Poll: Consoles should be FREE!!!!!!


New member
Mar 4, 2009
I've bought more in games than I ever had in consoles, so no. Sure this would be good for people who only pick up a few games (or someone who then only rents, cheats the system, and causes the companies to lose even more cash), but people like me who pick up a lot of games over the course of the console's lifetime will very soon spend more than they would have otherwise. Also people would buy a lot less new games I'd bet, as it's hard enough to justify the sort of gamble buying new is at the current price.

In the end, this could only hurt the industry.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Or consoles could have a set price that way I don't pay $5,000 for it in the long run. See where this train derails?


New member
May 11, 2009
Baby Tea said:
Avaholic03 said:
As with any manufactured product, the longer you make it the lower the cost is, so you can lower the price and still make money.
But they lose money on each console sold.
Even with the lower production costs, they still lose money.
Maybe at first they do (while they saturate the market with their consoles and make it worthwhile for game developers to buy licenses), but in the long term the idea is for production costs to eventually fall below market value so they make some profit. This is really the first console generation where that isn't true after the first year or two of production. And that's only because of the disparity between pricing of the HD consoles and the Wii, which forced Sony and MS into a bad position.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
ObsessiveSketch said:
I'm surprised at the results of this poll. If you got a free PS3, you would have to buy 15 games before that money you saved is offset. Can the average Escapist member not do math?

Uh, no.
He suggests 20 dollars per game more. Meaning the games would be 80 piece.

80 x 15 = 1200

Current PS3 cost = 300

Let's not even begin to look at current gen games, which give you about 10 hours max of single player gameplay (THAT MEANS YOU METRO 2033)

80 dollars for 7-10 hours of entertainment?

Tehlanna TPX

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Things are fine the way they are. People should stop expecting to get something for nothing (or at an extremely reduced rate). There are people out there that work hard to craft consoles, and others who work hard to make the games. They deserve to be paid for their talents.

And yes every word up there is subject to interpretation and opinion (talent-less, etc).


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Crayzor said:
But the companies making the consoles aren't the ones who are making the games...
Nintendo still makes games to this day and has a few first an second party companies. Mircosoft does less and relies more on other first and second party developers and Sony, to my knowledge, only does the hardware stuff and relies completely on other developers. So, your statement would really only be half right.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I would do what MI5 did, get a sh*tload of ps3s (fat ones) connect them all together into a huge linux running supercomputer, which you can use to break peoples online passwords, see, in this plan i bought no games, and robbed the company of thousands of dollars, sounds like a win win for me. and the bluray bits i can turn into lazer pointers, to sell for pure profit, because i didnt pay for it.

And the with the money i made, i can buy a shotgun and a cannon and shot wii's out of the air for my own amusement while my supercomputer gets me dominance of the world which i can enjoy from my yaught made entirely from x360's and gameboys, and of course recline on my gamecube chair playing my snes.


New member
Jan 12, 2010


Stupid, stupid idea. And we have 3 pages to prove it.

on second look, no, there's a bunch of people who don't understand a damned thing about the gaming industry at all. Not one little bit.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Avaholic03 said:
Baby Tea said:
But they lose money on each console sold.
Even with the lower production costs, they still lose money.
Maybe at first they do (while they saturate the market with their consoles and make it worthwhile for game developers to buy licenses), but in the long term the idea is for production costs to eventually fall below market value so they make some profit. This is really the first console generation where that isn't true after the first year or two of production. And that's only because of the disparity between pricing of the HD consoles and the Wii, which forced Sony and MS into a bad position.
No no, they are still losing money.
No money is being made with each console sold.

The idea is to get the money back in licensing fees with each game sold, so less then zero money is made on each console.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
I am fine with paying upwards of $300 for a console. I don't buy games anymore, anyway; not with sites like gameaccess and gamefly out there. What I *would* like to see, is some friggin technology that doesn't lag, doesn't glitch, and doesn't sound like a turbo on a Mack winding up. My dvd player doesn't lag when I watch movies for a couple hours on a lazy sunday in the dead of winter. My tv doesn't hum when all the action on-screen picks up. I realize there is a lot more going in trying to process all the information, but shouldn't we have this perfected by now? My SNES, 64, GameCube, Sega never acted like that. "Game won't play." "Blow on it." "That worked." As graphics, sound, and gameplay immersion advanced, why did the console not? PCs have. I can now buy a brand new gaming laptop with dual fans, a design specifically to keep the thing cool, and overclock ability for hours. What's goin' on Microsoft and Sony?


New member
Jan 18, 2010
If you payed an extra 20 dollars a game, you would eventually end up paying more in extra cash than the console would cost.

The Undoer

New member
Sep 13, 2009
It's expensive, but so is any hobby. Besides where do Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo get the money in this? Admittedly Nintendo get it from Mario, Zelda, and all that shizzayum, but Sony would be left in the dumps and so would Microsoft. Not saying they need the money, but they won't get far with out it, think about what your asking here, they give away expensive hardware, for free. And get nothing?

I hate the fact they cost a lot (for a teenager), and I'd love them to be free, but it isn't going to happen, so until then I'll be happy with my mediocre PC.

Also, why do people have to do the go'damn stupid poll questions? grawh.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Eclectic Dreck said:
So you advocate that a company give away a product at a loss of hundreds of dollars in the hopes that the average customer will buy the dozens of games it takes to make up the difference and turn a profit? I'm pretty sure that's an unsound idea.
I believe the entire po
jFr[e said:
(I am not trying to start a revolt or encourage piracy in any way. I am just a gamer that would eather like cheaper consoles or far cheaper games.
I don't mean to sound complainy or whiny I just wish someone would do something!!!)
In no way am I saying we should do this, but it makes for good conversation!!!

Consoles sholud be free. As extream as that sounds... it's true. Think about it for a minute. At $300 a PS3 Slim is not cheap (though cheper that a PS3 once was) a Wii... $220 at least Xbox arcade packs are only $200, but still! After that inicial price, come game after game after game all startin upwards of $50.00s (except for chepo Wii titles which should be illigal [I'm kidding]). This is where the free consle idea lies.... the games. If companies offer consoles for free via EB game or Best Buy pick up or mail... whatever and charged an aditional $20.00 on a game, that would pay for the console.
Say the average gamer owns 10 games (low as that is) that becomes $200.00s in console revenue.
Some people own 30 games... $600.00s additional revenue for free consoles. The only company that may get bitten by this would be Nintendo as there are A LOT of Wiis in seniors homes where all they play is Wii Sports.
To prevent multple consoles being given to the same person, they could implement a complexe registration prosess that would ensure one console per person.
There you go.... Consoles should be free (this does exclude PCs and MACs as that would be imposible to do).
Make sense? What do you think?

Hmmm, well I can see it happening but not for a while.

I understand where your coming from unlike many though. The industry does claim that they sell their consoles at a loss (except for Wii) and what your talking about is basically selling them for an even bigger loss.

The thing is though that with games already costing $60 a pop, I think making them say $80 a pop would do more damage than the one time payment of a couple hundred dollars that defers their cost. Truthfully I think that extra $20 makes a BIG differance.

I expect something similar will happen eventually though, but I suspect it will be done as a move towards globalization. It won't be towards the end of our human generation though if we ever see it.

A lot of science fiction authors have predicted the idea of access to information becoming an inalienable human right, and one catered to by corperations if not goverments. This was one of the themes of "Cyberpunk" and works like "Max Headroom" even if they also (well mostly) focused on the down side.

The idea being that by providing everyone with free access to a global network, which we will call "Vidnet" for no better generic term, it allows the relatively easy tracking of the population as well as piping information directly to every single person on the planet, allowing goverments and corperations to advertise easily, distribute propaganda, and of course sell products to everyone within a single format.

Given how cheap mass production might get, giving everyone the equivilent of a Ipad at least for free would probably be made up by the numbers.

While it's very retro, for the right atmosphere think of say "Max Headroom" where they would show pictures of bums who had televisions all over their squats, even if they had nothing else. That's pretty much the right idea (and was tied in to some absolutly pitch black humor).

I won't go into the details, but the bottom line is that I can see it as a possibility, and science fiction writers have predicted a lot of things going on now fairly accuratly.

Of course the reason why this is relevent to game consoles, is because as much as I dislike it (for reasons related to where this can go) is that I feel all vidnet receptors will effectively be game consoles along with everything else. Sort of like what services like Onlive want to try and do.

Though basically we're dealing with this happening in steps, and basically the biggest one before it goes here will be enough corperate mergers and such that some of the current monopolies effectively break up a bit, and everyone decides that instead of competing over format it's better to establish a universal, global format, and compete purely on content and manufacturing frills. Once that establishes itself, arguements like the ones over the "digital divide" will lead to it becoming viewed as a nessecity, at which point you'll gradually get to the point of socialized distribution for "humanitarian" reasons which will also put ridiculous amounts of power into the hands of those who control that technology and can track it. Imagine having every person from the meanest homeless dude, to the most successful politician effectively "bugged" because they are all dependant on the same tool/system. Plenty of stories about it.

Not saying it WILL happen, just saying I can see it happening down the road, and based on some other predictions, it actually seems fairly likely even if it seems outlandish to people now. :p


New member
Jan 11, 2010
I think the current system works just fine. It is a good balance between game cost and console cost.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
Your idea is ultimately flawed. You would have 300 million Americans with consoles and only 100 million using them. Even then you would have 50 million using them as dvd players and the other 50 million actually buying games. At this point, game prices would have to skyrocket way past the $15-$20 to survive. We would be looking at games costs increasing by $90-$120 at that point.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
First off, if nobody's said it yet: Welcome to the Escapist.

Now, let's get down to business. Your idea sort of makes sense in theory, but the thing is: People will never do something like this. You're not guaranteed that people will purchase enough games to make up for the cost of producing a console, and that's usually not the sort of bet companies are willing to take.


It stands for several things
May 7, 2008
Free Blu-Ray player? Why thankyou.

No. If you examine the economic arguement of supply and demand, when you make something have no opportunity cost AKA free, nearly everybody will want it, and production will never keep up. The games revenue will fall since there will those who get a console and then decide that they don't like games that much, or it'll be rotting the kids' brains. And then you're hurting the loyal consumer who's got the giant collection of games. Your model recovers cost at 8-12 titles; many people play a lot more than that.