist. when it comes to gaming, i'm anti-corporate, anti-government intervention and seek to uproot the vested power structure currently controlling the industry. i support innovation, the indie (D.I.Y.) development culture, and most of all freedom. according to the arbitrary categories set forth in the OP, i'm mostly liberal but i utterly despise DRM.

it's not the OP's fault though. That's the inherent problem of trying to divide people into binaries based on their views. there are more than two sides to virtually any issue.

oh, and for what it's worth, i'm fairly progressive when it comes to politics in general.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
RagTagBand said:
Like with most left/right debates, the middle ground is almost always where the truth lies...but you haven't included that option.

I'm liberal Politically, but by your standards (arguably arbitrary as they may be) i'm a "Conservative" gamer.
My definition is not arbitrary. Every part of my definition of conservative gamer comes from the fact that the conservative gamer seems to dislike to change to his/her medium.